FC Community
Discussion Boards => Offers => Topic started by: Kassandra91 on April 06, 2015, 08:16:13 pm
i need help knowing if there is any good surveys.....
Under the Repeatable Daily tab,there are 10 different daily surveys to choose from.Some can be completed once per day,others multiple times,There are 3 different surveys listed under FC Surveys:Sample Partners,Samplicious,and Say So For Good.
today is not a good day for peanuts to even pay a penny. they are directing you to the 2 different surveys that just keep directing you round and round. I only got a penny from 15 minutes so I best leave fusion cash for today its just a take your time day here.
cool thank you.
For the daily repeatable surveys, I'd go with MyThoughtsCount since it pays $1.00 per survey completion. It's hard to qualify but I recommend it.
I wish you luck, some days the surveys are easier to qualify for than others. You just have to keep trying.
last year i was averaging anywhere from $75.00- $100.00 a month. this year i slowed down a little because of other programs. still doing very well overall
I had more time to work surveys before. Now I don't have as much time. But when I do try them many I do not qualify for. Just have to keep trying different things. :party:
i havent had much luck today either.
Surveys are like the law of averages. You could have a day with hardly qualifying for any, yet another day you get credit for many. In the end, it balances out. That's if you decide you want to continue attempting them. If you do, in my opinion start with the FC surveys, which are worth anywhere from 35 cents to over $4. There's usually a good number of those. At least when you don't qualify for those, you get a penny for trying.
'm with you I need to make cash a little more often :heart:
i need help knowing if there is any good surveys.....
There are many very good surveys available. The question is, are you available? I've been doing surveys for quite some time and I've found that the ONLY way to be successful is to make myself available on a daily basis or at least a weekly basis. It does take time to go through them and they do take time to complete. However, it will be time well spent when you start to see good overall results from your efforts. I usually have success with some companies and not so much with others. But the fact that I'm a member of numerous panels helps to keep my average earnings up. It's easier here on Fusion Cash because all of the surveys available are on one page. All you have to do is block out some time in the course of your day and begin.
By the way, I will keep this advice in mind for my own sake as well. It never hurts to listen to yourself when you have something of value to say. ::)
TASKS are BETTER :highfive:
Try doing the FC surveys, they are easy to qualify and they are also give good money.Do not forget to get 15c for the daily 'Paid to click'
Try clicking on FusionCash surveys on your home screen, from there you'll be able to choose from a few options according to your preference.
I know what u are saying .Keep trying u will make it. is u look me up on face book I can show some more ways