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Topic: which is better BRITA WATER or BOILED WATER?  (Read 23167 times)


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Re: which is better BRITA WATER or BOILED WATER?
« Reply #30 on: September 30, 2012, 04:16:43 pm »
I have a point of use water filter on my sink. I buy bottled water only to reuse the bottles after we use the water that came with it. if you use a charcoal filter, those kinds will filter even that taste of chlorine thats added to your drinking water at the source,then it tastes as fresh as if it came from a under ground spring.


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Re: which is better BRITA WATER or BOILED WATER?
« Reply #31 on: September 30, 2012, 04:35:54 pm »
The real problem I have with boiled water is it's hot.  I prefer to drink cold water so if I boil the water I then have to wait for it to cool before drinking.  While the Brita water is more expensive (since you have to keep buying filers, I perfer it because I can drink right there from the sink without wasiting money on a gas/electric bill.


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Re: which is better BRITA WATER or BOILED WATER?
« Reply #32 on: October 02, 2012, 09:50:59 am »
good old tap water  people have lived for centurys on it


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Re: which is better BRITA WATER or BOILED WATER?
« Reply #33 on: October 02, 2012, 11:06:05 am »
Brita water, cause it saves money.


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Re: which is better BRITA WATER or BOILED WATER?
« Reply #34 on: October 02, 2012, 11:47:47 am »
I'm sure brita water is better, but boiled water isn't expensive.


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Re: which is better BRITA WATER or BOILED WATER?
« Reply #35 on: October 03, 2012, 08:48:14 am »
You are talking apples and oranges. Boiling the water kills germs. Filtering the water takes out other impurities. Boil the water let it cool and then filter it. Killing the germs and removing impurities, like chloride, etc.
You are talking apples and oranges. Boiling the water kills germs. Filtering the water takes out other impurities. Boil the water let it cool and then filter it. Killing the germs and removing impurities, like chloride, etc.
"While boiling water...will make the water mostly safe to drink, it does not get rid of chemical pollutants if they are present. Boiling water will not get rid of a bad taste either." "Boiling water gets rid of microbial pests. Filtering water helps gets rid of mineral, chemical, and heavy metal pests. "

"There are four(4) general categories of contaminants in water supplies:

* Biological entities
* Heavy Metals(not related to any rock band)
* Organic Chemicals
* Inorganic chemicals"

i feel brita water is better
because its filtered of its impurities
that remain in the pipes overnight.

So when we drink it its taste better than anything else
just my opinion(brita user)
Brita user too and it taste better as well. But if your town says to boil the water don't use your Brita filter just yet. Boil the water, let it cool then filter it. Since you ask which is better, better for what purpose. Tap water may have impurities, but as long as they are not biological, you will not see any ill effects right away. Depending on where you get your water from, it may smell bad and taste bad as well. But our water supply is pretty good. Read about this if you get a chance, "Gastrointestinal Health Effects Associated with the Consumption of Drinking Water Produced by Point-of-Use Domestic Reverse-Osmosis Filtration Units". Filtering and boiling do different things.
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Re: which is better BRITA WATER or BOILED WATER?
« Reply #36 on: October 03, 2012, 06:20:20 pm »
Boiled water is better to me because its the cleanest water in the world.,Now in days you dont know what you are drinking. :male:

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