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Topic: Need Answers To These Question/Matters IMMEDIATELY!!!!  (Read 2311 times)


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Need Answers To These Question/Matters IMMEDIATELY!!!!
« on: March 30, 2012, 10:10:49 pm »
To Whom It May Concern:
 I like to know the answers to these matters below which I thought you already received and relised you did not. That matters are below:
 1st: I like to know how straight forward/honest is Fusion Cash? Because I prefer to be paid by Direct Deposit.
 2nd: I like to know if I decide to change my payment method from Check to Direct Deposit, Can I do that if I decide to do that?
 3rd: I prefer to be paid by Direct deposit as I stated. But if I decide to close my account with Fusion Cash, how do i 100% know or what guarantee do I have that Fusion Cash will then 100% destroy my Banks information?
 4th: If I decide to change my payment method from Check and I do not go with Direct Deposit. My 2nd choice would be through my Paypal Account. But I am not sure if going through my Paypal Account or getting check sent to me in the mail which is better? Which do you feel is better if I do not go with Direct Deposit, getting paid through my Paypal Account or getting paid by check sent in the mail?
 5th: What bank are your checks out of, for example Wells Fargo & Etc?
 6th: Are your checks out of a Bank in the United States of America?
Please get back to me on these 6 matters ASAP or if possible Definitely Today!!!!


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Re: Need Answers To These Question/Matters IMMEDIATELY!!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2012, 04:13:32 pm »
Can't answer all of your questions, but will give you info on some:

I use PAYPAL because I use it for many other sites besides FC.  It is easy enough to set up a personal PAYPAL account, but you need to have your PAYPAL account verified for FC to send you your money.  And that takes several days, since PAYPAL sends a couple small deposits to your bank account and you have to tell them the amounts sent in order to verify your account (and you don't have to send the pennies back.)

Being verified means that PAYPAL needs to have either your bank information or a PAYPAL credit card so they know how to get backup funds if you want to withdraw or spend any money from your PAYPAL account.  I've used PAYPAL for several years and have not had any problems with the integrity of that site.

If you are in a hurry to get your cash out request out today, then request a check be sent to you.  I have never done this, but believe the check is sent on or before the 20th of next month so with snail mail you should receive it in 3-5 days there after.

You do need to have at least $25 in your account and at least $15 of that must be from offers.  If eithor of these conditions are not meet, I suspect that the FC system will not allow you to cash out.  Requests made in a given calendar month, if approved, will be paid on or before the 20th of the following month.  (ie Cash out request today, 3/31, means payment on or before 4/20 if the cash out request is approved.)

The proof of payment section in the Forum shows pictures of checks received by members recently that are issued on a bank in San Jose, California.  In 2007, there were check payments issued on Citizens State Bank in Clara City, MN.

I have found FC to be honest and reliable.  I  have had my cash out deposited to my bank account once. When I switched to PAYPAL, I noticed that my bank information was no longer shown so if I ever wanted direct deposit again, I would have to resubmit it.  I have no doubt that FC removed my bank information completely.

You can change your method of payment with each cash out.

You can stop using FC in the future, but I'm not certain that you can delete your account.


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Re: Need Answers To These Question/Matters IMMEDIATELY!!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2012, 05:19:35 pm »
To Whom It May Concern:
 I like to know the answers to these matters below which I thought you already received and relised you did not. That matters are below:
 1st: I like to know how straight forward/honest is Fusion Cash? Because I prefer to be paid by Direct Deposit.
 2nd: I like to know if I decide to change my payment method from Check to Direct Deposit, Can I do that if I decide to do that?
 3rd: I prefer to be paid by Direct deposit as I stated. But if I decide to close my account with Fusion Cash, how do i 100% know or what guarantee do I have that Fusion Cash will then 100% destroy my Banks information?
 4th: If I decide to change my payment method from Check and I do not go with Direct Deposit. My 2nd choice would be through my Paypal Account. But I am not sure if going through my Paypal Account or getting check sent to me in the mail which is better? Which do you feel is better if I do not go with Direct Deposit, getting paid through my Paypal Account or getting paid by check sent in the mail?
 5th: What bank are your checks out of, for example Wells Fargo & Etc?
 6th: Are your checks out of a Bank in the United States of America?

Please get back to me on these 6 matters ASAP or if possible Definitely Today!!!!

1st:  I get paid from direct deposit.  It has never failed.  Usually receive funds by the 20th of the next month. 
2nd:  Look at your account info.  You can change it whenever you need to.  You gotta change it before you cash out at the end of the previous month so the request is for the correct type payment method.  Possibly later, but I wouldn't count on it. 
3rd:  You don't have that guarantee from any company you deal with, either in person, online, or through snail mail.  But companies don't keep defrauding you  usually, do they?  Fusion Cash has been around, and has the best recommendations from many.  I trust them. 
4th:  Direct Deposit seems to be the quickest.  Paypal is secure and snail mail checks will get to you when the post office gets there, a few days past the 20th.  You get an extra buck each month if you post a picture of you payment.  Look around the forum a bit more, and you will have a better awareness of how everything flows here.  It is a trustworthy site.
5th:  Look at the forum under a link where people show a copy of their check for that xtra dollar credit each month.  You will see the name of the bank on some of those. 
6th:  I believe the ones I've seen under that link were from California.  If you are getting paid direct deposit, or paypal, it doesn't really matter...does it?

