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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: camellia0 on June 03, 2013, 01:43:26 pm

Title: Ways to save money
Post by: camellia0 on June 03, 2013, 01:43:26 pm
I've started to take public transportation to work to save gas and car maintenance. What things are you guys doing to save?
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: kords21 on June 03, 2013, 02:23:14 pm
Since I don't use credit cards. I signed up for perk st, an online checking account that gives me 1% back when I select credit as payment.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: darkxtsuna on June 03, 2013, 02:29:09 pm
Nothing much I just tried to stay home as much as possible rather then going out to eat and play.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: potluck6 on June 03, 2013, 02:59:33 pm
Getting rid of showtime,hbo and I think another. keeping the internet at high speed need that. having one less tv with cable still have 3 though should save 30.00 a month or so.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: monnee on June 03, 2013, 03:17:04 pm
Return recycleable cans and bottles for your cashback.   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: patycake56 on June 03, 2013, 04:36:14 pm
Always break a bill when payin cash and savin my change within a year I have managed to save over 400
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: rusgiftsaolcom on June 03, 2013, 05:40:00 pm
Eating out less, going to less movies and walking more rather than riding a cab or bus.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: melodylogan45 on June 03, 2013, 05:46:26 pm
I've started to take public transportation to work to save gas and car maintenance. What things are you guys doing to save?

I use coupons when I grocery shop and do not go out during the week to much or weekend to save gas.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: masked_brown_guy on June 03, 2013, 06:17:56 pm
I have been carefully thinking about foods that i do not mind eating for many days in a row. Then i switch it up every other week.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: shelly927 on June 03, 2013, 06:43:04 pm
wow thats crazy am doing the samething, i take the bus in the morning since i ride for free and, the train home, i have a break in between so i am going to and from work twice in one day.  i have saved 40. amouth i was paying 80. amouth
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: davidh121 on June 03, 2013, 09:37:45 pm
Walking instead of transportation if I can, cutting the number of times I eat out, coupon cutting/printing, deal hunting and if making money online I try to multi task if I can.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: virigarcia on June 03, 2013, 09:44:31 pm
Using coupons. Even though it doesn't sound like it saves me a lot, it does. When you combine sales and stores that double coupons, it saves me a lot of money. The money I save I can use on other things.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: msmoneybags48 on June 04, 2013, 03:29:55 am
At the moment, I am about to get rid of my house phone; I bought a new cellphone, which works better than the house phone.  That alone will save me $37.69, which can be used on other things.  I need my high-speed internet, and my husband is talking about getting rid of the cable when we have had it for 2 years, which won't be until January.  I still have my government phone, better called Obama phone. :icon_rr: :icon_rr: :icon_rr:
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: lutznellie on June 04, 2013, 03:42:27 am
Buying gift cards for places I normally frequent, Subway, Home Depot, Little Caesars, etc., through Giant Eagle to earn the fuel perks. 
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: jkhanson on June 04, 2013, 04:36:38 am
I joined a Shopping Community that offers members money back with every purchase.  It is invitation to join only so it is hard to share via FC.

With every purchase, I get cash back that is paid to my bank account every Tuesday.

Getting cash back on gasoline, groceries, clothing, toilet paper, cat food.........feels good.

Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: Beckys0528 on June 04, 2013, 06:57:22 am
Buying Milk and Bread from Walmart which saves me a few dollars, more walking than driving that saves me a few dollars also.  I try to buy less sweets too that same me a few dollars also. And most definitely dog and cat food from Walmart and litter that saves me about $5.00 dollars too.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: mary33716 on June 04, 2013, 06:59:18 am
 my son has been taking bus also to work me i really have done much as
im always giving whitch i need to stop
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: melissaotto1982 on June 04, 2013, 07:01:13 am
We use coupons and recycle cans.  We really watch our careless spending now too.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: alamedann on June 04, 2013, 07:22:37 am
I am hoping to sell things I don't need/use on ebay. I've got stuff to sell, but I'm hesitant to put them on ebay because I've never done it before.

Cut back on what I'm making for dinner.

Cut way back on eating out.

Recycling cans and bottles.

