Ok, I just recently started using my toolbar search feature, and while I am enjoying my extra few cents, it sorta worries me every time I hit my maximum.
They say to search naturally and for things you're interested in. Well, recently I decided I'd learn more words, so I started keeping track of words that I hear or see that I don't know the definition. I've also started looking up phrases that I want to know the mean too, like "three sheets to the wind" and the like.
My concern is that I basically do all my searches at once so I don't need to spend so much time online. I normally wait a minute or two between searches cause I'm reading about the term/phrase I just looked up, but I'm wondering if doing all these searches will cause invalid searches.
Most of these paid to search things say to search naturally and wait between searches, but that doesn't really specify anything. Plus, sometimes, when I'm searching things on google, I have to refine my search to get the answer I'm looking for, so I end up searching the same few terms repeatedly until I reach the result I wanted. If I search those on the toolbar, will those get flagged, despite them being my normal search habit and being a natural search?
Does anyone here do all their searches around the same time? Or, if you have a lot of things to search, do you try to stagger them throughout the day?
I'm trying to understand the best way to do this to avoid having any issues. I read some of the other threads about this but most of them are about things to search, not necessarily how much time we should wait between searches.