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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: snuggleycutejc on September 11, 2018, 11:22:50 am

Title: Do you use the Library?
Post by: snuggleycutejc on September 11, 2018, 11:22:50 am
Meaning of libraries remember to you? Ever had a late fee? Ever donate to the library? Ever tear-up a book? Have a gr8                                                    Libraries Remember Day! I have a library down the street I loved to rent videos from them when my kids were young, daughter seen/read her first subtitle movies. 
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: gwilson31 on September 11, 2018, 11:38:59 am
I used to like going to the library.  I went often and loved to read.  I haven't gone lately and when I do read it's usually on my Kindle Fire.  8)
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: countrygirl12 on September 11, 2018, 12:13:56 pm
I do not use our local library. It it a total joke. There is a total of about 8 parking spaces and at least 4 of those are taken by employees.

I can't remember but it seems like we did donate some books once.  Never again.  Once a year they have a book sale and I assume sell the books people donate to them.

No, I never tore a book I borrowed up.

They do have or did have VHS tapes the last time I went in there.  I guess they have DVDs now.  But it is not anything anybody would want to watch.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: countrygirl12 on September 11, 2018, 12:14:30 pm
I used to like going to the library.  I went often and loved to read.  I haven't gone lately and when I do read it's usually on my Kindle Fire.  8)

You can get a ton of books for free on the electronic devices.  Not sure why anybody would go to a library any more.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: ancmetro on September 11, 2018, 12:57:29 pm

     Yes! Best computers and Internet connection in the world!
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: sfreeman8 on September 11, 2018, 01:07:19 pm
I went to the library in my town once. Got a strange look because I wasn't there in years. I wanted to take out a book but because I lived on the outskirts of town (but my address was the town and I lived there all my life), I had to pay to join and then I could be a member whereas if I lived inside the borough line (1000 feet away), I didn't have to pay anything. The most arrogant thing the librarian asked me that day was if I didn't want to join, I didn't have to come there but it would be nice if I would donate to their fund. Yeah, right! Horrible person.

I used to go to a library in another town every couple days after the above snub, and was on a first name basis with everyone. The people were very friendly and welcoming. This library was great and they always had the "newest" items. They were so helpful, too. They were in another town. I did donate to them when they wanted to remodel but needed help. Can no longer get there. :(

Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: bshee58 on September 11, 2018, 02:40:28 pm
We go a lot, like using their Ancestry database. Never had a late fee.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: BATISTAGIRL663 on September 11, 2018, 04:09:39 pm
When I was in school I enjoyed going to the library and sometimes when the kids were little I would take them to the library but now I just Google everything it's a lot easier than going to the library to me
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: DEBMZ6 on September 11, 2018, 05:11:09 pm
I haven't been to the library in years.  I just realized the library has been around a lot longer then I thought. The first free public library supported by taxation in the world was the Peterborough, New Hampshire Town Library which was founded on April 9, 1833.  Who knew, not me.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: cathy37 on September 11, 2018, 06:21:25 pm
I use the library all the time.  I love the smell of library books.  I also take my 3 year old grandson to the library for story time and also get some books for him.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: shasha2210 on September 11, 2018, 07:23:20 pm
i love going to the libaray
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: UGetPaid on September 11, 2018, 08:38:51 pm
We have two very nice libraries in my area, and several other serviceable ones within a 30 minute drive in various directions. My wife and daughter love to read and go very often to the libraries (as do I, but I seem to have less time to read as I am more often pecking away at this computer keyboard in my free time).

Our local library is connected to a network of dozens of other libraries in Northeast Ohio and there is another library about 20 minutes away that is in a different Ohio network - so I have access to many more books between the two systems.

I like to request books to be placed on hold for pickup. I usually search the online catalogs for books about earning money from home or cryptocurrency. I then put a printed business card into the books before returning them. The card has a link to my web site which in turn has referral links to the money making sites that I use like Fusion Cash.

I don't know whether I've specifically gotten any referrals this way, but it doesn't cost me any money to do it and it gets my referral links out there to books in libraries I will likely never visit in person. And I try to put them into books where the next person who reads them are more likely to be interested in the money making ideas.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: elvisdo on September 12, 2018, 05:40:28 am
Our public library is awesome. It's a hub of activity for the community so it's rare when it's really empty.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: hemapreethaa on September 12, 2018, 05:40:55 am
Yes, I use the public library and pay fine a lot :-D
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: countrygirl12 on September 12, 2018, 06:54:54 am
I went to the library in my town once. Got a strange look because I wasn't there in years. I wanted to take out a book but because I lived on the outskirts of town (but my address was the town and I lived there all my life), I had to pay to join and then I could be a member whereas if I lived inside the borough line (1000 feet away), I didn't have to pay anything. The most arrogant thing the librarian asked me that day was if I didn't want to join, I didn't have to come there but it would be nice if I would donate to their fund. Yeah, right! Horrible person.