I also track every receipt and purchase I make in an Excel spreadsheet.  I tend to spend a little less when I know I have to enter and track it.  But each month I know where my money went.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: ljrjess69 on June 04, 2013, 07:43:40 am
using doupons,eating out less..buying off brands,,and doing less driving  :icon_rr:
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: blondie71 on June 04, 2013, 09:39:21 am
My sister and I car pool when we do our monthly grocery shopping, use coupons when I can.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: kqa on June 04, 2013, 09:39:52 am
I saw the answer about Perk St. I need to check that out. I'm always looking for ways to save, as I'm sure we all are!
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: dbsaus1 on June 04, 2013, 09:48:53 am
I plan meals around sales and make better use of leftovers. I also use coupons more,my husband is actually getting into it!
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: plennis on June 04, 2013, 10:51:13 am
  I know it sounds funny, but I do holiday shopping all year  round.  When I see a good deal or sell on something I know someone in the family would like I get ir then.    I carry a piece of paper in my wallets that has everyone's sizes on it.  I have 2 big plastic bins in my closet that I put everything in, so I don't forget about it at holiday time.  I don't wrap until after Halloween, that way if  a birthday or something comes up I also check my stash.  I have about 99% of the things the kids will need when school starts, I buy them right after the school years begins........instead of paying 1 or 2 dollars for folders I get them for .06 each.  I get this stuff when it is on sale and keep it in the craft closet, so we are rarely caught by surprise at last minute projects.    A lot of this stuff I started doing when we lived in rural Colorado and it was 2 hours to get to the nearest  department store.  It was about 1 hour to a big grocery store, otherwise if you can imagine, anything you ran out of you had to pay convenience store  (gas station store) prices for.        But the ways I use to stock up still work in the city!  LOL                           e
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: coreyw87 on June 04, 2013, 11:12:53 am
I save money by not having a car anymore.  Course my mom comes into "town" to see us almost every day & if there are errands to be run she does it. She saves money by trying to get the best prices on food and bottled water. And neither of us has cable anymore just internet. 
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: tin8604 on June 04, 2013, 11:37:43 am
We use coupons.  If I could figure out how to take the bus I would.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: Timberlan127 on June 04, 2013, 11:45:16 am
Saving money is harder than it used to be but we bought a more gas economical car, joined a discount club, never keep a balance on the credit card, use coupons when I can, don't go out to eat as much and watch for sales.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: msmoneybags48 on June 04, 2013, 04:55:28 pm
My husband used to not want to throw out leftovers until his cousin told him of the dangers from eating food that has been sitting too long.  Now he doesn't like to eat leftovers that much.  I told him last week that he needed to eat up some of the leftover ribs he had me buy.   It took us three days to eat up the ribs.  Before that, he could have eaten those two slabs of ribs by himself in one day. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :wave:
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: jkhanson on June 05, 2013, 06:27:09 am
  I know it sounds funny, but I do holiday shopping all year  round.  When I see a good deal or sell on something I know someone in the family would like I get ir then.    I carry a piece of paper in my wallets that has everyone's sizes on it.  I have 2 big plastic bins in my closet that I put everything in, so I don't forget about it at holiday time.  I don't wrap until after Halloween, that way if  a birthday or something comes up I also check my stash.  I have about 99% of the things the kids will need when school starts, I buy them right after the school years begins........instead of paying 1 or 2 dollars for folders I get them for .06 each.  I get this stuff when it is on sale and keep it in the craft closet, so we are rarely caught by surprise at last minute projects.    A lot of this stuff I started doing when we lived in rural Colorado and it was 2 hours to get to the nearest  department store.  It was about 1 hour to a big grocery store, otherwise if you can imagine, anything you ran out of you had to pay convenience store  (gas station store) prices for.        But the ways I use to stock up still work in the city!  LOL                           e

I think you are WISE to be getting your gifts all year long.  Getting school supplies or Memorial Day/Christmas etc decorations after the holiday is just plain smart.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: gbabesmom on June 05, 2013, 06:55:30 am
We cut out satellite t.v. last month after the contract ran out  :thumbsup:. I make monthly menus and we rarely go out to eat. My husband takes leftovers for lunch and I make sweet tea for him or he'll pack a generic soda. He a least gets a good lunch instead scrambling to find something to eat at the tune of $5 or more.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: bhiett on June 05, 2013, 07:01:42 am
I signed up for the Smart Hours program through my electric company, which goes from June - August.  During the peak hours of 2 pm until 7 pm I avoid running appliances and unnecessary lights.  This is supposed to reduce my electric bills for the summer months.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: sak4kat on June 05, 2013, 07:04:15 am
  I know it sounds funny, but I do holiday shopping all year  round.  When I see a good deal or sell on something I know someone in the family would like I get ir then.    I carry a piece of paper in my wallets that has everyone's sizes on it.  I have 2 big plastic bins in my closet that I put everything in, so I don't forget about it at holiday time.  I don't wrap until after Halloween, that way if  a birthday or something comes up I also check my stash.  I have about 99% of the things the kids will need when school starts, I buy them right after the school years begins........instead of paying 1 or 2 dollars for folders I get them for .06 each.  I get this stuff when it is on sale and keep it in the craft closet, so we are rarely caught by surprise at last minute projects.    A lot of this stuff I started doing when we lived in rural Colorado and it was 2 hours to get to the nearest  department store.  It was about 1 hour to a big grocery store, otherwise if you can imagine, anything you ran out of you had to pay convenience store  (gas station store) prices for.        But the ways I use to stock up still work in the city!  LOL                           e

