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Topic: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?  (Read 35260 times)


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #150 on: January 20, 2011, 08:11:30 am »
You obviously didn't read a damn word I wrote.

I even explained the communion of saints and statues. You obviously have a hatred for all things Catholic that you can't even correctly read a post that lays out and explains.

YOUR church was created in the 1800s.



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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #151 on: January 20, 2011, 10:49:12 am »
You obviously didn't read a damn word I wrote.

I even explained the communion of saints and statues. You obviously have a hatred for all things Catholic that you can't even correctly read a post that lays out and explains.

YOUR church was created in the 1800s.


Whoa, I have no idea why your getting so hot.  I do not "hate" anything or anybody.  I've never once said such, but you have accused me of it twice now.  Did I say something wrong about the Catholic religion in what I've learned over the years?  I most certainly did read your post and commented on it.

I also mentioned the outpouring of the Holy Ghost and that people can still get that gift today just like the Bible says, however, you said nothing about that.  I was trying to find out what your church thinks about that.

You said the statues were for beautification of the church.  I answered that I've seen people light candles in front of statues and then pray to the statue.  Is that what made you mad?  I also explained further that we don't pray to the dead or dearly departed, and we don't believe in purgatory.  Those practices are not in the Bible.  

You brought up the fact that you were Catholic.  I haven't brought up what denomination I am, because of the very reason your exhibiting now.  You don't know me so how can you be so judgmental that I hate this or that?

I don't believe in baptizing infants either, and more denominations than just the Catholic church does that.  Does that mean I hate them?  Get real!
Did swearing make you feel better?
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 10:53:52 am by Annella »


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #152 on: January 20, 2011, 11:14:25 am »
@MattyMatt: Seriously, she disagrees with whatever anyone says. Not worth bothering. She made it clear that she doesn't understand what evolution means, but she insists that it's not real. And she poked fun at other people's beliefs after whining about how Christians always get attacked on here and they're SO persecuted. You can find a better way to spend your time.

Ya have popped in and out of this thread, and haven't really said anything substantial, but to throw out barbs or what have you.  It's really immature and childish.


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #153 on: January 20, 2011, 06:42:35 pm »
Serious question Annella...  I read jordandogs post above (hi  :wave: jordandog) and I've always believed in the Trinity.  I read your post that followed hers and was wondering ... with those examples, wouldn't that mean Jesus was going around talking to Himself in the N.T. when He spoke of or to His Father?  ( examples: Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."      (Luke 23:34 New International Version)  "After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name"[/ (Matt 6:9 KJV)  Jesus said to pray to God the Father but didn't say to pray to God the Son (Jesus)  or God the Holy Ghost.)    ???

Jesus was our example and teacher when he walked on earth, he was teaching us how to pray, etc.  When you read His words, you need to ask yourself is He speaking in the humanity (pray to the Father). Or deity (I saw satan falling as lightning from the sky, or before Abraham was, I am).  Peter asked Jesus, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.  Jesus said: have I been so long with you, and you still don't know me?  I know I'm paraphrasing, but you know which portion of scripture I'm referring to. He came right out and said one time.....I and the Father are one.  Jesus couldn't say pray to me on earth.  He was not glorified until His death, burial, resurrection and ascention into Heaven.  Calling it God the Father, God the son, God the Holy Ghost, is still making a separation.  Your talking about God.....ONE person only bodily.

Here's a good example.  On the cross, when Jesus cried out.  "My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me".  What was that?  Since God cannot die, He is an invisible Spirit (He is alive forevermore), He had to leave the body so the flesh could die.  After three days, God took His body back again and rose. 

When you totally understand that God Himself took on lowly flesh to experience everything we do.  To make a way to redeem us back to Him, and to fellowship as we do, it makes you love Him that much more when you realize that He made Himself a human body to be like us (as much as he could).

When we get to Heaven, we will not see an old patriarch, a bearded Jesus, and a bird flying around as the Holy Ghost.  We will see God in the form of Jesus, who is God. Remember Jesus telling the Disciples that if he doesn't go away that the Comforter (Holy Ghost) could not come?  Because they were all ONE.  My Father and I will come and will make our abode with you is another example.

