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Topic: Revealing When Christ Is Coming Back!  (Read 12746 times)


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Re: Revealing When Christ Is Coming Back! {if you guessed never, you win}
« Reply #105 on: October 29, 2012, 02:47:36 pm »
It doesn't matter since, (if such a thing occurs), various zombie flicks have demonstrated how to put those zombies down.
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: Revealing When Christ Is Coming Back!
« Reply #106 on: October 29, 2012, 04:23:37 pm »
I'm so glad to see some one on FC who really belives that Jesus Christ is coming back. So many people have forgotten about the return of Christ. But, let's lift this truth up and warn people about it.

If you read the end of Mathew,Jesus NEVER said he was leaving.He would be with us ALL the days till the end of this system of things.
Jesus has left the Holy Spirit with us to comfort us.  He is in Heaven and will come again. In John 14:2, Jesus says (KJV,)  "In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."   John 14:3 continues, (NLT,) "When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am."

And Jesus says in John 10 :16 that he has other sheep which are NOT of this fold.

The meek shall inherit the earth

The righteous will possess the earth

The earth stands till time indefinite
Have you studied John 10?  The "other sheep" which are NOT of this fold are from the Jewish church, from Israel:

"He (Jesus) is acquainted with those that are hereafter to be of this flock (John 10:16): Other sheep I have, have a right to and an interest in, which are not of this fold, of the Jewish church; them also I must bring. Observe,

[a.] The eye that Christ had to the poor Gentiles. He had sometimes intimated his special concern for the lost sheep of the house of Israel; to them indeed his personal ministry was confined; but, saith he, I have other sheep. Those who in process of time should believe in Christ, and be brought into obedience to him from among the Gentiles, are here called sheep, and he is said to have them, though as yet they were uncalled, and many of them unborn, because they were chosen of God, and given to Christ in the counsels of divine love from eternity. Christ has a right, by virtue of the Father’s donation and his own purchase, to many a soul of which he has not yet the possession; thus he had much people in Corinth, when as yet it lay in wickedness, Acts 18:10. “Those other sheep I have,” saith Christ, “I have them on my heart, have them in my eye, am as sure to have them as if I had them already.”

Now Christ speaks of those other sheep, First, To take off the contempt that was put upon him, as having few followers, as having but a little flock, and therefore, if a good shepherd, yet a poor shepherd: “But,” saith he, “I have more sheep than you see.” Secondly, To take down the pride and vain-glory of the Jews, who thought the Messiah must gather all his sheep from among them. “No,” saith Christ, “I have others whom I will set with the lambs of my flock, though you disdain to set them with the dogs of your flock.”

[b.] The purposes and resolves of his grace concerning them: “Them also I must bring, bring home to God, bring into the church, and, in order to this, bring off from their vain conversation, bring them back from their wanderings, as that lost sheep,” Luke 15:5. But why must he bring them? What was the necessity? First, The necessity of their case required it: “I must bring, or they must be left to wander endlessly, for, like sheep, they will never come back of themselves, and no other can or will bring them.” Secondly, The necessity of his own engagements required it; he must bring them, or he would not be faithful to his trust, and true to his undertaking. “They are my own, bought and paid for, and therefore I must not neglect them nor leave them to perish.” He must in honour bring those with whom he was entrusted.

[c.] The happy effect and consequence of this, in two things:—First, “They shall hear my voice. Not only my voice shall be heard among them (whereas they have not heard, and therefore could not believe, now the sound of the gospel shall go to the ends of the earth), but it shall be heard by them; I will speak, and give to them to hear.” Faith comes by hearing, and our diligent observance of the voice of Christ is both a means and an evidence of our being brought to Christ, and to God by him. Secondly, There shall be one fold and one shepherd. As there is one shepherd, so there shall be one fold. Both Jews and Gentiles, upon their turning to the faith of Christ, shall be incorporated in one church, be joint and equal sharers in the privileges of it, without distinction. Being united to Christ, they shall unite in him; two sticks shall become one in the hand of the Lord. Note, One shepherd makes one fold; one Christ makes one church. As the church is one in its constitution, subject to one head, animated by one Spirit, and guided by one rule, so the members of it ought to be one in love and affection, Eph. 4:3-6."

Matthew Henry's Commentary


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Re: Revealing When Christ Is Coming Back!
« Reply #107 on: November 08, 2012, 02:13:10 am »
There are five reasons why Christ has to return:

(1) - Jesus must come back because of the promises of the Old Testament that have yet to be fulfilled. Scores of prophecies were fulfilled concerning His First Coming. But some prophecies still remain to be fulfilled. For example, the Scripture says, "The government shall be upon his shoulder. ... Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever."(Isaiah 9:6-7)

That Scripture has not been fulfilled. The government is not yet upon His shoulder.  Jesus did not bring world peace in His First Coming, nor did He bring world justice. But He will bring it the second time, because the Scripture teaches that all prophecies will be fulfilled. (Ezekiel 12:23-28).

In Micah the prophet says, "They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."(Micah 4:3) Consider the wars that are being fought now. Some day, however, people will make spears into pruninghooks, and nations will not lift up swords against nations. Why? Because the Prince of Peace is coming back--He's going to be the world ruler.

There is no fact to this at all.. merely "prochecy" .. by that logic all prochecies must come true which is not true. Furthermore, if jesus coming back means world peace and no war, are you implying that his return would mean the end of sin? that no one no matter how evil would strike against another? Everyone would just stop thinking and acting like themselfs? That is absurd.

*(2) - Jesus Christ has to return because of His own statements. He is absolute truth. The Bible says, "For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."(Matthew 24:27) This prophecy has yet to be fulfilled, but I believe it will be, because He said it.

Jesus didn't lie to us. He said, "I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."(John 14:2-3) The Lord Jesus Himself is coming back! That's how much He loves us. He gives us a new life here, but He also has a great plan for the future. For eternity!

The Bible says that we are joint heirs with the Lord Jesus Christ and that we will spend eternity with Him. What is He doing now? He is preparing a home for us who love Him. It has been 2,000 years. What a home it must be!
His own statements? You mean alleged statements that someone else (and all men are sinners right?) quoted and wrote down (which then got translated i dont know how many times). And why would it take him 2000 years to create a home for believers while billions and billions died? (and isnt that place already supost to be created, you know heaven were the dead believers are supost to be currently) Dont yall believe god made the earth and everthing on it in a week?? (and I dont even wanna get started right now on how you explain the millions of other planets, suns, ect out there in the universe)

*(3) - Jesus Christ must come back because of the present position of Satan. The devil is the most powerful being in all the world, except for God Himself. The Bible says that the devil is called "the god of this world."(2Corinthians 4:4) That means that he's the director of the false religions and philosophies of the world. Humanity is helpless before him. Mankind is unable to chain him. The churches cannot dethrone him. Legislation is impotent in dealing with the enormous power of evil in the world.

But let's not forget one fact. There is One who is more powerful than Satan is.This One defeated Satan 2,000 years ago on the cross. Satan suffered his greatest defeat at the cross and in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

But the devil is still loose, still in charge of the evil that is in the world: All the  injustices, all the wars, all the crime, all the wickedness, all the terrible things, in the world.

There's only one Person in heaven or on earth who can deal with the devil, and He's coming back to throw Satan into the bottomless pit and ultimately into the lake of fire. Then we will be freed from this terrible pull of evil and the satanic power that has controlled the hearts of people for all these centuries. That's why Christ has to come. He's the only One who can deliver us. And the world is looking for a deliverer.

So everything bad that happens is satan and everything good that happens is god? (how conveniently simple) Well then by what you say in #4, satan is more powerful then god, because alot more bad is happening then good.
You also said "he's the director of the false religions and philosophies of the world." So anyone whos not christian is  controlled by satan? Even the people who dont believe that are wholesome good peaceful people?
And if jesus dieing on the cross defeated satan, and satan is responsible for all the injustices, wars, evil, ect, then why did none of that EVER stop after jesus died on the cross? How do you defeat someone but nothing changes and all the bad keeps on coming without slowing? (including all the other people who also were crusified, before and after jesus was)

*(4) - Jesus Christ must return because of the present chaos in the world--our world is racked with pain, suffering, hunger, war, murder, lust, greed, hate, fraud, corruption. Human government seems to be unsuccessful in dealing with these problems. The world is becoming more and more helpless and hopeless in this technological age. Many sociologists and scientists believe we have the capability to destroy ourselves. And we can.

