Sometimes, we don't take time to think about how asinine our ideas are. Now, before I get started, I'm not saying that anyone's ideas are asinine, I'm just saying sometimes we don't think. Okay?
Okay, let's build a scenario.
Let's say you are a parent. Now, in many cases, many of us already are, so we don't have to pretend.
Let's say you have a 7 year old kid. Again, for some, not a stretch, and 7 years old is not required, but is an example.
Let's say your kids earns an allowance. Hey, what do you know, many kids these days do.
Okay, let's move on. In order for your kid, Billy - we'll call him, has to take out the trash each day to earn $0.10, he has to make his bed for $0.15 a day, he has to clear the dinner table for $0.05 a day, was the dishes for $0.25 a day, and walk the dog each day for $0.10. Okay, $0.10+$0.15+$0.05+$0.25+$0.10 = $0.65 a day. Now, multiply that by 7 would give Billy a weekly allowance of $4.55.
Now, all that sounds fine, many parents institute an allowance program during their kids early years to teach them responsibility, and the thrill of working for a living. But now your kid gets used to the idea of making money, and wants a little more. So, he comes up to you with those Sad Puppy Dog eyes, and asks you in a sweet, loving voice...
"Mom,..." Now we all know that Mom's are the emotional creatures on earth, so Billy is no fool, he goes to Mom for his upcoming request.
"Mom," he repeats "if I make my bed, and then trash it, and make it again, can I get $0.30 today, because I made it twice." Would you say yes? Or would you say, "Sorry son, only one prize per customer, per day."
"Okay Mom," Billy continues "how about I wash the dishes twice, can I get twice as much money?" And we all know what the response will be - even if he continued to beg and plead, for any of the other chores he has to do.
Doesn't the same apply here on FC? We're fortunate enough to earn our allowance of $0.10 per day to post on the Forum one time. And although we COULD post more and more, why should FC want to pay us for every time we post? The intention is to teach Billy how to make his bed, how to have pride in keeping a clean room, how not to attract roaches and bugs in the kitchen, simply by taking out the garbage, or clearing the dishes off the table, or washing the dishes, and to teach him that dogs have bodily fluid needs as well as humans, and they need to be cared for.
Much like FC. They are offering us an incentive (allowance) of $0.10 a day to post on the forum. Why? I suppose to teach us that this is a great place to come and hang out, to socialize, to find answers to questions we may have so we don't bug them with Support Tickets for questions already answered here. To teach us that its more responsible to play on the Forum than to bug the Admins for help.
And like Billy needing or wanting to earn more money, we beg FC for more money too. But the parents response should be (assuming they can afford to do so) to set Billy up on a DIFFERENT, NEW errand, like cleaning out the garage, or mowing the lawn, or going to the store, or take a bath - especially after taking out the trash. FC has the same response. Earn your $0.10 on the forum each day, then go do another OFFER. There are tons of them to choose from!
Okay, that got a lot more long-winded then I planned, sorry for that, but I was on a roll.