Several months ago a family member has been fasely accused of something my kin didn't do. This person is in serious risk at going to jail. This soooo sucks! I've been supportive and strong but today that hit the ceiling. I spent the weekend with my kin and kept a brave face. This morning at work one person said "hi how was your weekend?" I lost it. Apparently I've been holding all this in for too long. I don't know what to do. How does a person get through times like these? The evil spawn that started this battle is a very good malipulator (spelling?). It has told lie after lie about my family. My kin's lawyer has advise all to be very careful. Apparently the cops aren't above hassassing us. What happed to innocent until proven guily? I use to defend cops and give them benefit of the doubt because they have a hard job but not anymore. Granted the cops don't know use from adam but they don't know the evil spawn either. When it 1st came into our live we liked it. But after 18 years...I swear I've never met any one soooo evil. It has effect every corner of my family. Financially and most importantly emmotionatly. Stress has a whole new meaning for us. Sorry for all the spelling errors.