Dear God:
Comfort my Uncle Don, Mckayla, Josh, Bobby's family, and Amy for they have all lost someone dear to them. If the Sandy Hook shooting was real, comfort those who lost a loved one. Help my daughter's wrist heal properly. Give me the strength to be bold, fearless, and help me bless everyone I come into contact today in a creative way. Help me refrain from gossip and help me be who you want me to be. Break my heart for what breaks yours.
Keep my family safe today. May we all grow to live an old age and die a painless death. May my fiance and I die together so we never have to experience the hurt of losing one another. Help my daughter fight her cold and my fiance his body aches. Sometime before my fiance dies bring him to you - he is very against you and will need a miracle to believe. I want my kids to know you, whether through me or through someone else, as long as they know you that's all I care about.
I want to be an amazing mom, fiance, friend, and person in general today. I want people to point me out in a crowd and say they can tell I'm a christian by the way I'm acting. Put it on every Christians heart to be all that they can be today so that together we can change the world. If you could help one extra person today that wasn't in your plans, whether stopping a theft or preventing a miscarriage, please do that for me.
Thank you for making me pretty / giving me self esteem, my tablet, for blessing me with way more than I need, for 2 vehicles, for a job, a roof over my head, and food on the table. Thank you for keeping me safe before I knew you because I think things could have been a lot worse had you not been watching over me. I love the creative way you teach me and love every lesson. The best thing that ever happened to me was the day you came into my life and I will repay you by living for you every day.
If you want me to get that job, let me, if not, I know you have a reason, and that applies to everything I've prayed for today. Give me the right words for my blog to bring people to it and to you through it. If you want me to make money with my blog, that would be good, if not, I know you have a reason. I will donate 10% to whoever you put on my heart, whether it be a penny or $1,000. I know that with you today is going to be great.
Give me patience when needed and efficiency when needed. I want today to be a productive day. I love you and thank you for everything you do. In Jesus name, Amen.