Wow I mean arent you adults!!! Why do you think that stuff isnt allowed in schools?
Cause its all false!!! No fact!!!! Jesus was a real person but thats it, A PERSON with a real mother and a real human father just like me and you!!! He just needed alot of attention and just wanted to be remembered!!!!! Any educated person knows that the universe was not created in 7 days and the universe is not 6 thousand years old( as said in the bible)! Theuniverse is almost 15 billion years old and I mean jesus himself didnt even believe in a religion til he met john the baptist and the bible describes john the baptist as a crazy wildman in the woods alone who only eats locusts!!! Yuck!!!! So really all this religious beliefs came from a crazy wildman who ate locusts and lived alone in the woods 2000 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just start watching some science channel instead of the usual cult T.V. and you will see its just a myth, a story, and nothing else!!!! Sorry to burst your bubble!!!!!!
Jesus was a real person, He was born of a virgin. This is how it happen, the angel Gabriel went to Nazareth to the town of Galilee to a virgin, Mary, told her God found favor in her. Basically the holy spirit came upon her and she was with child but she never knew a human man. When he was 12 years old he listen to the elders but he also answered questions that only some one that that of his age would not know. He was very wise for his age because he was his father's son, God's Son. When you talk about John the baptist, John said "I am not Christ, but I am sent ahead of him." God did create the earth in 6 days but the 7h day he rested. What is one day for God could be 1000's of days for us. We do not know God's time line.
When you die and you meet your maker, God, and if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior who can wipe away your sins who is like your lawyer on the day of your judgement. Then you will surely go to hell. If you do accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and ask him for forgiveness of your sins then you will live forever in heaven with Him.