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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: countrygirl12 on June 07, 2018, 01:00:54 pm
Another comment got me to thinking about this...
Years ago I worked in a restaurant and waited tables. I walked up to a table with 2 adults and one child. I greet them and ask for their drink order. They ordered a drink for the kid and then he asked for 3 sweet teas. I confirmed that I heard him correctly since there were only 2 adults. He smarts off and says "I want two of them if that is alright with you!"
Uhm okay. Yeah that is fine.
At the time you got free refills on teas. But not on any soda or juice.
Would you have told him he got free refills and just gave him one tea for himself or went ahead and charged him for 2 for himself? I done what he wanted. I brought them 3 sweet teas. :)
Working with the public is definitely a challenge. lol
Smiled and brought him what he asked for
Smiled and brought him what he asked for
lol That is what I done.
I also remember a man ordering 3 buffet bars. One for him and his woman. And a FREE one for the kid. Oh she is 2. Daddy I am 4. He looked at her like he was gonna hit her. For the sake of the kid I didn't charge them for it. Sad that parents teach their kids to lie and cheat to get what they want.
I worked as a waitress years ago. I did like OldBuddy said, smiled and brought them whatever they ordered, after I repeated the order to them to be sure I had it correct.
I worked as a waitress years ago. I did like OldBuddy said, smiled and brought them whatever they ordered, after I repeated the order to them to be sure I had it correct.
I did this too, no use in making a fuss. I did usually say that they got free refills or whatever the deal was at the time.
I would have told the parents that there is free refills on the tea, but if they wanted me to serve him 3 glasses of tea at the same time I would have to charge them for three. Most of the time a child would not be likely to finish all three teas and it would have been a waste to serve them.
I would have told the parents that there is free refills on the tea, but if they wanted me to serve him 3 glasses of tea at the same time I would have to charge them for three. Most of the time a child would not be likely to finish all three teas and it would have been a waste to serve them.
Two different stories. The teas I gave him 2 and his wife one. And no refills cause he was a butt. Only two people in this party.
The other one was a different person. He was wanting for his child to eat for free. KIds 2 and under ate the buffet bar for free. I let it go because I was afraid of what he would do to the kid. You could tell he got really mad when the kid said she was 4 not 2. I did let him know I knew he was lying but said I won't charge you for her to eat. :-X
I worked as a waitress years ago. I did like OldBuddy said, smiled and brought them whatever they ordered, after I repeated the order to them to be sure I had it correct.
I did this too, no use in making a fuss. I did usually say that they got free refills or whatever the deal was at the time.
I did not tell him they could get free refills on the tea. I was 17 at the time. I was in high school. When he gave me the drink order and there was only 2 of them I did repeat it and asked to confirm "you want 3 teas". And he smarted off and said "YES, I WANT TWO OF THEM IF THAT IS ALRIGHT WITH YOU!"
I was like okay fine. If he had been nice about it and said I usually drink more than one glass I would have said oh well you get free refills.
I feel like it might just be easier (and more likely to get you a bigger tip) if you just go with the old saying "the customer is always right."
I would have just done what he asked me to do and let him pay for the extra tea it kind of sounds like he was a smarty pants anyway!!
Give him what he asked for and then charge him for it!
I worked in a restaurant for a while and the customers can be a hand full.
I feel like it might just be easier (and more likely to get you a bigger tip) if you just go with the old saying "the customer is always right."
I don't remember if I got a tip or not. He got 2 sweet teas and his wife got 1 and neither got a refill. There is also another saying or two about being nice to the wait staff. When you smart off to the person preparing your food or delivering your food to the table - you are taking a gamble. No I wouldn't do anything to someone's food. But it isn't a good idea to talk down to someone who is dealing with your food. This guy smarted off to me the 2nd time he spoke to me.
Give him what he asked for and then charge him for it!
Oh he got charged for both.
I worked in a restaurant for a while and the customers can be a hand full.
People who have never worked with the public do not understand. I have worked retail more than once and it is def a challenge. It seems like people think they are better than you are because you work in a restaurant or are a cashier somewhere. If you are working then you are doing pretty good. You are making an effort. I have a real issue with people who want to look down on somebody because of their job. As long as it is legal I don't see where you have any right to look down on anyone. And some waitresses make really good tips.
I would have told him about the free refills and let him decide how he wanted to order.
I would have told him about the free refills and let him decide how he wanted to order.
lol. Then he would have just ordered one. If he had not of smarted off to me I would have told him. I was actually fixing to tell him when he popped out with the snarly comment. WHY would you order 2 glasses of tea to get free refills on both of them?
I probably would have still told him about the free refill, but I can't honestly fault you with how you handled it. My thinking is: if the guy learned after the fact that refills were free and he was a big enough jerk (which it sounds like he was), then what's to stop him from complaining to the management that he was improperly charged and that I also never told him refills were free?
Sometimes being right isn't enough - even if "I was just following the customer's explicit instructions." ::)
But still wouldn't criticize you for how you handled it.
go to a bar and have a drink
Always comply with the customer's order!
There must be a reason he order 3...and not two.
Maybe he gets reimburse for his food services.
I would do what you did... give him what he asked for. After he confirmed that the order was correct, I would have smiled and moved on to next table
I probably would have still told him about the free refill, but I can't honestly fault you with how you handled it. My thinking is: if the guy learned after the fact that refills were free and he was a big enough jerk (which it sounds like he was), then what's to stop him from complaining to the management that he was improperly charged and that I also never told him refills were free?
Sometimes being right isn't enough - even if "I was just following the customer's explicit instructions." ::)
But still wouldn't criticize you for how you handled it.
The manager would have taken my side. I done what he told me. Yes, it was perfectly alright with me to let him have 2 glasses of tea. lol People complained then and complain now about everything. Most people are just looking to get something for free. They could care less that they get someone in trouble. If there is a legit complaint then okay but if you are just cheap and trying to get something for free then stay home if you can't be happy with anything.
I worked a part time job in retail once and these two people came in after parking their motorcycles on the side walk and make a few purchases and as they paid they told me how stupid I was and insulted me for several minutes stressing how STUPID I am. The assistant manager stands in an aisle and listens but does nothing to intervene. These two people pay and leave the store. The manager comes to the register and says "whose bags are these" - I said those belong to those two smart people who just left the building. She said did you not try to stop them? I said NOPE! lol
They were traveling and just passing through. Don't know when they realized they didn't take their stuff. LOL
go to a bar and have a drink
It was a family restaurant. They didn't have a bar.
Always comply with the customer's order!
There must be a reason he order 3...and not two.
Maybe he gets reimburse for his food services.
You totally missed it. He ordered two for himself. The other was for his wife. He didn't get paid back for anything.
He was just an A-hole. He wanted more than one glass of tea with his meal. Most people usually get at least one refill on their drink about any where. When I confirmed he wanted 3 and there were only 2 people in the party I was going to go on to tell him he got free refills but when he smarted off to me and talked to me like I was lower than trash because I was waiting tables - he got what he wanted.
I would do what you did... give him what he asked for. After he confirmed that the order was correct, I would have smiled and moved on to next table
You would have made a better waitress that I did. lol. I was in high school at the time. I did not do well with smiling and just moving on when people were total butts to me. There is not need in talking down to someone. But some seem to get their kicks from doing that.
Another comment got me to thinking about this...
Years ago I worked in a restaurant and waited tables. I walked up to a table with 2 adults and one child. I greet them and ask for their drink order. They ordered a drink for the kid and then he asked for 3 sweet teas. I confirmed that I heard him correctly since there were only 2 adults. He smarts off and says "I want two of them if that is alright with you!"
Uhm okay. Yeah that is fine.
At the time you got free refills on teas. But not on any soda or juice.
Would you have told him he got free refills and just gave him one tea for himself or went ahead and charged him for 2 for himself? I done what he wanted. I brought them 3 sweet teas. :)
I would have done exactly what you did. I worked as a waitress when I was in college. I was a good waitress, but I guess I had a bad attitude. I could not stand to be smart mouthed at, or snapping their fingers at me. I once, in a fit of anger, told a customer I’m your server NOT your servent. Of course didn’t get a tip, but I didn’t care he was so rude
Another comment got me to thinking about this...
Years ago I worked in a restaurant and waited tables. I walked up to a table with 2 adults and one child. I greet them and ask for their drink order. They ordered a drink for the kid and then he asked for 3 sweet teas. I confirmed that I heard him correctly since there were only 2 adults. He smarts off and says "I want two of them if that is alright with you!"
Uhm okay. Yeah that is fine.
At the time you got free refills on teas. But not on any soda or juice.
Would you have told him he got free refills and just gave him one tea for himself or went ahead and charged him for 2 for himself? I done what he wanted. I brought them 3 sweet teas. :)
I would have done exactly what you did. I worked as a waitress when I was in college. I was a good waitress, but I guess I had a bad attitude. I could not stand to be smart mouthed at, or snapping their fingers at me. I once, in a fit of anger, told a customer I’m your server NOT your servent. Of course didn’t get a tip, but I didn’t care he was so rude
We had this little spill we were suppose to say "hello welcome to xxx my name is xxx and I will be your server" and this smart mouth boy looks at me and said oh you will be my servant. I didn't say anything. Didn't even crack a smile. I worked there as part of a class at school and I couldn't quit or I would not have stayed there. I absolutely hated it. And your making money depends on the tips. We had 2 waitresses who were stealing tips and most of my tips were stolen. Management knew it but wouldn't do anything about it. When it is Wednesday night and you have one waitress make $65 and one makes $6 and one makes around $15 (she stayed the whole night - the same hours as the one who made $65) it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what is going on.
For the first situation I would have told them about the free refills, but I would have offered to get him the three drinks if he still wanted. For the second situation I guess I probably would have not charged for the kid either.
Do what he asked.
I would’ve brought him one tea to start with and then given him the free refills. That would’ve saved him and the adults some money!
I would’ve brought him one tea to start with and then given him the free refills. That would’ve saved him and the adults some money!
lol. I didn't care about saving him money. When I brought 2 drinks instead of 3 he would have smarted off to me. I was saving myself some trouble.
There seem to be a lot of people who thrive on being mean and talking down to others. Putting others down because they feel superior to them. No one is superior to another person just because they think they are better because the person works in a restaurant or retail.
There is a young girl just graduated from high school been working at Walmart for a few months now. I go through her line if I see her. A few days ago a woman snarls at her "can you not turn the belt on" and a couple other snarly remarks. The cashier just took the abuse. I would be willing to bet snarly customer doesn't even work. smh. It seems to be a trend for people to be mean to others. I want to build a big house in the middle of a 100 acre farm and shut the world out. lol
I've been a server and a bartender. The public is a handful to say the least lol It's really challenging if they have had a few adult beverages and decide to argue, etc.
Yeah, a lot of folks are really rude, as it is a chance to feel they are on top for a change.
Some are remarkably kind.
My grand-daughter started a job in a well known restaurant chain recently. One woman treated her like she was dirt, and shouted explitives, calling her names.
Other patrons, see this go on, told the mgr, and gave my grand-daughter great compliments how sweet she was to them and the woman screaming at her.
The mgr was impressed how his new emplyee, my grand-daughter handled it. One lady told the mgr she deserved a raise for how she handled the wild woman. They laughted, it was like her third day on the job.
Yeah, a lot of folks are really rude, as it is a chance to feel they are on top for a change.
Some are remarkably kind.
My grand-daughter started a job in a well known restaurant chain recently. One woman treated her like she was dirt, and shouted explitives, calling her names.
Other patrons, see this go on, told the mgr, and gave my grand-daughter great compliments how sweet she was to them and the woman screaming at her.
The mgr was impressed how his new emplyee, my grand-daughter handled it. One lady told the mgr she deserved a raise for how she handled the wild woman. They laughted, it was like her third day on the job.
I have had some real experiences in the past when dealing with the public. People are just butts. I do not know why they think they have the right to talk down to others. And it does go both ways. People who work customer service can be rude to the customers. I think over all people in general are just angry. And it shows in every thing they are doing.
Have mercy there are certainly some weird people in this world. I guess each to their own. LOL. You tried to help and inform them I guess they didn't have anything else they wanted to waste money on - awww let me see a bigger tip for you and then take advantage of the free refills on tea?
I'm not sure I could work at something like this given I'm not very good with people lol :pumpkin:
Have mercy there are certainly some weird people in this world. I guess each to their own. LOL. You tried to help and inform them I guess they didn't have anything else they wanted to waste money on - awww let me see a bigger tip for you and then take advantage of the free refills on tea?
I don't remember but I probably didn't even get a tip. I certainly would not have gotten a bigger tip because I saved him $1.19 on a drink.
Idk if you have ever waited tables but you can usually tell early on if you will not be getting a tip. The people who complain, run you ragged, and are hateful - usually are either not going to leave a tip at all or they are just going to leave some change. Too many people have the mindset they are not going to pay you to do your job - your employer should be paying you. The thing is wait staff get paid $2.19 an hour and then get tips. That's how it works. And you know when you go in to a full service restaurant that part of it is leaving a tip. Some people are doing the best they can and just because they wait tables doesn't mean they are worthless or should be treated badly. I waited tables years ago. They way people are today I don't think I could handle it. I would throw something at someone. LOL
I'm not sure I could work at something like this given I'm not very good with people lol :pumpkin:
These days - me either. The more I see of people the more I dislike people.
I would give him what he asked for. The customer is always right :)
i woudl have done teh same thing . i might have mentiones it was free refills.
If he wants three teas, get him three teas and make sure he's charged. And make sure I was with another table when they start fidgeting for more service, for a while. ;)
Another comment got me to thinking about this...
Years ago I worked in a restaurant and waited tables. I walked up to a table with 2 adults and one child. I greet them and ask for their drink order. They ordered a drink for the kid and then he asked for 3 sweet teas. I confirmed that I heard him correctly since there were only 2 adults. He smarts off and says "I want two of them if that is alright with you!"
Uhm okay. Yeah that is fine.
At the time you got free refills on teas. But not on any soda or juice.
Would you have told him he got free refills and just gave him one tea for himself or went ahead and charged him for 2 for himself? I done what he wanted. I brought them 3 sweet teas. :)
Hello! :D :)
I would've told him that he can get an extra tea free of charge for I could clear my conscious. Then if he still wants the three I would say ok and give it to him. :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: