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Topic: I hope I am not the only one, who thinks about moving away from my family.  (Read 2020 times)


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I know I am not alone about this.   I would like to pack my bags and move away.    I know I do too much and I should not be this helpful.  When I need help I have to make a fuss very loud for someone care.   :o Please tell me I not the only one who feels like this.  :(


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Dont feel bad.I go through that alot. I am always there when they need me. Do what you have to do that makes you happy. They may wake up and realize how much you helped and they may wake up.  :)


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I'm sure you're probably just a kid, and it always seems like kids get taken advantage of. But later on, you'll realize that that just isn't the case, and they really did need your help. Running away from helping your family isn't always a good idea. Especially because once you move out on your own, you'll have to do ALL the work all the time anyway!


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I feel the same way if it isn't my brother and sister and there family moving in its my husbands brothers, I need a break this has been like this since my son moved out over the last two years.  So you are not alone.
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I was always a big giver and it never was returned or seemingly appreciated, so I give in small ways with nothing expected such as to a person who seems destitute and a dollar means a lot or visiting people in nursing homes who never have anyone visit. I get paid back in spades and the rest of the unappreciative people, family or not, can kiss my behind.


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I've wanted to move away from here for a long, long time. Not so much as disagreement with the family. Just, I want to get out and explore the world.


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I think that feeling is fairly common.  Sometimes people take each other for granted and it's a good idea to make a change.

As a mother there were many, many days when I wanted to give my 2 weeks notice.  Now I live me...

there really was a light at the end of the tunnel.
Have a great day!


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Well remember that although they might anger  you now- when you move away, you can't drive in the car for 10 minutes and see them.
My sister moved to NY, and is getting to move again to PA which is even FARTHER away (10 hrs)
We have always gotten along, but I miss her TERRIBLY. You learn to appreciate your family when they are further away- hang in there and I hope it gets better!


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I'm sure you're probably just a kid, and it always seems like kids get taken advantage of. But later on, you'll realize that that just isn't the case, and they really did need your help. Running away from helping your family isn't always a good idea. Especially because once you move out on your own, you'll have to do ALL the work all the time anyway!
I'm 33 and I moved my family 2 states away from my extended side of the family. THe wife and kids (as well as me) needed to get away from the crazyness. Now we get to chose when we see them, and then we can actually enjoy the time we have with them, instead of looking at the clock and waiting for the time to go.

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