overwhelming! From what I see & hear from the republican citizens they are not happy with the Republican Presidential candidate(s) line up. I was surprised at the negative response among the republicans on their pickings for President; Esp. the tea party group. 1 tea party group fought hard to get rick scott for FLA governor. I was so crushed when he won. My only thought was, those morons that voted for him will be so sorry. Today, 1 tea party person reported that he fought to get him in fla, now when asked is Rick Scott doing what you voted him for? Answer, NO all around. I person said that if Romney wins, he'll not willingly support him & that he hates Romney so much you can see the veins popping out around his face. I was really shocked when 1 republican tells the reporter that he hates both Romney & Ginrid so much he'd rather see President Obama win the election than see either those 2pompus trust fund brat babies in the White House! The people whether independent, democrat, or republican understands 1 thing. those billionaire candidates can't understand where the poor & middle class is coming from since they never had to experience what's it like to have to scrap up your last few pennies to feed your family or skip meals because you have to use it for gas. It's nothing to them when they have to pay millions on fines b/c they broke the law but putting into law, to have them pay tax at a 30% rate is criminal! Yet, it's ok to bankrupt the middle class's eyes out to keep the rich, richer? Again, the billionaires wouldn't have to worry about that 30% tax rate if they would just not do criminal things that causes them to pay fines in the millions! All in all, it's refreshing to see a party that I'm always against with, see them finally with their eyes open to what is really going on. I'm Independent but to me, I don't care what party is in the white house. Only, that he/she does what is promised & that even if that person fails in that promise, I'll not think of him/her any less for trying.