That doesn't sound funny to me at all.  There was a time when I was shopping for a ton of people ...adults and kids.  It became a burden and seemed silly to be making so many purchases ... I would shop all year round too.  I had a designated closet (in the spare bedroom) that I would throw things up on.  Than when Christmas rolled around I just knocked out whatever was left.  It really gave me some creative ways to expand on some of the gift's.  IE: For a teen one year I found a glow in the dark candle...later that year I found a glow in the dark gel eye mask.  Since I was onto something with the glow in the dark and pampering thing I just created a private spa themed gift.  Your folder suggestion sounds so familiar as well.  My oldest is 15.  I don't think I've paid full price for folders or any school supply for any of my 3 kids since she was born.  One great tip on this is to save school supply lists.  IE: My youngest is going into 1st grade.  Many things we already have from kindergarten and her older siblings....what we didn't have I purchased last year when the school supplies were being discounted.  I'll do the same thing this year in preparation for 2nd grade.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: tanissmith on June 05, 2013, 04:05:54 pm
Can you at least give us the name of the shopping company? 
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: CHANEYLAKEGIRL on June 05, 2013, 05:54:11 pm
Hand clothes & towels up instead of using the dryer. Use cloth napkins and towels instead of paper. I buy just about everything I need used, with a few exceptions. Turn down the heat and put on a sweater.  Stock up on things when they are on sale.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: cyncity831 on June 05, 2013, 06:38:13 pm
Try taking lunch to work as opposed to ordering out everyday.  Where I work lunch runs about $10.  I rather bring something from home.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: AZ80 on June 06, 2013, 03:36:41 am
I start to ride my bike to work and take my lunch more offend. :icon_rr:
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: lutznellie on June 06, 2013, 05:20:04 am
How about one meatless meal a week?
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: Forp on June 06, 2013, 06:02:05 am
I've gotten alot of savings from  scanning freebie sites daily...all those samples accumulating of much better brands of cosmetics than I could ever afford to purchase and the coupons for free or almost free food items are also valuable.  I think of Fusion as saving my small change or accumulating pennies in a jar too.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: LenoraMinogue on June 06, 2013, 06:26:28 am
My friends and I try to carpool when we're going to the same place anyway, and sometimes I take the bus. Also, a cash rewards credit card helps some.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: sdenimandlace1 on June 06, 2013, 06:39:49 am
Thanks for all the great tips. some I will have to try. I make a list of all the thing we need and part on the way to work each day. Drive under 6o milles an hour gets met about 5 more miles to a gal of gas,
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: jonhall37 on June 06, 2013, 07:24:10 am
i save aluminum cans,and dont go out much....a night out to eat or to party is expansive these days... :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: alice44 on June 06, 2013, 08:30:05 am
Use coupons
Always shop with a shopping list and don't go up and down all the grocery isles
save quarters
eliminate premium cable channels
eat at home - restaurants only on special days (birthday, etc) - and find coupons for those times.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: oldbuddy on June 06, 2013, 09:07:54 am
Can you at least give us the name of the shopping company? 

I am guessing you mean the post jkhanson made, right? Why don't you just do a search on Google for her?

She obviously gets credit for referring others to do what she does, but since Fusioncash doesn't allow referral links on this forum it wouldn't make good sense to just post the name and let people sign up without giving credit to anyone. I have known Janet for many years and I can tell you she is one of the best Facebook friends I have.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: lutznellie on June 17, 2013, 02:58:15 am
I'm packing my lunch and not paying for vending machine foods.  I've also started making my own popcorn using a glass bowl and a plate then I use spray butter and popcorn seasoning.  It's healthier and has few calories so it fits in with my WW points. 

I have a small garden where I am growing tomatoes and cucumbers.  I'm growing my own catnip for the cats too.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: kilophkadamas on June 17, 2013, 04:01:36 am
Agree with most here with the public transit, i've saved thousands upon thousands and probably years of my life from the avoided stress of driving a car. Of course i'm single though so its a little more manageable, I understand if families cannot do this type of thing.

Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: sak4kat on June 17, 2013, 08:59:52 am
How about one meatless meal a week?

That is a great point and one that may go missed.  Reducing meat from the menu is a huge budget saver.  This last fall and winter I started making more dishes with beans and we have breakfast for dinner once a week.  Sometimes I splurge and get turkey bacon or a ham steak but at Aldi I justify that money spent.  One of my daughters favorites now is a black bean burger.  We make them every other week or so and she eats them for lunch and Fend For Yourself dinners.  Lot's of protein in them and they are very filling.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: oldbuddy on June 17, 2013, 09:25:18 am
How about one meatless meal a week?

That is a great point and one that may go missed.  Reducing meat from the menu is a huge budget saver.  This last fall and winter I started making more dishes with beans and we have breakfast for dinner once a week.  Sometimes I splurge and get turkey bacon or a ham steak but at Aldi I justify that money spent.  One of my daughters favorites now is a black bean burger.  We make them every other week or so and she eats them for lunch and Fend For Yourself dinners.  Lot's of protein in them and they are very filling.

In the same light, go fishing more often. You get relaxation along with more fish to eat.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: Murina32 on June 17, 2013, 09:51:11 am
Thank you everyone who posted on this thread! I have found many tips I never even thought about doing to save money.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: kydude55 on June 17, 2013, 10:04:36 am
tuna and chicken salad dressings sandwiches are inexpensive 2!
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: jmc1982 on June 17, 2013, 05:40:43 pm
going out less. use to go out just about every weekend
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: squirrelgirl44 on June 17, 2013, 08:09:40 pm
My big thing is eating out less. I used to eat out 4-5 meals a week (at least), down to two. May or may not cut out one more.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: hkckk5 on June 17, 2013, 08:13:32 pm
Ways to save money

« on: June 03, 2013, 01:43:26 pm » Message ID: 746767

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I've started to take public transportation to work to save gas and car maintenance. What things are you guys doing to save?

