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  • To the Christian who thinks only those who accept Christ will go to heaven.... 3 6
Topic: To the Christian who thinks only those who accept Christ will go to heaven....  (Read 44170 times)


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The reason so many Christians think only those who accept Christ will go to Biblical Heaven is because that is what the Bible clearly states.  Satan is known as the great deceiver, and he doesn't need anyone's permission to deceive them.  I think Satan will have MANY believing that as long as they are "just good people, living a good life" that they will go to Heaven---and he will be laughing at them later because they bought that lie.  The Bible clearly states only those that accept Jesus into their hearts and have their sins forgiven will be saved.  (The longer one is saved, the more that God will expect from them because Christianity is more than "lip-service".)  For God to let anyone else into Heaven for any other reason would be to make Jesus a liar...and that isn't going to happen.  Choose whom you're going to serve WILL be spending eternity with them. 
I don't believe just because you don't believe in God you wont go to heaven. You can still except Jesus and ask for your sins to be forgiven after death. Living a good live by curing cancer, taking care of those less fortunate, carring for the elderly, or being an overly good person I think God will notice. Remeber the bible was written many years ago my power hungry men who used it to better themselves and control others. Look at how horrible women and others have been treated in the name of God by what the bible says. I'm a christian, I believe in God and Jesus.


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Based entirely upon prior baseless opinion put forth by the pseudo-jedi, a reasonable extrapolation would be his continued failure to discern the difference you emphasized.

*sigh* True. There is no try.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 02:51:33 pm by Falconer02 »


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Based entirely upon prior baseless opinion put forth by the pseudo-jedi, a reasonable extrapolation would be his continued failure to discern the difference you emphasized.

*sigh* True. There is no try.

Since the 'force', (of reasoning), is weak in that one, there can be no 'do'.
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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@JediJohnnie: Yes it was a foreshadowing but the High priest still paid or atoned for their sins

7 Then Moses said to Aaron: “Go near to the altar and render up your sin offering and your burnt offering, and make atonement in your own behalf and in behalf of your house; and render up the offering of the people and make atonement in their behalf, just as Jehovah has commanded.”(Leviticus 9:7)

If you look up atonement in merriam-websters dictionary it's applied to Jesus, now of course Aaron(first high priest of Israelite nation) was not Jesus but he still atoned for the whole nation.

You say:  "Jesus is completely God in human form.He voluntarily veiled His Deity,but did not divest Himself of it."

I say how can you keep something you just emptied?

5 Keep this mental attitude in YOU that was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, although he was existing in God’s form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God. 7 No, but he emptied himself and took a slave’s form and came to be in the likeness of men.(Phillipians 2:5-7)

P.S. I am not saying Jesus doesn't have the same nature as God as my religion unforunately and erroneously teaches, i'm saying that when Jesus was on earth to pay for our sins and be an equal ransom he had to be fully man(perfect man) on Earth anything more and it wouldn't be an equal ransom.

The term you're using (emptied) is not in the handful of biblical translations I have.I'm guessing it's a JW bible you're quoting.

From we have out of 19 translations...

Gave up his divine privileges(1)

made himself nothing(4)

made himself of no reputation(4)

and last but not least empty himself(9)!!

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According to what I believe about the bible, Jesus is the only way to eternal life. Having said that, it's not up to me to condemn you to heaven or hell. All I can do is worry about my own salvation and pray for the salvation of others.
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According to what I believe about the bible, Jesus is the only way to eternal life.

What about other beliefs that have just as much merit as your own?

Jesus is the only way to eternal life. Having said that, it's not up to me to condemn you to heaven or hell.

That's kind of pompous. "This is the only way to bake a cake! Having said that, it's not up to me to tell you you're doing it wrong if you're not doing it my way!"

All I can do is worry about my own salvation and pray for the salvation of others.

How does praying work if god has a divine plan? Is he going to change his divine plan because you prayed for it?

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