Welcome to FC! Yes you do get paid for making comments in the forums, but make sure you follow the rules as to how you get paid. Some of the major things to be aware of... Make sure your comments are relevant and continue on with the main discussion. Some of the threads have something like "Which season do you like better, Winter or Summer?"; if you do decide to answer I'd suggest not just giving a one word answer "Summer" but rather give a few reasons why you like summer better. This will be more meaningful to the discussion than just the one word answer. Also make sure you fill out the form before the end of the month. Click on the link at the top that says "Are you getting paid to post yet?" and then click on the green "forum bonus request form". On this form you can see how many posts you've made this month (although it is just a number and not a statement of if all posts will be counted as a valid post in terms of relevant discussion etc.), a list of these posts that you can easily reference, and 3 text-boxes that need to be filled out and entered to receive credit. One final tip about getting paid to comment: your comments don't need to be tread starters. Your replies to other's posts also count toward your monthly total. For example this post that I am typing will count as one for April's forum bonus for me. Thus you don't need to spam a bunch of threads that aren't really interesting or are just the same question but asked in different ways -- for example "Do you like spaghetti?", "What pasta do you like to eat?", "Yummy Italian Food" are all essentially the same, and it gets annoying to see that the original poster (OP) is the same person (it just looks like the person is trying to rack up posts instead of leading to actual discussions, and they many not get counted).