I have cut back on buying junk food or snacks at the grocery store. Not only has it saved me money, I lost some weight. Yes !!
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: nmbrown863 on June 17, 2013, 09:40:27 pm
I use coupons. I pay my cell phone bill and 2 of my credit card bills from survey sites. We recently downgraded our cable and got rid of some of the movie channels. And I always turn things off when not in use.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: lutznellie on June 18, 2013, 02:44:19 am
Ghost or vampire electricity use can be really draining.  When not using something either turn it off or unplug it. 
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: tigerscene on June 18, 2013, 02:59:16 am
ways to save money will far as i do is put way few dollors or more each paid day in a little piggy bank till i have noff to have each money each mouth to play with in my not be much each mout i save but it does help out when i did it the most
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: gaylasue on June 18, 2013, 06:16:44 am
I try to be frugal every chance I get.  I like to cook extra to have leftovers for lunches and dinners.  I coupon and rebate as much as I possibly can.  I group errands together to save on gas (wish we had public transportation where I live!).  Lights and appliances are off and/or unplugged when not in use.  I shop thrift shops for clothing.  I pay in bills so I can save the change (it's amazing how it adds up!).  I bake and sew gifts.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: kingozzy on June 18, 2013, 06:18:56 am
I have cut down on eating out and have been taking cash out to use during the week and saving my change
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: jonhall37 on June 18, 2013, 06:32:42 am
i dont go out to eat much....way to costly these days.....and i have the bad "smoking" habit so i roll my own cigs to make it cheaper...alot cheaper!!
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: bhiett on June 18, 2013, 06:37:38 am
Electricity can be a big expense.  I turn off everything I am not using and set the a/c on 80 degrees when I am not at home.  When just sitting, watching TV, or doing low-energy tasks around the house, I use a small fan and leave the a/c set on a higher temperature than when I am doing more active duties.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: kapeh12 on June 18, 2013, 09:22:39 am
My general lifestyle has always been in line with money savings, so when things in the economy took a turn for the worse, I really didn't have to change much.

Things I did to help save money a long time ago was cutting myself off, so to speak, with spending.  I found what my needs were and my favorite wants.  I made sure that with a little extra "mad money" allowance was put in my checking register with my paycheck, and everything else got auto-transferred to savings.  Since I never put my full paycheck amount in my checkbook, I mentally think that's all I have to spend, and if I need to dig into savings for something - that's harder to justify.  If I left that money in my checking account, it would be spent.  That alone helps to psych yourself into spending less money.

Recently I've had the opportunity to start a garden.  Hopefully in time I'll get good at growing a garden which will help save on produce (especially once I learn how to preserve the foods).

Last summer I stopped buying bread and started making my own at a fraction of the cost.  I just couldn't justify spending $3 a loaf.  With the electricity included, I think each loaf now costs me about $1.40, plus my house smells sooo good when I bake a new batch every 3 weeks or so.  I'm now looking into other baked goods that I can make that would save the cost of buying.

For meat, I save up Omaha Steak gift cards I get on survey sites and wait for fantastic sales they have and stock up (plus there's the FC Shopping rebate to boot).  Either that or I'll go to a couple local butchers which sell higher quality meat at cheaper prices.

Recently I started researching gift card sales sites.  I use a site called Gift Card Granny which is a router site for several sites that sell and buy gift cards.  Using them you can buy gift cards for several vendors that others don't need anymore at a discount.  Spending $22.50 on a $25 gift card for a place you frequently shop - you just saved $2.50.  Also, if you have gift cards you'll never use, instead of throwing them away, consider selling them to one of those sites.  Gift Card Granny also shows the percentage paid for gift cards sold by the various vendors, so you can sell your partially used card to the vendor paying the highest percentage (you have a $19 left on a card, and a site will pay you $15 to sell it to someone else - not bad).

A tip if you are interested in the gift card sales sites - I just noticed that FusionCash is now offering 0.4% cash back when you buy gift cards with balances over $20 on national brands at Raise.com (check out the FusionCash Mall under Gift Cards).  So if you find a good deal on their site, you'll get a little extra back at FC too - win-win.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: ricdsm on June 18, 2013, 09:43:42 am
I use a lot of coupons when eating out.  I typically get 2 for 1 offers and use them. I also save all of my change and cash that in once a year or so.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: alice44 on June 18, 2013, 10:50:50 am
I've started to watch the clothes dryer more closely by not letting it continue to run as soon as the clothes are dry.  It is such a big energy user, I am saving a lot by being more attentive to it.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: sweetsweepgirl on June 18, 2013, 11:06:11 am
-I'm a huge fan of thrift shopping and yard sales.
-Unplug things when not in use.
-You know that time everyone spends just standing there in the shower. Yeah I don't do that haha.
-Turn off the lights when leaving the room or when outdoor lighting is sufficient.
-Cover windows in saran wrap. I'm sure window insulation film works better but I'm cheap lol.
-Coupons. One day I'm going to get into extreme couponing. It's more work than I thought.
-Social discounts sites such as Groupon and Living Social
-Fashion discount sites like Haute Look, Ideeli, and Zulily are also good.
-I haven't yet but plan on starting a garden to save on produce
-I do my own hair and nails even facials. Plenty of tutorials on the web.

I'm sure there are more since I'm extremely cheap but, this is all I can think of for now  :)
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: sak4kat on June 18, 2013, 12:40:13 pm
I've started to watch the clothes dryer more closely by not letting it continue to run as soon as the clothes are dry.  It is such a big energy user, I am saving a lot by being more attentive to it.