We are body, soul, and spirit.  body=flesh, soul=eternal, spirit=what makes us what we are (our character).  That actually is ONE person.

Sheryl, I understand your questions and don't mind at all.  I was raised trinity all my life.  God will open your understanding, and reveal Himself who He really is, if you keep your heart open.  The Bible does say "Great is the mystery". 

I teach this in a series of studies, and don't like to jump around like this.  However, you have Bible understanding, and can fit the scriptures together yourself.  All through Revelation (which is highly symbolic).  You have only ONE on the Throne, over and over again.  Who is it?  It's Jesus, God our Savior.

I apologize for the misspelled words, and probably poor layout.  I'm writing this very fast as there is other pressing business I have to attend to.  I wanted to get something down for you.


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #154 on: January 21, 2011, 07:34:34 am »
@MattyMatt: Seriously, she disagrees with whatever anyone says. Not worth bothering. She made it clear that she doesn't understand what evolution means, but she insists that it's not real. And she poked fun at other people's beliefs after whining about how Christians always get attacked on here and they're SO persecuted. You can find a better way to spend your time.

Ya have popped in and out of this thread, and haven't really said anything substantial, but to throw out barbs or what have you.  It's really immature and childish.
I have said something substantial. You responded without understanding what I had posted and then when I responded your response was something along the lines of "You didn't read what I said!" When I certainly did, and you just made me convinced that you didn't read what I said. You clearly had no idea what you were talking about but still insisted on writing an ESSAY about how I was wrong. If anything is immature, it's that. And that is why I didn't even bother with it.


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #155 on: January 21, 2011, 04:09:14 pm »
@MattyMatt: Seriously, she disagrees with whatever anyone says. Not worth bothering. She made it clear that she doesn't understand what evolution means, but she insists that it's not real. And she poked fun at other people's beliefs after whining about how Christians always get attacked on here and they're SO persecuted. You can find a better way to spend your time.

Ya have popped in and out of this thread, and haven't really said anything substantial, but to throw out barbs or what have you.  It's really immature and childish.
I have said something substantial. You responded without understanding what I had posted and then when I responded your response was something along the lines of "You didn't read what I said!" When I certainly did, and you just made me convinced that you didn't read what I said. You clearly had no idea what you were talking about but still insisted on writing an ESSAY about how I was wrong. If anything is immature, it's that. And that is why I didn't even bother with it.

Uh, if the above is an "ESSAY", then essays have certainly changed since I've been back to school. flash, this is a public forum where things are posted.  I don't know what you think you are gaining by this hissy fit your throwing, but you have (in this thread) accused me of deleting my posts, when in actuality I only deleted one, because I made a mistake posting to another person in error and was correcting it. You come in every 10 or so posts to flame me to someone I'm talking to or to say something negative about me, and I have no idea why. Get over yourself and move on.  You are acting immature.  Now, get rid of the resentment over whatever you thought I did.  Grow up.

You didn't bother with it?  Uh, then why are you posting to me and others about me then?  Get over it and move on.  Whatever substantial thing you wrote that you think I didn't read is not the end of the world.  I post to a lot of people in here and I might miss something.  However, I went back and read through this thread and I issued an apology to you for an error.  Really, let it drop or grow up, preferably both.


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #156 on: January 22, 2011, 06:18:28 am »
@MattyMatt: Seriously, she disagrees with whatever anyone says. Not worth bothering. She made it clear that she doesn't understand what evolution means, but she insists that it's not real. And she poked fun at other people's beliefs after whining about how Christians always get attacked on here and they're SO persecuted. You can find a better way to spend your time.

Ya have popped in and out of this thread, and haven't really said anything substantial, but to throw out barbs or what have you.  It's really immature and childish.
I have said something substantial. You responded without understanding what I had posted and then when I responded your response was something along the lines of "You didn't read what I said!" When I certainly did, and you just made me convinced that you didn't read what I said. You clearly had no idea what you were talking about but still insisted on writing an ESSAY about how I was wrong. If anything is immature, it's that. And that is why I didn't even bother with it.