I used to go to a library in another town every couple days after the above snub, and was on a first name basis with everyone. The people were very friendly and welcoming. This library was great and they always had the "newest" items. They were so helpful, too. They were in another town. I did donate to them when they wanted to remodel but needed help. Can no longer get there. :(

Pay to join? I would have said "no thanks".  You do not have to pay at our library but you do need a library card to check out books.  If you lose it you have to pay a replacement fee.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: countrygirl12 on September 12, 2018, 06:59:04 am
We have two very nice libraries in my area, and several other serviceable ones within a 30 minute drive in various directions. My wife and daughter love to read and go very often to the libraries (as do I, but I seem to have less time to read as I am more often pecking away at this computer keyboard in my free time).

Our local library is connected to a network of dozens of other libraries in Northeast Ohio and there is another library about 20 minutes away that is in a different Ohio network - so I have access to many more books between the two systems.

I like to request books to be placed on hold for pickup. I usually search the online catalogs for books about earning money from home or cryptocurrency. I then put a printed business card into the books before returning them. The card has a link to my web site which in turn has referral links to the money making sites that I use like Fusion Cash.

I don't know whether I've specifically gotten any referrals this way, but it doesn't cost me any money to do it and it gets my referral links out there to books in libraries I will likely never visit in person. And I try to put them into books where the next person who reads them are more likely to be interested in the money making ideas.

I bought a book at a book sale that was guaranteed ways to make enough money at home to have that be your full time job. But it was a joke. As are most of the sites I hit from google.  Suggestions like sell my stuff are useless.

And most of the make money from home websites are just links to sites like this one. The person with the website makes money if they can get referrals from people clicking their links.  But they usually exaggerate how much money you can make to get the referral.  And survey sites will not pay the bills.  I am desperately looking for ways to make money from home (as in a job where I can work from home) but it most likely isn't going to happen.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: ccandpam on September 12, 2018, 07:33:29 am
I have used the Library to print and fax things, but since I got a All In One Printer, I do not go anymore.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: ErinMagoonZamacona99 on September 12, 2018, 10:21:08 am
I have not gone in years, but should start going again.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: vickysue on September 12, 2018, 03:53:25 pm
I love going to the  Library. there is nothing like  holding a book, relaxing in a  comfy chair and just read. tune out the TV, sometimes even read my self to sleep when I am very tired. I try to stay off of the computer after 8 o'clock Otherwise it seems to keep me awake  quite often. Don't know if it is why or what ever. But seems to work for me. 
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: Mizzkizz7 on September 12, 2018, 06:40:34 pm
Before I purchased a laptop, I was also in the library copying, faxing etc. Now I'd rather go to barnes and noble to sit and read.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: adriarobi on September 13, 2018, 01:21:52 pm
Only to vote.

Since I have had a computer, have not needed the library.

Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: judylucas on September 13, 2018, 01:54:15 pm
no late fee I have auto renewal   I order the books I want on line and they notify me when I can pick them up but today when I went to pick some I stayed and picked out several other ones
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: mapiklfish on September 13, 2018, 03:54:18 pm
I do not go to the library but, I do check out the library, online, sometimes.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: nmbrown863 on September 13, 2018, 09:52:15 pm
I used to go but not anymore.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: mgint on September 14, 2018, 03:33:38 am
take my mom to library every 3 weeks.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: rob110 on September 14, 2018, 04:19:02 am
No, plenty on the internet to read.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: alarisracing on September 14, 2018, 04:50:21 am
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: Yukichan77 on September 14, 2018, 01:32:37 pm
Yes, I still love going to the library. There's something amazing about browsing all the shelves of books in person. I like reading online, too but I love the old fashioned feeling about libraries.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: monnee on September 14, 2018, 02:12:22 pm
Only once in a while, since you can find most info on the internet now.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: darkxtsuna on September 15, 2018, 03:52:58 am
I have not been to one in ages and still plan not to unless my nieces needs to rent a book for school.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: Skyisbluetoday on September 15, 2018, 06:29:42 am
:bunny:   :cat:   :dog: I have checked out books from a library. I have not ever got a late fee from those books. I haven't damaged a book. It's been years since I've been in a library. Books are still fun to look and read them.  :bunny:   :cat:   :dog:
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: shasha2210 on September 15, 2018, 11:00:08 am
i always use the libary
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: ptfunds on September 15, 2018, 11:37:38 pm
I use the library all the time. Have watched all of the Game of Thrones that way, read amazing books, rented tons of DVDs, and best of all we have a bookmobile (not in town) so it is all delivered within blocks of my home.  Library lending is one of the coolest things ever! :star:
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: freedavis on September 16, 2018, 06:11:58 am
I do not use the library because its so east to pull online now days the info you need.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: catchow on September 16, 2018, 08:09:48 am
Yes I do, I am there weekly to drop books off and pick new ones up. My library is getting a new addition built, and it should be done the end of next month, so excited!
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: paints on September 16, 2018, 08:01:20 pm
I love going to the library.  All that knowledge in one place, and anyone can access it. 
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: pectacon on September 18, 2018, 09:56:13 am
I do, but not very often. Mine has remodeled and gotten rid of honestly half of their books. They got rid of the shelves and put in seating areas that are never used by anyone and a trendy coffee bar that I have literally never seen staffed or even with its lights on. I like to think of at least a couple of items to check out at a time, otherwise I hate driving all that way back to return 1 book.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: thoughtparticles on September 21, 2018, 06:36:29 am
I'm an avid reader and music listener, so I use my local libraries with some frequency. I recently bought a Kindle, so I'm now using the library's ebook borrowing system! I occasionally miss the item due email and incur a fee, but not often. As for damaging library material, I don't beat books around, so I never damage them, but I do get plenty of damaged books through the library home delivery service.