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Re: Ways to save money
« Reply #60 on: Today at 09:43:42 am » Message ID: 753003
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I use a lot of coupons when eating out.  I typically get 2 for 1 offers and use them. I also save all of my change and cash that in once a year or so.
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alice44 - You bring up a good point.  I do most of our laundry by hand with a wonder washer.  Since we live on a well I'm only paying for the gas to heat the water and laundry detergent.  I have found out that clorox multipurpose surface cleaners work just as well to pretreat stains.  Especially the ones with bleach.  This is so much more economical than spray n' wash and other pre-treaters.  Also when I do go to the laundromat to wash comforters and loads of towels I spoke with the owner to find out which dryers work best.  It turns out many of the heating vents are routed to work with more than one dryer...so the ones closest directly to the duct work get more heat...dry faster and end up saving me quarters. 
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: Jaimelynvaughn on June 19, 2013, 12:11:36 pm
I'm a stay at home mom and I find it so hard to save money with a little one! I want to take him to the science centers and zoos and other fun things in the city. This summer we have been taking advantage of several local parks and hiking trails for free outdoor fun!
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: bigedshult on June 19, 2013, 12:19:00 pm
I am not going to work
retired I don't work every day so. So I say that way but when I do go to town is usually takes us about four hours currently into in-home most of time. We have to go to Dr. sometimes, sometimes we go to town just to get groceries, outside with Motown just to go to Order go out to eat. Which GAS so I guess we say would very much gas example we stay home all day explicitly
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: bhiett on July 26, 2013, 02:06:45 pm
If no one is at home during the day, turn off the breaker to your electric hot water heater as it will use electricity during the day to maintain its set temperature.  You will still have pretty hot water upon returning home since the tanks are well-insulated and it does not take very long to heat it up again when you flip the breaker back on.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: vickysue on July 26, 2013, 04:12:34 pm
Well there is not much to do in a small town. So when we do go to the city, i do a lot of grocery shopping and save a lot there.We also have a food distribution firm here and on Sat they have a small farmers  market where you can buy cheap and what hey don't sll there the regular farmers market is also going. But the small farmers market  does not usuall have potatoes, grapes and such. So i split the time and money between them support the locals as much as we can nd it is so much better then buying at the grocery store, right off the vines into our houses.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: tuyetmai on July 26, 2013, 04:26:41 pm
I use to save some pennies when I've my chance back.  Couple of years I'll save a lot. 
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: pmagalei on July 26, 2013, 04:48:15 pm
I save a lot by not eating out anymore. Doing laundry twice a week instead of everyday. When it's night time, I don't turn on any lights outside my house. I don't watch anymore tvs since the computer has everything that I am enjoying from netflix to watching baseball games, and of course. Fusion cash. I am saving a lot on my electricity bill. The only thing that I am considering is my land line. Too much bills to pay!!!
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: tashamjoy on July 26, 2013, 05:29:08 pm
Little things like napkins that you get from restaurants or in your mcdonalds bags and stuff keep those to use at home and i do not buy garbage bags i use grocery bags and just put garbage in there cannot spend money to put garbage in !!1 Little things like that can add up !!!
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: jcalexis on July 26, 2013, 05:33:15 pm
I use my debit card instead of credit cards.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: twol on July 26, 2013, 06:05:35 pm
* I try to be more energy efficient (turning off lights, unplugging anything not in use)
* I try to save gas by riding my bike
* I recycle all of my plastic bottles and cans at RePlanet Recycling
* I clip coupons and always use coupon codes when shopping online
* I use ShoppingNotes.com to keep track of items I want to buy and to inform me when they go on sale
* I enter sweepstakes to win gift cards for groceries/clothes/gas
* I've stopped buying coffee at school and instead make it at home with a stove top coffee maker
* I have limited the number of times I eat out each week
* I buy all of my college textbooks used on ebay, amazon, or craigslist and sell them back when the semester's over

Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: torch71 on July 27, 2013, 01:00:43 pm
Coupons, payroll deductions, minimizing driving and currently playing a game with a few family members - the 52 week challenge - week 1 save $1, week 2 save $2, on and on completing at week 52 save $52.  Currently in week 17 and all are keeping up.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: bob1tina on July 27, 2013, 02:02:41 pm
I just can't believe how much gas has gone up ever since September 11th.  Would think by now we should be at a point where that can going down.  Its almost not worth having a job if you spend 100 a week (I live in the middle of the woods)four hundred a month.  I go to work and than home that is it.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: Optiwoman on July 27, 2013, 07:40:34 pm
I've started using coupons for the first time in my life, and using fuel perks to save on gas.  I generally am able to get 20 gallons a month for about $10 - $15.  That alone saves us between $50- $60 a month
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: premar16 on July 27, 2013, 07:42:20 pm
I have been trying not to by brand name things anymore the generic stuff is the same thing its just cheaper.Plus I have been saving alllll of my change.So I started a change jar! Last month I ended up $45 worth of change
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: quietpal on July 27, 2013, 08:20:06 pm
I use coupons when I go grocery shopping. Getting fuelperks is nice. Also, CVS has a great program using the extrabucks. It's like free money. I usually save more at CVS than I do the grocery store.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: jiuchan on July 27, 2013, 11:29:56 pm
i bring food to work so i don't have to buy lunch.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: jmc1982 on July 28, 2013, 10:08:34 am
I have stopped going out just about every weekend which saves me on buying liquor/drinks and gas as well. Rather just stay home and relax with family. Been working out great so far.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: moonangel on July 29, 2013, 08:31:23 am
switched from cable $50 to Netflix $10  eat at home  stay at home  use fireplace more often instead of furnace  drink more water  I also wear my old clothes at home and keep better clothes for going out or to work etc
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: sugarsandy on July 29, 2013, 09:09:48 am
conserve electric energy and water maybe? :dontknow:
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: jnjmolly on July 29, 2013, 01:19:08 pm
I try to go to the near by stores, instead of driving farther...Gas prices keep going up and then down...So i really stay in the area when the prices are bad.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: alina6 on July 29, 2013, 06:49:16 pm
I take a different route to work to avoid tolls - same mileage however the speed limit is a lot slower. I also make my lunch and brew my own ice tea to take to work. Every little bit counts.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: nickylanena on July 29, 2013, 08:16:56 pm
Couponing always worked for me! Plus, always saving a portion of the money you make! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: vicogden on July 29, 2013, 10:28:36 pm
I'm doing FC (i.e. this post) for extra $$$$....
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: am28slone on July 29, 2013, 10:32:18 pm
Some ways I save money is that I use coupons. I also shop around for the best prices on thing via online research before I go to the store. I also try to only get the things I really need. Ride with a friend to the store for groceries, I also sometimes wash my clothes by hand because laundry mats have gotten so expensive. Carpool with friends to places I like to go.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: Tresbn00 on August 03, 2013, 09:02:24 am
I loved using public transportation when I worked downtown!  I would park my car for free and take the forty five minute ride into the city/forty five minute ride home and glory in being able to have ninety minutes all to myself!  I caught up on so much reading, planning, posting, clicking and work it was amazing!  I used to keep track of how much I was saving and plotted better ways of saving and investing!  I started taking my bike and cut the amount of mileage on my car down to about thirty miles per week including the once a month trip to the salvage yard to cash in thirty dollars worth of aluminum.  I would bike to the grocery store twice per week and didn't go out to eat which is a major expense.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: bessie1111 on August 03, 2013, 09:20:08 am
Definitely by using coupons, and not spending frivously.  Sometimes hard, but it's the way we can make ends meet.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: kqa on August 03, 2013, 09:27:35 am
Cable TV was way too expensive, so I canceled it for a while. When I called them again, they gave me a 50% discount for the next 2 years. Sweet :)
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: Cuppycake on August 03, 2013, 09:30:32 am
Cable TV was way too expensive, so I canceled it for a while. When I called them again, they gave me a 50% discount for the next 2 years. Sweet :)
Netflix is still cheaper hahaha !
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: rainman306 on August 03, 2013, 12:49:10 pm
walk or ride bicylce to places near by my house that would add up 2-5 miles hear and there and also to get excercise.

Sign up for restaraunt mailing/texting clubs to get great deals.  And use coupons.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: teresa3200 on August 03, 2013, 04:33:53 pm
I got a checking account that gives cash back every time you use it, and I only use cc that give cash back and I pay them in full every month so I don't have to pay interest.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: sak4kat on August 03, 2013, 04:52:30 pm
Last September I asked for a wonder washer.  We had just moved into this apartment and it doesn't have a laundry facility.  We are on a well so we can use as much water as we like and only have to pay for the gas to heat it.  It's rather stinky but works just fine for cleaning clothes.  Today we went to the laundromat.  The first time in about 6 or 7 months.  We spent $27.00 and figured when we lived in town we would spend $20 - $25 per week.  The wonder washer involves some time and adjustment but if it's $$$ you're trying to save...this is one big way to do it.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: kittenkagome on August 03, 2013, 09:15:29 pm
I am always looking for ways to save money (though I don't always go through with them). You can always start by eating out less. Making grocery list before you go to the store is a good idea and never go food shopping when you are hungry.Buy store brands whenever possible, many times the name brands don't make a great deal of difference in quality. (Not always, but you should check). Coupons are great, but don't buy something just because you have a coupon, that might end up costing you more money. Big families should look to buy in bulk, but do the math to make sure you are actually saving by buying in bulk. There are rare times that buying individually is actually better.  :cat:
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: mardukblood2009 on August 04, 2013, 01:13:46 am
I have an Amazon Visa Card that gives you 3% on all Amazon purchases, 2% on gas and prescriptions, and 1% on everything else. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: kewl4reals on August 04, 2013, 02:53:09 am
I've started to take public transportation to work to save gas and car maintenance. What things are you guys doing to save?
Try utilizing price matching at walmart.  you can save there on other stores low prices as well. 
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: cateyes1 on August 04, 2013, 04:51:23 am
I just don't go anywhere or do anything, I know such a boring life I lead lol
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: tashamjoy on November 09, 2013, 12:29:39 am
Take my fusion cash check to bank and save it !!!
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: tashamjoy on November 09, 2013, 12:41:43 am
Watch extreme cheapskates for ideas but WAY to GROSS for me!!!
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: Tresbn00 on November 09, 2013, 09:18:02 am
I have a economical sport Subaru with stick shift and coast in neutral as much as possible which brings my Miles Per gallon pretty close to about forty. I grab condiments from the cafeterias for the kid's lunches.  I eat all of our leftovers for lunch.  I am never too wealthy to pick up an aluminum can for recycling and put it into my goals to pick up an average of one can per day which is an extra three dollars and sixty five cents a year.  I redo leftovers into a creative different dish so that I get two to three meals out of one large Sunday night meal. I turn lights off whenever I can and make sure that nothing is plugged in that isn't needed.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: Forp on November 09, 2013, 10:51:45 pm
coupons stacked with sale prices + freebies
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: Kirenisa on November 10, 2013, 03:46:21 am
Only take medication when needed
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: sak4kat on November 23, 2013, 09:03:21 am
How about one meatless meal a week?

