There were some things I really agreed with and some I was like WTF?
The biggest for me that I was actually kind of upset about and you guys may go "wow being petty" was how he jokingly talked about the TSA patdowns. Like it was nothing more than just a big joke and we shouldn't care. I really wish someone would ask him how he'd react if he didn't have his rockstar status and obviously not using public transportatation how he'd feel if a TSA agent did what they're doing to his own wife or daughters. I know it sounds petty when you really think about it and me even saying it aloud sounds kind of dumb that I'm upset about it, but I honestly am.
Uhm what else, I liked the science fair winner anecdote as well as getting rid of tax subsides for big oil. I liked how he talked of the stupid 1099 exception in the healthcare bill and his seemingly willingness to get it changed and get it right.
What I wished he would have brought up would have been things like actually having real spending cuts. Things like EPA, DOE, DOEdu, Defense, Bases around the world, cuts in these things.
All-in-all save the absolutely amazing speech he gave in Tuscon, this might have been his best yet.
But damn Boehner really you have to cry yet again? All the time? Seriously?