But the Scripture says, "Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; he will come and save you."(Isaiah 35:4) Jesus Christ will save us and set up His Kingdom of righteousness and glory and peace and justice. And what a world that's going to be! Will you be ready?

The world has ALWAYS been racked with pain, suffering, hunger, war, murder, lust, greed, hate, fraud, corruption - it has been that way before any religion as well as during and after. If he must return because of the current chaos and evil in the world then by that logic, he must have already returned - he didnt though.

*(5) - Jesus Christ must come back because of the dead in Christ--those people who died believing in God and trusting Him. When Jesus comes back, there will be a great resurrection and the believers will be raised from the dead, and the believers who are alive will be caught up in the air to be with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

Why would the dead believers, who yall think are already in heaven, be raised from the dead? To go to heaven a 2nd time with the 'alive believers'?? This one particularly makes no sense.. he must come back because of the people who died believing in him and are already in heaven before he comes back anyways.. ya even in a 'religious logic' that is illogical

Your entitled to your opinions, and so am I. These are mine. I probably could have made better points then I did but Im tired and theres so many holes and flaws that I could be up all night thinking of them.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2012, 02:17:52 am by firestorm420 »


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Re: Revealing When Christ Is Coming Back!
« Reply #108 on: November 08, 2012, 08:45:50 am »
Read Math 24:14

Only 1 sect preaching the good news of the kingdom worldwide and making disciples of people as Jesus foretold.

And remember what Jesus said about christendom after they claimed to have supported him...he said,"i never knew you you workers of lawlessness"

I would suggest many of you examine your religeon with the bible.

So many here support this world and then claim to be xtian.Jesus said "the whole world lies in power of wicked one"Remember satan offered jesus all the kingdoms for an act of worship.


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Re: Revealing When Christ Is Coming Back!
« Reply #109 on: November 08, 2012, 08:50:06 am »
Jesus said also "my kingdom is no part of this world"when on trial.

You cant serve 2 masters...the political system satan has built up and then claim to follow Jesus.

You ask when hes coming.....clearly he says at the end of Mathew "i am with you till the conclusion of this system"


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Re: Revealing When Christ Is Coming Back!
« Reply #110 on: November 08, 2012, 01:23:36 pm »
Mark 13:32-33

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come."

Google JediJohnnie and May the Force be with you!


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Re: Revealing When Christ Is Coming Back!
« Reply #111 on: November 08, 2012, 01:26:06 pm »
Mark 13:32-33

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come." a thief in the night.


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Re: Revealing When Christ Is Coming Back is an exercise in superstition!
« Reply #112 on: November 08, 2012, 01:33:09 pm »
Mark 13:32-33

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come." a thief in the night.

False as a liar in the daylight; such superstitious nonsense is unsubstantiated religious belief, sans evidence.
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: Revealing When Christ Is Coming Back!
« Reply #113 on: November 26, 2012, 03:00:40 pm »
Jesus Christ is soon to return. Many people are waiting and watching for his return. So many others are lost and don't know where their soul is going upon Christ return.


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Re: Revealing When Christ Is Coming Back!
« Reply #114 on: November 26, 2012, 03:14:31 pm »
You can fine a study group, and some church teach on the subject.


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Re: Revealing When Christ Is Coming Back!
« Reply #115 on: November 26, 2012, 03:16:30 pm »
Just saying : the seventh Day Advent does a great job. I just finish their seminar in June 2012.


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Re: Revealing When Christ Is Coming Back!
« Reply #116 on: November 26, 2012, 05:47:38 pm »
Jesus Christ is soon to return. Many people are waiting and watching for his return. So many others are lost and don't know where their soul is going upon Christ return.

...said every single christian through history...


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Re: Revealing When Christ Is Coming Back!
« Reply #117 on: November 26, 2012, 10:03:07 pm »
if you believe in him he can come back anyday if you only believe.

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