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Topic: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"  (Read 8274 times)


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2010, 06:39:06 pm »
I am not attacking one religion...  I am sharing info about a particular religion that is in the news across the world because of things they are promoting and doing that are causing much concern.  What is wrong with that?

True true. But considering everyone is sharing antagonistic info on one religion without looking at the atrocities that happened/are going on within their own (many of which get no attention whatsoever), I find this very hypocritical.

I thought we could post different topics of interest to different members.  If you don't like this topic, fine.  I still can post things of concern or interest to me, just as you do.

There's no prob with that (unless you're Marie)! I'm just commenting on something I see in your thread.
Well, I only just start posting this interest of mine in the past couple of days.  I don't usually begin topics that could get controversial.  This particular topic has been bothering me (as well as others I know) for quite awhile.  I just felt strongly enough about it to post it on here.  And, believe me when I say this:  I've been doing a lot of research on this for both sides, and I just don't feel good about what appears to be happening beneath our noses, slowly and steadily.
As a parent I personally am glad you did post it, no matter how controversial it might get that's the nature of debates.  

This is an example of what's going on right here in America, deceitfully and steadily, until they totally try to take over.  It's already the 2nd most popular religion in France, and they are now trying to make laws to stop any more encroachment of this type of society "take-over."

I see this all of the time. This is right-wing fearmongering.

How is it right that our children cant pray to god during school but they can pray to Allah?

I'm not sure if this worded correctly, but children can pray anytime during school to any god as long as it's not disrupting. It's forced prayer that is illegal. And Allah is a deity too. Not just your god.
What do you mean "not just your god"?  I never said either way what I personally believed in when it came to religion or God.  And if you really think that ALL children are allowed to pray when ever they want during school you need to open your eyes.  Kids are punished and suspended and have bibles taken away all the time in American schools.  There are reports of this all over the news and the internet of things like this happening all the time.  Were not just talking about the ability to pray here were talking about a school sponsored trip... Wheres the trip to a synagogue, or a Catholic church,  or a Christian church or any other religion for that matter those trips will more than likely never happen.  I am not against any one religion but against ALL religion in public school.  


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #31 on: September 18, 2010, 06:52:38 pm »
quote from Alyia72:
As a parent I personally am glad you did post it, no matter how controversial it might get that's the nature of debates.

Thank you, Alyia72.


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #32 on: September 18, 2010, 06:54:45 pm »
What do you mean "not just your god"? And if you really think that ALL children are allowed to pray when ever they want during school you need to open your eyes.  Kids are punished and suspended and have bibles taken away all the time in American schools.  There are reports of this all over the news and the internet of things like this happening all the time.  Were not just talking about the ability to pray here were talking about a school sponsored trip... Wheres the trip to a synagogue, or a Catholic church,  or a Christian church or any other religion for that matter those trips will more than likely never happen.  I am not against any one religion but against ALL religion in public school.  

I too am against all religion in public schools. Hell, I'm against organized religion completely! But in my experience, I have never seen anyone get in trouble for praying at school. This includes colleges too. I could understand if they were disrupting class or something though. And I also haven't heard of any stories of kids getting kicked out of schools for having holy books on them-- unless they were preaching to others. Public safety kicked out this one guy who was selling some random-religious book at my campus. Do you have sources on this though? I'd like to read a few if this is the case.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2010, 07:01:03 pm by Falconer02 »


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #33 on: September 18, 2010, 08:45:11 pm »
What do you mean "not just your god"? And if you really think that ALL children are allowed to pray when ever they want during school you need to open your eyes.  Kids are punished and suspended and have bibles taken away all the time in American schools.  There are reports of this all over the news and the internet of things like this happening all the time.  Were not just talking about the ability to pray here were talking about a school sponsored trip... Wheres the trip to a synagogue, or a Catholic church,  or a Christian church or any other religion for that matter those trips will more than likely never happen.  I am not against any one religion but against ALL religion in public school. 

I too am against all religion in public schools. Hell, I'm against organized religion completely! But in my experience, I have never seen anyone get in trouble for praying at school. This includes colleges too. I could understand if they were disrupting class or something though. And I also haven't heard of any stories of kids getting kicked out of schools for having holy books on them-- unless they were preaching to others. Public safety kicked out this one guy who was selling some random-religious book at my campus. Do you have sources on this though? I'd like to read a few if this is the case.
I found a few of them they were rather old I couldn't find the more recent one I saw in our local paper last year or so where a teen was suspended then later overturned for reading a bible during lunch.
I know how much you despise fox news lol but its all I could find atm  Most of the cases involved artwork or religious items like crosses or rosary's but some that I came across did in fact have to do with bibles being read.
I don't disagree that by law they are allowed, just that there are some schools and teachers that think they can discipline students for expressing their own freedom of religion whether it be through wearing a cross or rosary beads or drawing artwork on their own notebooks, or even wearing clothing with a cross.  Almost always these decisions are overturned but it does happen or at least parents claim it does.  These are probably very isolated incidents but the fact that they even happened is just as bad as this field trip that occurred.  Sorry for the delayed response mommies never get time to sit and type lol


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Re: "Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah"
« Reply #34 on: September 19, 2010, 06:02:21 am »
I'm all for people learning about other religions and learning to be tolerant, but this school went about it the wrong way IMO. 

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