Uh, if the above is an "ESSAY", then essays have certainly changed since I've been back to school. flash, this is a public forum where things are posted.  I don't know what you think you are gaining by this hissy fit your throwing, but you have (in this thread) accused me of deleting my posts, when in actuality I only deleted one, because I made a mistake posting to another person in error and was correcting it. You come in every 10 or so posts to flame me to someone I'm talking to or to say something negative about me, and I have no idea why. Get over yourself and move on.  You are acting immature.  Now, get rid of the resentment over whatever you thought I did.  Grow up.

You didn't bother with it?  Uh, then why are you posting to me and others about me then?  Get over it and move on.  Whatever substantial thing you wrote that you think I didn't read is not the end of the world.  I post to a lot of people in here and I might miss something.  However, I went back and read through this thread and I issued an apology to you for an error.  Really, let it drop or grow up, preferably both.

How is what I'm doing throwing a hissyfit exactly? I haven't flamed you once. I was irritated that you deleted the post because it was quoting myself if you didn't notice, and I don't even care about it now. Nothing I've said has been flaming or throwing a hissyfit. It's not that you didn't read or understand my post, it's that you decided to respond with another two walls of text without reading or understanding it, and now you're apparently doing the same thing to someone else.

Honestly, I feel like you're not reading what you yourself type. You keep stressing that these people are the "GREATEST SCIENTIFIC MINDS" like you don't even realize that that is 100% opinion, but then you nitpick someone else for saying "true historians."
« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 06:23:02 am by JessieKateRose »


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #157 on: January 25, 2011, 02:14:58 am »
@MattyMatt: Seriously, she disagrees with whatever anyone says. Not worth bothering. She made it clear that she doesn't understand what evolution means, but she insists that it's not real. And she poked fun at other people's beliefs after whining about how Christians always get attacked on here and they're SO persecuted. You can find a better way to spend your time.

Ya have popped in and out of this thread, and haven't really said anything substantial, but to throw out barbs or what have you.  It's really immature and childish.
I have said something substantial. You responded without understanding what I had posted and then when I responded your response was something along the lines of "You didn't read what I said!" When I certainly did, and you just made me convinced that you didn't read what I said. You clearly had no idea what you were talking about but still insisted on writing an ESSAY about how I was wrong. If anything is immature, it's that. And that is why I didn't even bother with it.

Uh, if the above is an "ESSAY", then essays have certainly changed since I've been back to school. flash, this is a public forum where things are posted.  I don't know what you think you are gaining by this hissy fit your throwing, but you have (in this thread) accused me of deleting my posts, when in actuality I only deleted one, because I made a mistake posting to another person in error and was correcting it. You come in every 10 or so posts to flame me to someone I'm talking to or to say something negative about me, and I have no idea why. Get over yourself and move on.  You are acting immature.  Now, get rid of the resentment over whatever you thought I did.  Grow up.

You didn't bother with it?  Uh, then why are you posting to me and others about me then?  Get over it and move on.  Whatever substantial thing you wrote that you think I didn't read is not the end of the world.  I post to a lot of people in here and I might miss something.  However, I went back and read through this thread and I issued an apology to you for an error.  Really, let it drop or grow up, preferably both.

How is what I'm doing throwing a hissyfit exactly? I haven't flamed you once. I was irritated that you deleted the post because it was quoting myself if you didn't notice, and I don't even care about it now. Nothing I've said has been flaming or throwing a hissyfit. It's not that you didn't read or understand my post, it's that you decided to respond with another two walls of text without reading or understanding it, and now you're apparently doing the same thing to someone else.

Honestly, I feel like you're not reading what you yourself type. You keep stressing that these people are the "GREATEST SCIENTIFIC MINDS" like you don't even realize that that is 100% opinion, but then you nitpick someone else for saying "true historians."'s not 100% opinion.  Have you seen the videos "A Case for a Creator" and "The Case For a Savior"?  I can answer that for  If you had, you would not have made such a statement they are "100% opinion".
Mr. Lee Strobel, who is a world renowned Journalist with the NYT, was a confirmed atheist.  His wife became a Christian, and he set out to prove her wrong (scientifically I might add) that there was no God, and that Evolution was the only explanation of the earth/species.  He went to the greatest scientific minds of our time, and he wrote what he found out.  

I'm going to say something here and your not going to like it.  Whatever contribution you think you made to this thread, was not important enough for me to respond much to. Anyone can go back over this thread and see that you were not a part of the "meat' of this thread, no matter how much you are trying to be now.  Here's a news flash. If I accidently picked up your post to quote from, and then realized that I made a mistake, because your quote had nothing to do with what I wanted to address, I can delete it....that's my choice, and I don't need your permission to do so.  

I'm done here.


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #158 on: February 03, 2011, 04:52:42 pm »
I was sitting reading the bible one night I read all the way through Noah and the Arc. Well In the days that God made Adam and Eve, he made other people, animals, day night, all life right? Well he found that the world was corrupt in the days of Noah and his family so he found favor in Noah and had the ark animals and Noah his wife, his sons and their wifes. My question is what happened when God only left these people isn't there incest in order to repopulate the world? Doesn't that mean that we are all related and descendents from Noah? So are we marrying our kin? I don't mean to offend anybody just a few questions I though would be good to clarify.  :angel12:
Actually, god forgot to mention that there was someone else before Eve to be with adam. He created them equally. Lilith was adam's equal but she refuse to be on the bottom. Adam had a hissy fit & god banished Her to earth turned her into a demon. Talk about totally sexist! So, to get adam a wife that he could control, he created another wife using adam's rib. Therefore, yes, eve is a copy of a copy & not as good. A lower version of the original. Yes, this is Incest if your wife is made of a part of you. You might as well be saying that you're wife is your twin sister. This is why I can't believe in the bible. Contradiction after contradiction in every area. You don't need to watch murder, incest, cheating, crimes on tv or in the movies. Just open the bible & you get it all uncensored. LoL.
If I had to chose between the two women I'd be Lilith any day. Since eve took the wife deal; women have suffered every which way, from rape, abuse, dying in child birth, having to give birth, sub-slave to men. It's still happening in the Middle east.(More hidden in America) Men can do anything but if a woman looks at another man beside her husband in the middle east, they're stoned to death or thrown out. Men can go whoring anytime go, home & infect his wife with diseases but if a woman starts a new relationship after the husband died long ago, she is jailed, charged for adultery ;if she starts a new relationship with a new man. Adam didn't do women any favors. If he was soooo lonely, god should have had him mate with the snake. LOL, GO LILITH!!!!!

I tend to disagree with you on your "go Lilith" stance.  Out of her anger, Lilith took it upon herself to kill children in their sleep, hence the term lullabyes.  I'd choose Eve any day.  By eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, she chose knowledge and the possibility of pain and death over ignorance and immortality.  Human beings cannot have both knowledge and immortality since it would make them too like g-d.  Given the choice, regardless of anyone wants to call it sin, I'd eat the apple myself.  This is where we see the strength in women... in their ability to make the difficult choices.  This is why all the Eve-blame disappoints me.

On the other hand, though, we can't blame it all on men, either.  The importance of our evolving as a human race is to take responsibility for our own actions rather than find someone to place the blame on.  Quite honestly, the "go Lilith" viewpoint actually seems in line with Valerie Solanis and her S.C.U.M. Manifesto.  There is enough bigotry, classism, sexism, racism, etc enough to be getting on with without adding more to the mix.

I don't think it was Lilith's fault that she became a monster. After god altered her, in favor of the Adam's whining about the woman that was his equal.  I see Lilith as an early form of women 's rights. As for Eve, I think she got the crappy end of the deal & god should have mated adam with the snake! Because that's how I see adam, a real big snake! Anyway, the question was is there incest in the bible & what do you think? Well, if you mated with your own Rib, yes, it's incest & yes we are all brothers & sisters because Adam literary SCREWED HIMSELF!!!!! The answer to the question is  YES THERE IS TONS OF INCEST SPEWING, COVER TO COVER IN THE BIBLE. And that's all I'm doing, answering the question.


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #159 on: February 03, 2011, 05:08:26 pm »
what is a bible? some kind of sex toy? ........ haha jk just some flame fuel.


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #160 on: February 09, 2011, 03:51:19 pm »
Wow. People are so full of hate!


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Re: What do you think of Incest and the Bible?
« Reply #161 on: July 17, 2011, 02:50:40 pm »
 :peace: :peace: :peace: everybody!

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