That is a great point and one that may go missed.  Reducing meat from the menu is a huge budget saver.  This last fall and winter I started making more dishes with beans and we have breakfast for dinner once a week.  Sometimes I splurge and get turkey bacon or a ham steak but at Aldi I justify that money spent.  One of my daughters favorites now is a black bean burger.  We make them every other week or so and she eats them for lunch and Fend For Yourself dinners.  Lot's of protein in them and they are very filling.

In the same light, go fishing more often. You get relaxation along with more fish to eat.

Old Buddy - Taking a sack lunch out to a fishing hole not only can save someone money I believe the therapy one get's in return saves more than just $$$ - It also saves sanity and reconnects us to what's important.  It's pretty cold out here in Illinois already - maybe I should take up ice-fishing.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: ahmedrocks234 on November 23, 2013, 09:18:47 am
Don't spend on money on things that are not important.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: champak97 on November 23, 2013, 07:44:08 pm
Have a clear idea about wants and needs. Spend money on needs, and prioritize your wants. That is one sure way to save some $$.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: tantricia44 on November 23, 2013, 08:25:27 pm
I do pretty much what the other members are doing. I also donate when I have extra cash but instead of donating 1 large chunk to charity I spread them out. If I'm consistent by end of the year depending on amount I donated, I can get that money back from Uncle Sam. Last yr I got back $600+ back! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: debidoo on November 23, 2013, 08:33:04 pm
I've been doing all I can since I lost my hubby and his income back in January.  I cut off cable & replaced it with netflix.  I shut off house phone and only use a cheap cell phone plan.  I use a shuttle for the disabled now instead of driving because it would cost over a thousand to fix my vehicle and now I don't have gas, maintenance or insurance.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: ffwoodard on November 23, 2013, 09:26:45 pm
Always shop with coupons and sales. Check out websites that have low cost meal recipes and try to save even if you start by just saving pennies at first. You'd be surprised at how much can be saved by the end of the year. :)
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: cutiepie9447 on November 24, 2013, 01:50:06 am
I also shop all year for christmas and birthday gifts and just pick things up when they are on sale. I just got all of next years halloween decorations (I'm talking for the entire house) for $2.00 (everything was 90% off)
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: sfreeman8 on November 24, 2013, 08:20:36 am
I use coupons when I shop for groceries. I make my list and buy only what's needed with coupons. I used to spend over $100 a week when I worked, but now I spend over $100 a month.

I'm now looking for other ways to save on Internet, Phone, and TV. I live in an area that the local TV stations are 50 to 100 miles away and satellite TV doesn't work well here. Too much interference from the trees in the summer and always on this blitz in bad weather. This from others who had signed up for that service.  So we're stuck with the high cost of cable. My bundle costs $160 a month and it hurts.

We did switch our mobile phone provider to a lower no contract one and that alone saved $45 a month. I am looking into Magic Jack and ooma for phone service.  I'm not sure about them, though.

