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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: dreamyxo on July 10, 2020, 11:38:09 pm
https://twitter.com/i/status/1281623716435316736 (https://twitter.com/i/status/1281623716435316736)
This guy learned the hard way.
This guy is from the adjacent Ohio county just west of me. The graphic shows that he checked in at Put-In-Bay in June, which is a tourist island community best known for its drinking and party atmosphere - lots of non-social-distancing activities under normal non-pandemic circumstances. Think of it as a miniature version of the many east coast spring break locales. There has been a recent COVID outbreak in that area due to people who just don't give a *bleep* about being smart and safe and throw caution to the wind. This guy was 37 years old - don't know if he had any pre-existing compromising health conditions, but he has become the poster child for the idea that youth (to me 37 still qualifies as young) does not equal immunity from this virus.
Wow, wear masks for sure
Yes, he was foolish to have gone to a crowded resort area during this pandemic, especially with not wearing a mask, but I wouldn't wish this horrible virus on anybody. Though it won't do him any good now, hopefully this will be a warning to those who are following in his footsteps. i'm just ready for this to be over, but it looks like it's not over by a long shot right now. :peace: :heart:
Situation worsening across the country, more important than ever to wear masks
That seems to be the bottom line, especially if one is going to be in a crowd or out and about and not able to do required social distancing;everyone at this point need to make their personal choice to mask it or casket!
This is a good way to make people wear masks definitely.
It is unfortunate but we all need to be cautious. It means putting aside some things we use to do at least for the time being.
Darwin's Survival of the Fittest.. his body, his choice -- he chose poorly.
I don't see why people don't just wear a mask, better to be safe than sorry.
This guy is from the adjacent Ohio county just west of me. The graphic shows that he checked in at Put-In-Bay in June, which is a tourist island community best known for its drinking and party atmosphere - lots of non-social-distancing activities under normal non-pandemic circumstances. Think of it as a miniature version of the many east coast spring break locales. There has been a recent COVID outbreak in that area due to people who just don't give a *bleep* about being smart and safe and throw caution to the wind. This guy was 37 years old - don't know if he had any pre-existing compromising health conditions, but he has become the poster child for the idea that youth (to me 37 still qualifies as young) does not equal immunity from this virus.
Well said Uget.
Makes Gods instruction look even BETTER!
Darwin's Survival of the Fittest.. his body, his choice -- he chose poorly.
I don't see why people don't just wear a mask, better to be safe than sorry.
Because wearing a mask will not keep you safe from anything. I don't see why people can't just back the flip off and live their life and let everybody else live theirs. If you are so sure that mask will keep you safe then wear it and be loud and proud. Don't worry about the ones who choose not to wear a mask. The CDC and the state health departments as well as WHO have ALL said that the mask will not prevent you from getting sick. It does not really do anything but make the wearer feel better. So wear your mask and leave the rest of the world alone.
I live in senior apartment complex. The governor made it mandatory to wear masks outside your house so our manager made it mandatory that we wear masks outside our apartment that includes hallways, laundry room. mail room and parking lot. These supposed seniors do not like the rule and refuse to wear masks. They are acting like 5 year olds.
People that don't social distancing will get COVID 19. Large crowds, parties & etc. New cases in Florida is up. Also California is up especial Los Angeles County & San Fransico area!
I live near Los Angeles County - Thousand Oaks!
Proverbs 9:10
King James Version
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
The preaching of Gods kingdom has stopped in places were the virus is.The meetings,conventions etc are all online.Prov 9:10 says a lot who Jehovah is and many run to HIM for protection and instruction.
to me at the very least wearing a mask is common courtesy for everyone around you.
the mask is a small way to protect others and to help stop the spread of the virus.
i am not a fan of states mandating things like masks however, right now there are loads of people who don't care or realize that everyone is a potential carrier of the virus and not wearing a masks spreads the virus!
Hope everyone stays safe. :rainbow: :peace: :wave:
Proverbs 9:10
King James Version
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
The preaching of Gods kingdom has stopped in places were the virus is.The meetings,conventions etc are all online.Prov 9:10 says a lot who Jehovah is and many run to HIM for protection and instruction.
The door to door preaching as well as the public witnessing is what has stopped. In our area, we are very busy preaching and teaching by means of letter writing, telephone witnessing and Zoom meetings with interested ones.
As you state, staying close to Jehovah for protection and direction is what all of our brothers and sisters are being asked to do. Locally our brothers and sisters are doing just that and it has proven to keep us safe and healthy so far.
