I don't know if I have bedbugs, but something bit me and the vampire insect from hell is on my list.
Been reading about BB's on the website BadBedBug.com and it's truly scary that this insect is so tough to irradicate.
How do you know you have them? If they are bad enough you will see them, but they don't like the light so they usually don't come out until 3-4am -- to feast on you when you're in deep sleep.
You normally only realize you have them when you react to their bites. Not every one reacts to their bites, but I think if you are bitten enough, you'll see the results of the bites -- 3 or more in a row or in a triangle shape - that itch like crazy and bloom into pinkish red areas.
If you are infested, and bring in a professional to remove them, there is no guarantee they will be successful and it usually requires several or continuing visits to keep them under control. (and mucho $$) If you live in an apartment or condo, the insecticides may simply drive them into your neighbors dwelling and eventually they will find their way back to you.
So I'm interested in your experiences, your home remedies, successes as well as failures.
I've learn two things in my reading:
1. Bedbugs find you by detecting the CO2 you breathe out.
(So if you move to another room, they'll follow the CO2 trail and move with you.)
2. They don't like the smell of cedar or lavender. Don't know whether the smell messes with their ability to detect CO2 or whether the smell actually repels them.