You seem paranoid.  Don't be.  Relax, watch the tutorial videos that explain the site in more detail.  Make some money.  It's fun. It's free.  If nothing else, it's gas money,.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 05:22:31 pm by d1cheetah »


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Re: Need Answers To These Question/Matters IMMEDIATELY!!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2012, 05:44:47 pm »
I have used paypal from the very beginning and have never had a problem. If you are concerned about your banking information. Paypal is a third  party so they do not share the banking info with FC and from reading through the posts, it tends to hit the accounts maybe 1 or 2 days faster than mailed out checks. Many banks are slow to credit direct deposits they may show the funds as pending on the day they are received and then release them as fully usable funds the next day, this of course is something that FC can not control. The other issues have been addressed by other on here, you should spend some time researching through the forums and you will learn something new each time usually. Good luck .


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Re: Need Answers To These Question/Matters IMMEDIATELY!!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2012, 06:45:39 pm »
thank you for asking those questions it helped me alot


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Re: Need Answers To These Question/Matters IMMEDIATELY!!!!
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2012, 11:52:04 pm »
Direct Deposit is my ultimate way to get paid from FC


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Re: Need Answers To These Question/Matters IMMEDIATELY!!!!
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2012, 06:06:38 am »
As others said, I use paypal.  I have been a paypal user for a number of years, and their security is topnotch!  I am able to transfer money from there to my bank account and it is in my account two working days later.  There has never been a problem and my personal information has never been compromised.
Fusion cash is also above board and not in the habit of selling or lending your personal information to anyone.  Having been a member here for a year now, I can say without hesitation I trust Fusion Cash fully with my information.  They are legitimate.  Any problems are dealt with thoroughly and expediently.  You couldn't ask for more.
End the suffering!  Get your cats - and all strays and ferals - spayed and neutered!


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Re: Need Answers To These Question/Matters IMMEDIATELY!!!!
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2012, 08:29:19 am »
I can not answer any questions regarding direct deposit because I use PayPal.

It seems like you have some concerns about Fusion Cash, like is it legit. That was one of my early concerns in the beginning when I was new. I have now been with Fusion cash over 2 years and have cashed out about 10 times.  The first time I cashed out, I requested a check. It was a good check drawn on a United States bank. it did not bounce. From then on, I went with PayPal and have received 7 or 8 payments to PayPal. I have always been paid on or before the 20th of the month. It has always been on time or early.

Fusion Cash is a legit site. it is a good site. I  :heart: it and so do most of the other members.  :thumbsup:

Personally, I do not like giving out my bank information to anyone. I highly recommend using PayPal. I transferred some money from PayPal to my bank account last month. it was simple to do and it took about three business days.

Welcome to FC!   :wave:


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Re: Need Answers To These Question/Matters IMMEDIATELY!!!!
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2012, 08:37:11 am »
Seems like you would be more comfortable with a check. Does not take that long to receive it, a few days maybe. That's what I use. As for FC itself, seems legit in all respects. Way to go FC!


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Re: Need Answers To These Question/Matters IMMEDIATELY!!!!
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2012, 04:45:33 pm »
I also questioned the validity of FC and chose to cash out as soon as I was able. I did get mine via snail mail and was pleasantly surprised when the check came in the mail one day out of the blue. (I had forgotten all about it) I am now getting over a serious illness and back in the swing of things...and will be waiting to cash out as long as they will allow me to so as to save the money for x-mas shopping!
I too am leary about givin my bank info out over the internet, I have a paypal I use for online shopping and paying bills but dont use it for FC cuz its linked to my bank account.


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Re: Need Answers To These Question/Matters IMMEDIATELY!!!!
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2012, 03:53:37 pm »
I am glad to see that there were a good number of responses to help you in your determination. I personally still prefer PayPal because it is an outside third which to me adds another layer of protection if you will. It is interesting to read different view points and reasons why people prefer the methods they do. We are actually very lucky that FC makes so many delivery methods available to us. Other similar sites restrict to only one or possibly two choices and that is it! Continued success.


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Re: Need Answers To These Question/Matters IMMEDIATELY!!!!
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2012, 05:06:07 pm »
When  I first started with FC, I was a non believer. I received checks the first couple of times I cahsed out, I then went to direct deposit, which worked great as well. I am now having all my earnings put into my paypal account. I use it as a savings, I try to not take any money out unless I have to. I then have extra cash at Christmas time to help with the gifts I give. They all work out well, you just need to decide what your needs are and go with it.
As far as your bank account info goes, FC can only deposit, not withdraw so no worries there. Hope this helped some. Good Luck to you.

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