martin luther king wanted people to get along with people of other races...
he wanted the jim crow laws in the south repealed...
that is about it. so yes his dream has been achieved.
as for the so called discrimination that some minorities talk about, they have NO idea what they are talking about in the slightest bit. the world is a competitive place and *anyone* other than you will try to keep you down. when youre kept down by a white person and you complain about it then it is just an excuse because you lost, youre basically a sore loser... I mean think about it, what if someone of your own race/ethnicity applied for the same job or scholarship or whatever as you? do you think they would roll over and just be like "you worked really hard, i think i'll just give up and let you have it."? hell no. but that is actually what white people nowadays are expected to do (well its actually done for them behind their backs in the name of diversity, but u get the point).
as for housing because that was a big deal back then. nowadays it is integrated, i see whites and non whites living together all the time. although i have noticed that blacks alot of the time self segregate themselves and then blame whites for keeping them down. but actually there is no reason for that, even if they stay segregating themselves, their neighborhoods could be very nice if they took initiative and took care of them, but whenever i have hung out with them in their neighborhoods *most* of them acted like they didnt care in the slightest bit (not that a blame them though cuz if 97% of people dont care then why should the other 3% care?).
discrimination against whites is rampant nowadays, not in a way that affects them everyday but manifests itself in the way people treat them basically in these ways:
1: white people are *inherently* racist and responsible for slavery, adolf hitler, the apartheid, and just about everything bad you can think of. but arabs sold slaves to them, blacks captured other blacks and sold them to whites, so called hispanics had slaves too (although technically they were white spaniards so i probably shouldnt count that), adolf hitler was bad cant argue that but he is not white people he was adolf hitler *a* white man, the apartheid might have been needed since look whats happening to the whites in south africa today, they are being killed off, and whites have contributed many *great* things to the world that some people tend to overlook nowadays.
2: white people are *supposedly* priviledged in every way, even if they are unemployed, nobody will hire them, and they cant even afford to feed themselves. alot of whites are NOT priviledged, and if you say that people think you're nuts, but its true.
3: white people are NOT even a homogenous group of people, just a bunch of immigrants from europe, some south and central america, middle east, and (some of) northern india that look similar and/or speak similar languages and are usually fully assimilated as theyve been here for a while, and may even have dark skin... although indians (india), south and central americans (the ones of fully european decent), and arabs are immune from this (arabs basically because they follow a different religion and speak an unrelated language, northern indians because they are caucasian in an anthropological sense and not culturally although ancient european religions basically worship the same gods with slight differences and different names but the average person doesnt know that, and the south and central americans because the government and media has led us to believe that hispanic and white are mutually exclusive and that hispanic is a race, but they can be of any race including white). and that is all done to divide so called whites and make one group of them easy to control, crush their will and hopefully thin out their numbers, again in the name of diversity.
4: the government has policies that are basically reverse discrimination and are secretly intended to marginalize them so other groups can rise to the top, i personally believe people should only rise to the top because of their merits, and that any laws favoring or discriminating against anyone is wrong.
5: the government and media propagates subliminally and sometimes obviously that whites should intermix yet does not encourage others to white again is meant primarily as a way to thin out their numbers as alot of their traits are recessive and will disappear if intermixed.
6: immigration also nowadays has quotas, basically non-whites are encouraged to immigrate but whites arent, personally i dont think *anyone* should be able to come here anymore, we have over 200 something million people here, i say we should close the borders and say enough, and just breed from within. of course there are some people that have family they want to come here and if they are naturalized then their *immediate* family should have the chance to come, and if they are recent arrivals they should be able to go back if they dont like the whole closed border thing, but overpopulation is a problem in the world and i dont see why we should keep letting new people in until its a problem here to... plus if people were forced to breed with the people here maybe eventually races here would disappear and there would be an american race (i am all for races in america disappearing, but not *only* the white one like is the projected path at this point in time)
i can go on and on....
i think socially we are there as most whites like blacks nowadays, alot of blacks still dont like whites, but alot do, whites and other non-black non-whites never really didnt get along ever... weve been interactiving since god knows when, like back in the B.C. days. but until the label white disappears and with it reverse discrimination the country will never be without prejudice as we will always be wrongfully brainwashed into thinking that there even is a majority that is able to discriminate against others..
and if the label wont disappear then i think all caucasian people including white hispanics and arabs should be stuck with it too and held responsible just as non-hispanic whites are...
lately though i have seen an upturn of people who get that the government, media, and extremely rich people are the evil one's which is the truth and a lot of people are starting to blame them instead of other normal people of different origins...
i know someone is bound to call me racist but i dont care, go for it. i dont care what race you are if i like you i like you, if i dont i dont. you can probably tell im one of those so called white people. I dont consider myself white. i consider myself: italian, romanian, russian, hungarian, and irish. Im the type of person that will say whatever i want even if others dont like it... so sue me (not literally please dont
) sorry for the long rant, actually it was the last poster that wrote before i started this that inspired some of it, and i figured i only get 9 posts a day so i might as well make it count. im actually pretty well studied and ive had so called minorities agree with me before.... I just know there is a hidden problem in this country that many wont acknowledge because they are brainwashed by the media (i hate the media).
anyways im done.... i think ive been at this for like an hour, so if i seem like i was a little random or jumping around at times i apologize, im not a writer...
just one more thing, i dont consider myself to be racist, i have friends of different races, and i dont try to keep anyone down because of their race, i try to keep them down because they are not *me*...