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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: gwilson31 on October 03, 2018, 08:55:26 am
I saw my first wooly bear caterpillar of the season. It had more rusty brown than black meaning a milder winter. (I guess it has a 50/50 chance of being right LOL). :snowman: :snowman: :snowman:
Haven't yet seen any wooly worms. But it's unusual here to have a harsh winter. I always hope for at least one decent snow. We have lots of firewood ready, I tend to want a fire burning as soon as it gets cool enough. Nothing like sitting in front of the fire in the evenings.
cAME from Pa and don't miss the snow but look forward :in-love: to winter here in Florida. Love the cooler winter weather we get.
I love the winter time
We have had a lot of the wooly right now. And they keep wanting to settle on my house. Not happy about that. So keep putting them in the trees and on other buildings. we need to get wood, but it has been so darn hot, and hubby can't work in the high heat. Just makes him sick. Before he got heat exhaustion it didn't seem to bother him but now it is bad. I hate to see him get gray around the lips.
Hate snow, hate winter. Hate the winter season.
I haven't seen any of this season so far but I'm ready for winter I like the cold with lupus I'm always hot so the cold weather is a plus
I don't mind the winter anymore since I'm in an apartment with snow removable service
We got our first sprinkle today... yeah, I'm so excited!
That's about it for winter, it was still almost 80' outside.
I don't get snow here. Thankfully.... Californians can't drive in the rain, they wouldn't be able to handle snow on the road... well the vast majority of them. :)
I haven't seen any woolly caterpillars yet Winter is not my favorite season but I hope the projection for milder winter comes true. :pumpkin: :rose: :peace: :wave:
I haven't seen any wooly caterpillars yet. I don't particularly like winter.....the cold gets to me and it lasts so long. We seemed to be skipping FALL right now. 36 degrees with sunshine.
Hate snow, hate winter. Hate the winter season.
Girl, you and I are on the same page! I detest winter, snow, having to wear coats and boots, having to shovel snow, clear snow off my car if it's been out of the garage for some time, and the general feeling of being closed in. I dislike not being able to open my windows and paying for the hot, dry air my furnace provides. Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing in Michigan. I did try to get out of here twice when I was much younger but it just didn't work out!
I love the winter time. We can't use my fireplace anymore here, air pollution :'( cause I love to organize my firewood and care for it to stay dry, love to watch the flames make the logs crackle, but no more, maybe I shall move. I want to visit the snow this year.
I never know you can distinguish harsh or mild winter just by looking at wooly bear caterpillar
I saw my first wooly bear caterpillar of the season. It had more rusty brown than black meaning a milder winter. (I guess it has a 50/50 chance of being right LOL). :snowman: :snowman: :snowman:
Hello! :D :)
I hate winter I'm not looking forward to it at all. Hopefully, it is not that cold this winter, crossing my fingers! :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose:
Winter will be here soon.
I love to hibernate and
work on some of my projects.
Winter- I love you!
Winter is my favorite season of the year. I live in Georgia and we sometimes get some snow. :)
The persimmon test says there is going to be a lot of snow to shovel this winter. (If the kernel is spoon-shaped, expect plenty of snow to shovel. If it is fork-shaped, plan on a mild winter with powdery, light snow. If the kernel is knife-shaped, expect frigid winds that will “cut” like a blade.)
I hope it's a mild winter because I really don't like cold weather. Fall my favorite season so I hope and pray it last awhile.
I don't like the winter time because i hate the cold and i hate the snow
I cant wait till the winter to come
I'm not even sure what a wooly worm/caterpillar is. I rarely see any caterpillars and winter is pretty far away for me. It's still pretty hot here.
I'm actually excited for the Winter. I'm ready for a change.
Woolly bear caterpillars turn into isabella tiger moths, so they should also have an indication of how next winter will be if they’re already moths.
Winter is coming like a Lion. It was about 60 degrees today.
Winter is coming like a Lion. It was about 60 degrees today.
That doesn’t sound like winter to me. Wouldn’t snow melt at a temperature like that?
layered season is coming, missing my winter clothes. welcome winter :kiss: