FC Community

Discussion Boards => FusionCash => Topic started by: kcetna on December 10, 2014, 08:03:55 pm

Title: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: kcetna on December 10, 2014, 08:03:55 pm
Just wanted to say hi to everyone. I'm new to fusioncash, so if anyone has pointers for me. Please let me know.
I'm a stay at home mom with 2 kids, but my kids are 20 and 12. I was going to go back to work after my 12 year old started school. But 7 years later still home, because we have a boxer who has separation anxiety so he can't be left alone.
So I figured I would try this out to make a little extra money.
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: kroberts13 on December 10, 2014, 10:54:41 pm
welcome to the site you have made a good choice. just follow the rules and you will be fine,you can do the paid email,tasks,video's,survey's,and post in the forums and get paid for what ever you decide on doing.you will find it to be fun and friendly.
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: kcetna on December 11, 2014, 05:27:08 am
Thanks for the welcome. I think I am going to like it here.
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: Angiesw on December 11, 2014, 06:40:00 am
Welcome!  Everyone is very friendly here and it is a good way to make some money if you work at it.  Have Fun!!  :party:
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: bostonphil on December 11, 2014, 10:47:55 am
Welcome to Fusion Cash. It is a wonderful site, one of the best of its kind. Fusion Cash is legit and you will get paid on time. We, veteran members, are always glad to help the newbies.

Check out the surveys under Fusion Cash tab  and the Paid to Call's. Follow the directions carefully. Take your time when taking surveys and leave the congratulations page open for at least two minutes or even more.

If you have a mac, I suggest you NOT use safari.Most time it credits but other times it does not. I use chrome or firefox for taking offers and viewing videos. I do use safari for my daily email and paid to click.

Being new, you should be able to cash out your first month with your $5 sign up bonus. I recommend PayPal or Direct Deposit. Fusion Cash is safe and can be trusted.

 :) :wave:

Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: BlackSheepNY on December 11, 2014, 12:10:07 pm
Welcome to FC, kcetna!  Best advice I can give you is don't give up.  Get yourself in to a daily routine, and follow that routine each day.  You may not qualify for some surveys (if you intend on taking surveys), but you will on others.  Just be persistent.

I know all about Boxers with separation anxiety.  Mine used to chew on the legs of my furniture when we were gone, LOL.  When I finally figured out it was separation anxiety, I crate trained him.  Each time we had to leave the house, we told "Bruno" it was time to go in his house.  He finally got the knack of it and since that time, no more separation anxiety.  I don't know how old your Boxer is, but Bruno was probably 2 or 3 years old when we crate trained him.  Boxers are like little kids, they get the "terrible twos," LOL!  Since that time with Bruno, my son and his wife have a Boxer now, too.  They crate trained him right away and they have no problems with separation anxiety.

PS:  Good luck here on Fusion Cash!  The forums are the place to come with your questions and so many people here are so very helpful.  I think you're going to enjoy it.
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: tea4me on December 11, 2014, 01:07:18 pm
Welcome aboard!  You will love it.  Once you get the hang of things, you will find it is easy to earn some extra cash here.  If you ever have questions, these forums are awesome as are many of the people.  There's always someone who can offer advice.
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: aharr1 on December 11, 2014, 01:18:47 pm
Surveys are the best ways to save you time and make you the most amount of money i like to do the paid to click everyday as well.
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: bonzie on December 11, 2014, 01:30:24 pm
Welcome to Fusion Cash, I`m sure you will have fun working here, I love paid to click too, in days that I`m so busy I` try my best to give time to FC at least the PTC. Pennies counts.
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: sweetangel2424 on December 11, 2014, 03:18:58 pm
welcome to fusion cash this is a great site to be on i wish u the best of luck on your earnings
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: wsnyyankees2009 on December 11, 2014, 03:24:52 pm

First Thing, This Is a Legit Site!                  Approved by the BBB!!   A+ Rating               

Check out this Link for Payment Proof - http://www.fusioncash.net/forum.php?board=13.0


In order to make $$$, You Must Learn How This Site Works  :peace: 

Recommend watching the "Tutorial Videos" on the FC Main Page as well as the Forum Main Page.

Always "Clear Your Cookies" BEFORE starting any offers/tasks/surveys.

Click "Earn Cash" Icon for Offers, Videos, Paid to Click, RadioLoyalty, Tasks & Sign Up for Daily Cash Email.

When you complete an offer, especially surveys, keep the browser window open on your screen for
5-10 minutes or so...I've learned it helps in the credit process!   

As a new member you may be interested in checking out the following...
Under the "Support Topic" in this forum, go to "Updated:  FLOREZITTA'S Beginner's Guide to Frequently Asked  Questions"
Do not do too many offers back to back.....You need to give the Advertisers some time between offers to credit them 

If you completed an offer on another site & you try to do it on FC as well, you will probably not receive credit for it here (again)  :BangHead:

Just remember, if you do not receive credit neither does FusionCash 

Recommend reviewing the Terms of Service Link @ bottom left hand corner of any FC Page.

Hope this helps and GOOD LUCK  8)

Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: oldbuddy on December 11, 2014, 09:46:00 pm
Just keep in mind, we were all newbies at one time.  :glasses-nerdy:
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: ludie43 on December 12, 2014, 05:05:32 am
Hello and welcome, this is a great site with lots of great people who are more than willing to help...the forum is the best place to get that help, just ask.... :peace: :heart: :santa:
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: elphaba0922 on December 12, 2014, 06:01:01 am
I was amazed in less than a week I have made over $6.00 and I did not even do that many offers. Though I do not understand why some of the videos that I viewed I was not given credit for .  Does anyone have a clue as to why that would happen ?
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: oldbuddy on December 12, 2014, 06:04:38 am
I was amazed in less than a week I have made over $6.00 and I did not even do that many offers. Though I do not understand why some of the videos that I viewed I was not given credit for .  Does anyone have a clue as to why that would happen ?

When it comes to things working on here, I have one quote that helps me. "Some Will, some Won't, Next".
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: kcetna on December 12, 2014, 06:33:11 am
Welcome to FC, kcetna!  Best advice I can give you is don't give up.  Get yourself in to a daily routine, and follow that routine each day.  You may not qualify for some surveys (if you intend on taking surveys), but you will on others.  Just be persistent.

I know all about Boxers with separation anxiety.  Mine used to chew on the legs of my furniture when we were gone, LOL.  When I finally figured out it was separation anxiety, I crate trained him.  Each time we had to leave the house, we told "Bruno" it was time to go in his house.  He finally got the knack of it and since that time, no more separation anxiety.  I don't know how old your Boxer is, but Bruno was probably 2 or 3 years old when we crate trained him.  Boxers are like little kids, they get the "terrible twos," LOL!  Since that time with Bruno, my son and his wife have a Boxer now, too.  They crate trained him right away and they have no problems with separation anxiety.

PS:  Good luck here on Fusion Cash!  The forums are the place to come with your questions and so many people here are so very helpful.  I think you're going to enjoy it.

Thanks for the advice, our boxer (Bubba) is 7 years old and when we got him from the breeder, they had him in their room since the day he was born, because they were going to keep him, but decided to keep his brother instead. I wouldn't trade him for the world. He is like my 3rd kid.

And thank you to everyone. I'm not the type to give up, so I think I'll fit right in here. I've Ben here for a short time and reading posts and learning the ropes, so I figured it was time to introduce myself. You all are very nice and you give good advice.

Thanks again everyone!
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: tylerbreister on December 12, 2014, 07:08:34 am
im new to this site too, well, newer. i havent cashed out at all yet.
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: hkckk5 on December 12, 2014, 07:41:06 pm
Welcome to FusionCash. In my opinion you have picked the best survey site on the web. Enjoy.
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: betlynjua on December 15, 2014, 06:00:56 am
Hello and welcome.  Give Bubba your boxer a big hug from me and let him know that his Mommy found a real winner of a site.  You've been given some great advice from fellow members.  The forum is quite helpful when you are looking for advice or direction.  Many times there are others who have similar questions so you can learn quite a bit just by spending a little time on the forum.

Whatever your comfort zone is for earning here on FC, by all means, STAY ACTIVE.  Try not to let one day go by without doing something on the site.  Things do happen and you can't always meet your goals but never, never quit.  If you fall, get right back on the horse. 

And finally, 30 quality posts in every calender month equals a $3.00 bonus.  How sweet is that?  I wish you great success.  :)
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: kcetna on December 15, 2014, 08:37:44 am
Again, thank you to everyone for the great advice. You are all very helpful.
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: dbsaus1 on December 15, 2014, 01:28:05 pm
Welcome! You will like here.
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: keauhou on December 18, 2014, 12:32:02 pm
We all have our favorites here for making $. I find tasks the easiest way, although it took me a few months to learn how to do them and figure out which ones are broken.  I find closing your browser and revisiting a good strategy when you have run out of stuff to do.  Good Luck!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: donnarg1989 on December 18, 2014, 12:46:39 pm
welcome to FusionCash. I love this site and i know you will too.
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: nadette on December 18, 2014, 05:21:10 pm
Welcome to Fusion Cash,

You have so  many good answers that I really cannot add anything.

Take your time and understand how this site works, and come
to the forum and ask questions.

You will be fine.

We are glad to have you.
Title: Re: Hello, I'm a newbie
Post by: gsdoss on December 19, 2014, 09:47:13 am
Welcome and you are in the right place to make friends and make money.Good luck.