:-Xi want to be clear on this::: newbies can post up to 9 posts per days right? so on the first day when i first became a member i was so excited and stayed up posting 9 posts (the max for newbies..) and then 2 days later i tried posting another 9 more posts by it wouldnt let me post, after another day it finally let me post but only 5. And today i can post. I didnt just post anything i post about payments and in-need of help about fusioncash, it's not anything "waste-of-time" just a bunch of helps and commented on other memeber's threads if i find it interesting that i want to share my opinion(s). i dont know but today, this ONE is my 3rd post so far and i think have only 4 more post?? then im done, not even 9 post..
So is this how the newbies suppose to "experience"?..becasue we're nebies and we are limited?? i'm not sure how all this suppose to work but i am trying to learn cause sometimes when i tried to "start" a "new" topic [i dont want to just JUMP in the reply and change the subject]about some helps when i browse through and reading the FQAs more than 10 times my questions aren''t answer. And believe it or not i always spent at least 15 minutes searching for the "reply" button and the "start new topic" button. It's so hard to find them, lol

..but i am getting use to spending 15 minutes looking for them..which im gonna say "wastes my time" when i can really read the other posts/thread.
NO im not mad or *bleep* for not finding it, i just dont like how i have to go throught he same steps; like going back and forth the same page and scrolling up and down just to find one simple button..lolssss