In the next few months, I'll be moving to a different area of the state... I've already looked into the county library system in person and online. It appears to be worlds better than the library system in my current county!
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: 1imaginarygirl on September 21, 2018, 06:46:39 am
I haven't been to a library in years, but I have been thinking of it lately. I just moved to an area that has a bunch of historic libraries. People have weddings and receptions at the one down the street. It's so beautiful. I download ebooks and audiobooks from the library, but it's just not the same as perusing the shelves, running your fingers along the books, opening them up and breathing in the smell of the paper and ink.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: camellia0 on September 21, 2018, 01:19:38 pm
I still use the library. Still get late fees.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: ErinMagoonZamacona99 on September 21, 2018, 01:52:25 pm
Good post, I think it would be great to use it more.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: cateyes1 on September 22, 2018, 03:39:18 am
I use to when the kids was small but not any more !
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: mardukblood2009 on September 22, 2018, 05:31:59 am
There for a while I was reading all the time. The last book I read was over the holidays. It was the autobiography of the singer from Iron Maiden.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: dogsleash on September 22, 2018, 07:47:02 pm
i take the kids they love it .
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: JediJohnnie on September 22, 2018, 10:51:32 pm
I used to love checking out the old books in the Library. Usually just spend an hour or two there reading. But I only go a few times over the course of the summer.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: 12amos on September 23, 2018, 10:01:47 pm
Many years ago before the computer age I went to the library on a regular basis.   But now with all the information I can access on computers I never go the library.   :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace:
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: alina6 on September 24, 2018, 04:33:37 am
I use the library to borrow cds and download the songs to iTunes.  Our library also gives us the ability to download 3 songs a week without having to go to the library.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: mamatygress on September 24, 2018, 10:48:01 am
I love the library!  I almost always wind up with overdue fines. 
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: Segun15 on September 25, 2018, 12:09:36 pm
I love going to the library wgen i was young and i still like to go now. I remember i did accidentally ripped one of the pages in the book and been charged for it. But it didn't stop me from going
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: patti4me on September 25, 2018, 03:15:57 pm
I used to use the library more than I do now, especially if I was reading a series of books but was missing some of the series.  I love to read but right now I have so many boxes of books in my closets that I'll probably not be around to read them all lol.  I'm talking about A LOT of books.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: dwiley11 on September 27, 2018, 07:01:09 pm
no thats what the web is for
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: tnshpalmer85 on September 28, 2018, 05:39:28 pm
I just started using the library more a few months ago. I checked out a book that I didn't read, but it is ok because I needed to up date my library card. I had it four years before finally using it.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: surveygrabber on September 29, 2018, 03:15:43 am
I go to the library once in a while. If there's a book I like to read, then I take and read it.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: sdenimandlace1 on September 29, 2018, 04:43:17 am
I need to go and get the tablet set up for it and we just have not been to do it.   We use to go all the time.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: MichelleHW101 on September 29, 2018, 06:29:41 am
I go to the library every time they have a booksale.  The library isn't that far from where I live and I always give more than the total of my sale so that the library can stay open.  I think about how expensive Ipad and all of those things are and I know there are many who can't afford them.  I know personally people who can barely afford their rent let alone a 'fancy' internet capable phone and do not own any kind of computer.  They go to the library to for the internet to do job searches.  In this day an age it is easy to forget there are those that can't afford things like that since it seems everyone can, but the truth is those who can't seem to get lost in the shuffle with people no longer believing there is a need for libraries.   
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: Sawman214 on September 29, 2018, 07:14:53 am
the internet has replaced them
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: tnshpalmer85 on September 29, 2018, 07:33:09 pm
I went to the library today. I was looking for a certain book but didn't find and saw that my library has many events that are coming up that I am looking forward to. They are going to do a panic room experience next month.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: jgw007 on September 29, 2018, 07:49:26 pm
Not in the last decade.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: clickers on September 29, 2018, 11:57:23 pm
I very seldom use the library. I do most of the stuff you need to do at the library, on my computer.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: vg7405 on September 30, 2018, 07:38:28 pm
Yes, I do, albeit on an infrequent basis. In fact, I visited my local library last weekend. I have to return the books I borrowed this week.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: mrisha on October 05, 2018, 08:15:32 pm
I haven't been to the Library in some years.  Before all the Digital technology, I always went to the Library.  I probably need to renew my Library Card.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: s34g35j on October 05, 2018, 09:06:11 pm
i like too as i love to read but have not been of late
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: mrsmere on October 06, 2018, 10:32:24 am
Not really.  I get everything off the internet because it's convenient.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: vg7405 on November 11, 2018, 12:52:02 am
I used to go to the library on a weekly basis when I was much younger. I would borrow between 12 - 20 books each week and read all of them (from cover to cover). Now that I am older, however, and with the convenience of eBooks and the Internet, I rarely attend.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: dsosnowski06 on November 11, 2018, 07:51:21 am
Had not been to it in years as it was dark and dingy but recently they closed it for remodeling and now it is super modern so decided to apply for a new card and really enjoy the atmosphere there now.  They even put in a small cafe with lounge chairs and small tables.  Now I go about once a month just to enjoy the quiet and escape
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: mardukblood2009 on November 11, 2018, 12:53:52 pm
I use to use the library all the time to use the computer but then I got my own and I don't go as much. For along time I was reading all the time but I just kid of got away from it.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: bretay on November 11, 2018, 05:52:20 pm
i live close by..but most everything you can find online...do miss books thoughs
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: dsawan on November 12, 2018, 12:24:12 am
online libraries but havent been in college for years now.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: jenniferhoder on November 12, 2018, 02:34:03 am
I do however I moved so I have to get a card at my new library and I haven't found the time to do that. :(
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: nannycoe1 on November 12, 2018, 05:44:42 am
I have not been to the library since my kids were little, I read my books online now.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: bshee58 on November 12, 2018, 06:00:50 am
I use it when i don't have any ink in my printer.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: elvisdo on November 12, 2018, 06:28:18 am
The library is a great especially if you have kids trying to figure out if they like a video game. They can borrow it and try it out.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: ccandpam on November 12, 2018, 07:02:24 am
I use the Library, but not as often as I would like to. It is a peaceful get away from all of the things that make me stressed.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: cathy37 on November 12, 2018, 01:13:15 pm
I do use the library  I carry my grandson every week to toddler storytime.  He loves it and then after the story we check out some books for him.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: mapiklfish on November 19, 2018, 06:52:33 pm
I don't use the library much any more because I have thousands of free kindle books already.  I can usually find movies without any problem so don't have a lot of use for it really.
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: Mizzkizz7 on November 26, 2018, 09:49:41 pm
No I don't use the library unless I am faxing something
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: MichelleHW101 on November 27, 2018, 05:56:04 am
I've never had a late fee and I love that the library has broadened their use to not just books but my library also has movies and the internet.   So yes, I use mine all the time. 
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: kaat1220 on December 16, 2018, 01:55:47 pm
I feel that libraries are still very important in our society. Just because the internet has lots of reading material means nothing when the average internet writer has a tenth grade education, and I frankly, get tired of reading internet articles filled with grammatical errors.

It's good to be someplace where it is okay to be quiet and read something that is not about a Kardashian. It is nice to read a book that has actually been through a proper editing process.

It is also still free (at most places) and gives many older people a place to go because not every citizen has access to a computer.

I've read about fifteen books in about six weeks because I had a colonoscopy coming up due to some test results, and it was just too big for me to handle.

However, binge-reading is not the norm for me. I just needed to keep my mind occupied, and on the internet, it is just too easy to end up reading/seeing things you do not want to see at a time when you least need to see them.

Libraries are not a joke. But I do believe they are feeling the pressure to stay relevant in the internet age. I used to be able to check out ten books. Now, I can check out fifty.
I hope libraries stay around as well as old book stores where you can kick your feet up and get lost in other worlds.

 :cat: :dog:
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: stokeman455 on December 16, 2018, 03:50:47 pm
   All time time, check out dvd's
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: judylucas on December 16, 2018, 04:28:35 pm
Yes  use the library all the time  love to read
Title: Re: Do you use the Library?
Post by: Cbsteffen on December 16, 2018, 06:30:29 pm
I almost never do anymore. It hardly seems relevant to me nowadays.