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Discussion Boards => Support => Topic started by: JacksCarter on June 12, 2013, 08:04:54 am

Title: Surveys
Post by: JacksCarter on June 12, 2013, 08:04:54 am
What are the best surveys to take? It seems the most of them that I try keep telling me I'm not eligible :-[ Very frustrating spending over an hour being sent from one survey to another for nothing..
Any advice would be very much appreciated!!
Title: Re: Surveys
Post by: ladavia89 on June 12, 2013, 09:37:58 am
You just have to keep trying. Each survey is looking for certain demographics( age, gender, race, parents, job, etc) and if you don't fit into what you're looking for then you just have to move on to the next one

I can usually qualify for 3 surveys a day so you just have to have the patience to work at it
Title: Re: Surveys
Post by: JacksCarter on June 17, 2013, 06:05:53 pm
Yes thank you so much.. that seems to be about where I am at 2-3 surveys a day.. Now, I have only tried for the first 2 days and then been busy till this evening. I have also tried the daily tasks and im not exactly understanding the tasks. I tried the one where you recognize inappropriate pictures, which by the way i completely failed at.. and then i tried some other ones but they werent even in english and then i tried the ones where you just say whether or not you can recognize the persons face or not.. that was an easy few cents. 
Title: Re: Surveys
Post by: samisue on June 18, 2013, 10:05:07 pm
I have better luck during daytime hours. It seems that most quotas have been filled if I wait until the evening.
Title: Re: Surveys
Post by: 12amos on June 18, 2013, 10:44:36 pm
I find the easiest surveys to take are the ones listed under the heading FC Surveys.  I normally get more approval on those than the individual ones on the Offers page. Stick with it, sometimes it takes a while to find one that works for you.  The Videos are easy if they are available, also daily searches.  :thumbsup: 
Title: Re: Surveys
Post by: JacksCarter on June 19, 2013, 09:36:34 am
Thank you all!! I guess I should try to do surveys earlier in the day rather then at night after the kids in bed.
Title: Re: Surveys
Post by: hkckk5 on June 19, 2013, 09:41:40 am
Re: Surveys

« Reply #5 on: Today at 09:36:34 am » Message ID: 753386

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Thank you all!! I guess I should try to do surveys earlier in the day rather then at night after the kids in bed.

I find that there are much more surveys in the morning. If you wait until night you probably are missing out on surveys and videos.  :wave:
Title: Re: Surveys
Post by: jadedjenni on June 21, 2013, 12:15:57 pm
You're just too cool for their survey.  ;p  You filled out that part in the FC Survey spot (that section for $0.50) so those surveys should be closer to what you will qualify for.  But I see that you are getting the pennies lately.  So am I.  Don't feel bad.  I have gone days where I haven't qualified for any.  But then you'll have a day where you get four or five.  If you don't qualify, you can always try again later on some of them (on the daily page, not the FC surveys).  Also, for the ones that say you didn't qualify for this one, but we found this one for you....  I'm not entirely sure that if you click and proceed that that one will qualify.  You might want to check that out so you don't waste time going to another one if you are just going to be taking it for survey's sake.  Unless one has credited for you, if so, let me know hehe.  But say I'm doing a Live Sample survey (which I should try again since they stopped fixing me at under 13 years old haha) and it says you didn't qualify for .... yada yada... that is when I just close it out and try all over again later. 

Also, don't do a task in French if you don't speak French you goof.   :heart: 
With those tasks, sometimes the directions seem a little awkward.  I kept thinking this one task wasn't working because they were asking about things that weren't on the page.  Come to realize, after one of the steps, there was writing close in an odd spot that I kept missing each time.  So the information was there, but on a page that I missed being directed to.  So make sure you read carefully and watch your time limit up in the top right. 
Title: Re: Surveys
Post by: ladavia89 on June 21, 2013, 07:18:59 pm
Thank you all!! I guess I should try to do surveys earlier in the day rather then at night after the kids in bed.

They come up randomly throughout the day. I've gotten on in the middle of the night and been able to take a couple after not seeing any all day