Check your stats you people who are saying that restaurants are losing money by banning children 6 and younger. In fact a few restaurants have done this very thing are flourishing because of it. I myself do not like to go to an upscale restaurant with my adult friends, paying high prices for good food, atmosphere, and conversation, all to be ruined because someone cannot control their children's temper tantrums and fits of screaming, crying, yelling, trashing their table, and running around like a bunch of wild horses bothering everyone. I say these restaurants are on the right track, and I will be patronizing them myself.
I no longer allow people to bring their children to my home that have previously been there before and their children proceed to "trash" my home while the parents do nothing to stop them. Children need discipline and if parents are too lazy to teach them good manners, then they need to stay at home. I'm a Minister and will not let a child cry and throw a fit during a church service. They are asked to take the child to the "cry" room for the remainder of the service. The cry room has a speaker and they can still hear the service, but the screaming child is heard by nobody but the dismissed parent. I've been in grocery stores or Wal Mart and there is a screaming kid. I've passed the mom shopping and she is doing nothing to shut the kid up. So the kid continues to scream and cry at the top of their lungs so everyone can be irritated.
It's not the child's fault but the parents. There is no discipline in the home and the children run the parents. Teaching children social manners and just plain how to behave takes effort on the parents part. So many kids are left to themselves with very little interaction with parents, except to be told to leave them alone. I can't tell you how many times I've heard parents tell their kids "not now, I've worked all day. Go play and leave me alone". Why did you even have kids then if you weren't going to follow through with the raising of them in all aspects?