Once again we have one nay sayer that is providing incorrect information: The centers for disease control and prevention ("CDC") is calling "on Americans to wear masks in order to prevent CoVid 19 spread" (July fourteenth release on CDC web site) and has indicated that cloth face coverings are a critical tool in the fight against CoVid-19; the World Health Organization "advises that governments should encourage the general public to wear masks" (per WebMD.com dated June eighth); and the Ohio Department of Health has issued a public order requiring face masks in public effective July eighth. The nay sayer did indicate that everyne should make their own choice and choose to live their own life but should also have added "or choose not to live their life by not wearing a mask". Once again everyone, please perform your own due diligence before listening to someone that does not.
Wow...powerful story...I have heard of several similar ones...a reminder to remain vigilant and cautious...we are still in the middle of a pandemic
Once again we have one nay sayer that is providing incorrect information: The centers for disease control and prevention ("CDC") is calling "on Americans to wear masks in order to prevent CoVid 19 spread" (July fourteenth release on CDC web site) and has indicated that cloth face coverings are a critical tool in the fight against CoVid-19; the World Health Organization "advises that governments should encourage the general public to wear masks" (per WebMD.com dated June eighth); and the Ohio Department of Health has issued a public order requiring face masks in public effective July eighth. The nay sayer did indicate that everyne should make their own choice and choose to live their own life but should also have added "or choose not to live their life by not wearing a mask". Once again everyone, please perform your own due diligence before listening to someone that does not.
I just saw on tv Trump now said we should wear masks to stop the spread.
i agree you need to wear a mask where you dont know where the people you are in contact with have been
I am sorry the young man died. This virus is deadly whether you choose to believe it or not. Wearing a mask is an inconvenience. I don't like to wear mine, but the virus is to deadly to not heed the warnings.
Wearing a mask is to help slow the prevention of the virus. It isn't the ultimate protection but it will definitely decrease the rate of transmission.
I think we are being over hyped on the mask issue although they are proven to reduce spread of droplets of saliva. This is a very serious disease and we should protect ourselves when we can. What I absolutely detest is the attitude that others should be monitoring and feel completely free to critize those who choose not to wear them. Not their right! Wear one if you are in a risk situation or with people who have risks. Don't go where you don't feel safe. Your job is to keep yourself safe. If we each protect our selves all will be protected.
I think we are being over hyped on the mask issue although they are proven to reduce spread of droplets of saliva. This is a very serious disease and we should protect ourselves when we can. What I absolutely detest is the attitude that others should be monitoring and feel completely free to critize those who choose not to wear them. Not their right! Wear one if you are in a risk situation or with people who have risks. Don't go where you don't feel safe. Your job is to keep yourself safe. If we each protect our selves all will be protected.
I really don’t know what to say, but our Secretary of Health states ‘your mask protects me, my mask protects you.’ I don’t like wearing one either, but I do. Even Trump has turned his thinking around and now states masks should be worn. Even though I honestly am not looking for a major confrontation I’m sure I will get one. I think they should be worn, but if someone decides not to, that is their choice and I would respect their decision.
Proverbs 9:10
King James Version
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
The preaching of Gods kingdom has stopped in places were the virus is.The meetings,conventions etc are all online.Prov 9:10 says a lot who Jehovah is and many run to HIM for protection and instruction.
The door to door preaching as well as the public witnessing is what has stopped. In our area, we are very busy preaching and teaching by means of letter writing, telephone witnessing and Zoom meetings with interested ones.
As you state, staying close to Jehovah for protection and direction is what all of our brothers and sisters are being asked to do. Locally our brothers and sisters are doing just that and it has proven to keep us safe and healthy so far.
Thank you for the additional info.
I will continue to wear a mask as long as it takes,
Wow, that is very sad. We were just in Florida and no one wore a mask. It was crazy. I definitely see how the cases are skyrocketing there.
That is his choice.
Poor choices and ignorance may cost his life!
Once again we have one nay sayer that is providing incorrect information: The centers for disease control and prevention ("CDC") is calling "on Americans to wear masks in order to prevent CoVid 19 spread" (July fourteenth release on CDC web site) and has indicated that cloth face coverings are a critical tool in the fight against CoVid-19; the World Health Organization "advises that governments should encourage the general public to wear masks" (per WebMD.com dated June eighth); and the Ohio Department of Health has issued a public order requiring face masks in public effective July eighth. The nay sayer did indicate that everyne should make their own choice and choose to live their own life but should also have added "or choose not to live their life by not wearing a mask". Once again everyone, please perform your own due diligence before listening to someone that does not.
