I am so over the religious debates...Believe what ya want..Why defend your belief so strongly its your damn belief so own it ,live it and shut up..
Because they either are tying to do their Christian duty of saving us from hell, or they get off rubbing it in our faces that we're going there.
I do not broadcast what I believe or not over and over like a damn record..Discussing it is nice on some aspects..But lately its name calling if you do not believe in what others say give me a damn break!!
The reason I personally mainly stick to the religious subjects is because they are the only one where it seems there is any actual DISCUSSION...sure I've posted in stuff like "Pepsi vs. Coke" a few times, and you know what? People rarely acknowledge each other's posts on topics like that. Which makes using the forum a lot less satisfying/interesting. Maybe most people are only here for the money, but for me personally, it's interesting to get into passionate discussion over a very encompassing, world-altering subject like religion.
False beliefs and ignorance do so much harm in our world, and if I can do my small part of getting some people to realize things, great. I agree, we shouldn't name call and there have been times when I've been at fault for making myself sound better than some people, but I do think it is important for people to be receptive to constructive criticism and be able to see where their arguments/reasoning are faulty.
They are wrong if they are actively infringing on the rights of another person.
I commend Queen and many others on putting up their posts why cause they have never faltered on who they are and what they believe..And they get attacked in a personal way How disgusting..They attack religion with facts and very good and true points I have yet to see a religious point that has really made much sense..
You're a sweetheart!
Yep, I have definitely been attacked a time or two on "how miserable I must be", etc. Not to worry, they are dealing with a sassy one right here with enough going on in this noggin' to pretty much pwn anything they say in my rebuttals! Haha!
Also be on the lookout for Falconer02 and jordandog -- very good posters.
God needs no money from what I have learned when I was a follower in church many years ago so why the hell do people give money hmm..Oh the preacher needs it funny...While their poor followers suffer they gain from there belief in giving to God..Preachers molest children in the name of God wow so I feel sick people found something to hide behind..
You have come to realizations that so few people can admit...
And to anyone who may believe in Hel if there is one we are in it!! Babies who are innocent die by the hands of their own parents..People are ugly and hurtful..Wars, death,poverty...Look at life for what I feel it is a science experiment most of us are failing!!
Yep. That's why we really need to get away from religions that think it is a good idea to hunt down and murder homosexuals, hold back our medical research, fly planes into buildings...