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Topic: Just remember something funny.  (Read 416 times)


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Just remember something funny.
« on: November 12, 2010, 08:33:38 am »
Lmao! I was just remembering one time when my siblings and I were all in my mother's bedroom while she was reading her Bible. She was concentrating so much on reading that we started tickling her. Basically, we were doing anything to get her attention. Then all of a sudden after a few minutes she gets angry and she yells out these words "CLOSE THE LIGHT AND TURN OFF THE DOOR," my siblings and I just sit there staring at her because her words came out backwards. Then she proceeds to yell out the same words again. The second time she said it my siblings and I just start rolling on the floor laughing. She just sits there dumb-founded because she didn't realize how her words came out. We explain it to her and then she had no choice but to start laughing as well.

There's goes to show that when people are angry they usually don't think about the words that are going to come out of their mouths. That's how people usually say things that they really don't mean because the anger is taking over. It was a funny experience and we still remind her of it to this day. All we can do is laugh about it. It was a great memory. Lol! Fellow FusionCashers please feel free to share any of your funniest memories. I hope that everyone is enjoying this gorgeous and sunny Friday. TGIF!  :wave:


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Re: Just remember something funny.
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2010, 08:47:08 am »
That is funny! I always enjoy hearing funny stories.

My mother told my sister to do her homework and she said "hold on, let me explain, you don't understand". I don't know why my sister said that unless she was trying to get out of doing her homework. Although what she said was funny.

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