LOL I assume this is directed at me. I am not a naysayer. ::) The CDC has said it both ways. You believe the statement you want to believe and I believe the statement I want to believe. Orig they said a mask will do no good. They still say that. They say unless you are sick you do not need to be wearing a mask. As I said, it depends on which day you hear them talk. Anybody with a brain should be able to know that little piece of cloth is not going to keep you safe from anything. But keep your security blankie close. It works for 2 year olds.
I think we are being over hyped on the mask issue although they are proven to reduce spread of droplets of saliva. This is a very serious disease and we should protect ourselves when we can. What I absolutely detest is the attitude that others should be monitoring and feel completely free to critize those who choose not to wear them. Not their right! Wear one if you are in a risk situation or with people who have risks. Don't go where you don't feel safe. Your job is to keep yourself safe. If we each protect our selves all will be protected.
I really don’t know what to say, but our Secretary of Health states ‘your mask protects me, my mask protects you.’ I don’t like wearing one either, but I do. Even Trump has turned his thinking around and now states masks should be worn. Even though I honestly am not looking for a major confrontation I’m sure I will get one. I think they should be worn, but if someone decides not to, that is their choice and I would respect their decision.
Most people can't grasp that. I don't buy the your mask protects me and mine protects you. I am so sick of hearing that. Like I said, make one that protects the wearer. Turn the mask around and wear it backward. Then it will protect the person who wears it. People are so stupid. And will go to as far as risking their life confronting someone not wearing a mask. I don't care what anybody else does. I would rather see somebody without a mask on as to wear it around their chin or with their nasty nose hanging out. I must be in the extreme minority because I go to the store and get what I need and leave. I don't micromonitor everyone else in the store and worry about what they are doing, wearing, or putting in their cart. Too busy taking care of me.
That is his choice.
Poor choices and ignorance may cost his life!
What part of over 98% of the people who get this recover are you missing?
That is his choice.
Poor choices and ignorance may cost his life!
What part of over 98% of the people who get this recover are you missing?
What part of 15,581,09 cases <635,173 deaths>RU missing?
You cannot believe all the false information the president is putting out. Because he does not believe in science. He doesn't have to wear a mask because everyone who gets anywhere near him has to be tested. A very large number of the secret service, white staff and others around him have contacted the virus. Over 145,000 dead in 4 months is not just the flu. By him saying that it is all a hoax a lot of people believe it is, several areas of the country have had people in their 20's and 30's having parties where there is no social distancing and no masks. One of the parties numerous people came down with the virus. Several survived by some did not. The last words of one of the young men was that "they said it was a hoax". People complaining that they have to wear a mask and will not go to certain stores again who require it. Fine go somewhere else, but the employees have to be there and the masks are pretty much their best line of defense against people who do not care if they are spreading it or not. That's great if they want to take their chances, but the store employees should not have to be at risk because of them. A lot of people cannot afford to quit because their are not that many places hiring at this time.
already one thats made.
You cannot believe all the false information the president is putting out. Because he does not believe in science. He doesn't have to wear a mask because everyone who gets anywhere near him has to be tested. A very large number of the secret service, white staff and others around him have contacted the virus. Over 145,000 dead in 4 months is not just the flu. By him saying that it is all a hoax a lot of people believe it is, several areas of the country have had people in their 20's and 30's having parties where there is no social distancing and no masks. One of the parties numerous people came down with the virus. Several survived by some did not. The last words of one of the young men was that "they said it was a hoax". People complaining that they have to wear a mask and will not go to certain stores again who require it. Fine go somewhere else, but the employees have to be there and the masks are pretty much their best line of defense against people who do not care if they are spreading it or not. That's great if they want to take their chances, but the store employees should not have to be at risk because of them. A lot of people cannot afford to quit because their are not that many places hiring at this time.
You cannot believe the crap the media is putting out. I cannot grasp how people can be so stupid. You cannot spread what you do not have. If you talk to employees in retail most of them do not want to wear the mask and only do so because they are forced to. And if you also pay attention they do not wear it correctly. It is either around their chin or their nose is hanging out. And there are companies hiring literally EVERYWHERE. None of them can get people to work because the $600 added to unemployment they got when they first were laid off is way more than they can get working anywhere. So therefore they are not going to work. These conversations are like beating a dead horse. Neither side is going to just come around to the other side's view. Your first line is 100% correct to start with. You cannot believe the false info being put out there. And fyi Trump is not putting it out there. Do some math. Talk to real doctors working in real hospitals. You will be a lot less scared. And lastly, most of the people using the word hoax are not saying the virus itself is a hoax. But people are too stupid and already trying to come up with a rebuttal to even listen to what is said. The virus is real. The fear monger around it is what is a hoax. You also have no idea that the guy that his last words were suppose to be "I thought it was a hoax" is even real. I am betting THAT is a hoax.
https://twitter.com/i/status/1281623716435316736 (https://twitter.com/i/status/1281623716435316736)
This guy learned the hard way.
Wow this really hit home as I'm around his age. Wow so close to be 38 years old. This is not yet over by the long shot ya.
By [Trump] saying that it is all a hoax a lot of people believe it is...
QUIT spreading and/or repeating mis-information! You are not helping anyone by doing so, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with Trump's position on other policies (which is the underlying motivation by anyone and everyone who claims that Trump called the virus a hoax) this is not and has never been true (https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-coronavirus-rally-remark/)!!!
Let's talk about how Nancy Pelosi and Bill De Blasio told people when this all broke to ignore the dangers of social interaction and encouraged all to go about their business unchecked. Don't want to go there? Okay, fine. Then quit with the bullshit Trump Derangement Syndrome as well.
By [Trump] saying that it is all a hoax a lot of people believe it is...
QUIT spreading and/or repeating mis-information! You are not helping anyone by doing so, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with Trump's position on other policies (which is the underlying motivation by anyone and everyone who claims that Trump called the virus a hoax) this is not and has never been true (https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-coronavirus-rally-remark/)!!!
Let's talk about how Nancy Pelosi and Bill De Blasio told people when this all broke to ignore the dangers of social interaction and encouraged all to go about their business unchecked. Don't want to go there? Okay, fine. Then quit with the bullshit Trump Derangement Syndrome as well.
While the world wants to make this virus a bunch of political BS i will say it again.....
The governing body of The TRUE God has STOPPED all ministry and meetings.Jehovah is still feeding his people without having to be around many.This virus is very contagious.You have a greater risk to catch it without wearing a mask when you must and to avoid large gatherings.
If it is more important to do your own thing then you must reap what you sow whether you are a Republican or a Democrat.
If it is more important to do your own thing then you must reap what you sow whether you are a Republican or a Democrat.
Can't argue with that!
Unfortunately I think innocent people are going to learn the hard way. There are huge groups of people holding parties and gatherings. And, I read today that people who oppose wearing masks are putting things over their face with negative sayings that won't even keep out the virus. >:(
You wear your mask if you want to or if you must. Then you will be protected if I don't wear mine, since I have no need to do so.
I'll still respect your rights if you respect mine as well. Thank you. :peace:
BTW, there is a post regarding this topic that contains signage saying words that are normally *bleeped* on this site.
What's up with that? :dontknow:
You wear your mask if you want to or if you must. Then you will be protected if I don't wear mine, since I have no need to do so.
I'll still respect your rights if you respect mine as well. Thank you. :peace:
Jesus didnt bargain with those that disagreed with him.He spoke the truth and even scolded those that wanted to decide for themselves good and bad when it wasnt supported by God.
I dont know the laws in every state but i see the results in mine and what God supports.And i will be the first to admit i hate wearing a mask......but follow the rules when i have to.I have also seen its best to listen to Jehovah and the independent attitude results of death and sickness.
Respect that?If one thought murdering others was righteous in their eyes and i didnt,im still supposed to respect how they felt?LOL!!!
Come come my child!!
What is with people who feel they would not be affected by this disease? I have a stupid brother who doesn't feel that it isn't serious. SMDH. I asked him so all those thousands of people who have died from the virus is not to be believed huh? I asked him to please start using his brain if he has one. I often wonder how he can be so stupid about certain things.
Landline number
(505) 833-1924
Mobile number
(505) 263-2734
To bad. He was so young. Stay safe
Landline number
(505) ***-1924
Mobile number
(505) ***-2734
If this is your own personal info, you may want to reconsider posting this information publicly. If it is someone else's info, shame on you. (On the slight chance that the newbie OP reads my response and edits/deletes their post, I've redacted some of the contact info in my quoted reply)
I don't think alot of people realize how serious this situation is. We've really got to all come together to tackle this crisis.
Landline number
(505) ***-1924
Mobile number
(505) ***-2734
If this is your own personal info, you may want to reconsider posting this information publicly. If it is someone else's info, shame on you. (On the slight chance that the newbie OP reads my response and edits/deletes their post, I've redacted some of the contact info in my quoted reply)
I don’t understand why he posted that in the first place.