We also switched from oil heat @over $1000 a winter to Anthracite coal and wood. In the winter, it heats our hot water, too, so that saves on electric. Coal is inexpensive here ($300 a winter) and it's cleaner than bituminous, and wood doesn't cost us anything except hard work.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: mjdoug03 on November 24, 2013, 08:49:37 am
I make my own soap, I crochet things in the winter, I use coupons and discounts wherever possible.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: kqa on November 24, 2013, 09:56:08 am
I've been eating on the cheap with foods I bought at Dollar General or Big Lots.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: crisstar on November 24, 2013, 10:42:45 am
Not buying things on impulse - any significant purchases are clearly thought out before doing. ;)
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: moonangel on November 24, 2013, 01:07:59 pm
bundle up in the winter two pairs of socks layering shirts curl up with a blanket turn of all things that im not using use dimmer lights buy larger bags of flour salt and sugat and store them in smaller bins.  you have to watch prices of course larger is not always cheaper.turn down furnace at night and if im be gone all day
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: premar16 on November 24, 2013, 03:52:36 pm
you got to live within your means if your life could do without you dont need it . If there is a place that you get it cheap with good quality than get rid of your pride and do it. I also have to remember I dont need all the need the new tech just because other people have it.I always save my change. When I get my check I make sure that 5% goes in automatically into my savings before I have a chance to spend it
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: blondie71 on November 24, 2013, 04:26:29 pm
I gave my sister my car so we save on car insurance and maintenance.  We pay for gas if I have to make a special trip other wise my sister works for me because I am disabled and if I need anything picked up its on her way here.  With grocery shopping we car pool.  I stopped taking certain medications and I buy groceries so we can at least eat one balance meal a day.  We never could afford to eat three times a day anyways but now that they cut back on our food stamps we can eat super with meat, a starch, and veggies.  I also buy lunch stuff but it only last a couple of weeks, the same with breakfast, but sometimes we eat that for supper.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: lray3152 on November 24, 2013, 04:37:19 pm
More conservative with energy usage, groceries, more food preparation, etc.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: lmrbean on November 24, 2013, 08:53:09 pm
You should bring your own lunch to work instead of buying it or going out to eat.  It definitely saves money.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: demaina on November 24, 2013, 09:21:44 pm
I've started buying gift cards on this site I use that gives me cashback for that purchase.  I've cut down eating out as much.  Started cooking big meals and freezing them so I can just reheat something when hungry instead of going to get fast food.  Started using a few apps when shopping that give you rewards for using them on things you were already gonna purchase.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: tikihut5 on November 25, 2013, 04:22:48 am
I buy gifts year round. Using coupons has helped save money on things we need.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: texasmom32 on November 25, 2013, 07:48:37 am
We coupon and make our own laundry detergent, deodorant and toothpaste (Unless I get it free with couponing!)  ;D
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: wccohn on November 25, 2013, 08:02:48 am
All I'm doing is eating out at restaurants less often.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: plennis on November 25, 2013, 01:35:19 pm
  Eating out ess often and only with a coupon.                                         
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: vickysue on November 25, 2013, 02:35:02 pm
Budget budget and stay withing in it. Use coupons, brown bag it too work. I  rode the bus a lot when i worked. Now i don't go to the store unless i need to. impluse buying hurts the budget. I have to take dad to doctors 80 miles away so i do most of my major shopping at walmart and the meat market. Saves a lot of money because our grocery store is inflated. Also buy  alot of produce at the distribution center, it about  a third of what it cost at the store. 
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: monnee on November 25, 2013, 02:48:43 pm
I use coupons on things I need whenever I can.   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: tuyetmai on November 25, 2013, 05:46:25 pm
I cut of my TV cable.  I think most of the thing I do now is on the internet and I don't watch TV offen so I cut that part off.  It save me 30 or more a month.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: bob1tina on November 25, 2013, 09:14:18 pm
I lost my job so I guess I am saving on gas but than again I am not making any money.  I can't believe I got fired but oh well, I have farm animals I take care of and I have been cutting wood and I am taking a load off tomorrow.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: Beckys0528 on November 26, 2013, 10:44:33 am
We used to live in a house 5 of us but we only rented well the house went on the market and you wouldn't believe who bought it our next door neighbor (common) but anyway my brother went to Waldorf cuz that is closer to his work he will be saving at least $100 in gas and myself and my daughter and her daughter moved closer to her work but she will only save like $10.00 and the fifth person is still in the house we have until the 30th and it is close to his work but he hasn't found a place yet but he is thinking on moving far away from his job so he will have to find work closer to where he will live.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: dmahoney on November 26, 2013, 11:46:09 am
Taking surveys on different sites to earn money. :P
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: leafsfan27 on November 26, 2013, 02:14:12 pm
Always pay off the credit card, pack a lunch, don't eat out much, take advantage of savings in stores. That is a good start!
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: alice44 on November 26, 2013, 02:28:32 pm
Logging onto FusionCash every day  :D
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: amiller44 on November 26, 2013, 03:21:01 pm
When I go shopping, I try to do all my errands in one day. When I shop, I use coupons as often as possible.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: Tresbn00 on December 01, 2013, 09:14:16 am
I spend three hours on Sundays preparing the family meals for the week.  I reconciled our check book and noticed that, prior to cooking on Sundays, the kids would spend two dollars and fifty cents a day on lunch/spouse would drop five dollars a day, and I would drop five dollars a day. Ten dollars a day/Three hundred dollars a month! Each meal I make is big enough for a couple of meals and general costs about fifteen dollars. I make sandwiches for the kids lunches which costs about seventy five cents. I make a salad for my wife and I which costs about a dollar!
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: bleyd on December 01, 2013, 11:11:30 am
- Cut off the cable and use Netflix
- donated my hubby's old car so now only have 1 which he uses and I walk to work
- exercise 3x/wk for free (no gym membership)
- use a cashback credit card which is paid off every month
- surge protector to shut off our tv, computer, stereo, etc that's not it use
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: bigfoot951 on December 01, 2013, 01:20:06 pm
I don't spend money on entertainment type things.  I try to eat at home as much as possible.  And plain and simple...I don't buy things I don't need.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: sak4kat on December 04, 2013, 07:12:26 pm
I thought of another way we're saving money.  It occurred tonight when the tv my son uses to play games on finally fried.  Craigslist - rather buy new there are a ton of things people offer for FREE.  Particularly those that are downsizing or have lost there homes in foreclosure.  Yahoo freecycle groups is a good place as well.  It beats things being thrown into landfills.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: sgluckadoo on December 04, 2013, 07:51:29 pm
The biggest way to save money, in my experience, is to cut restaurants from the budget and use coupons at the grocery store. Another is to get rid of cable and expensive data cell plans. You can opt for cheaper solutions (catch show episodes online, etc. and straight talk cell service - costs me $540/ yr vs my previous sprint plan at $900/yr).
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: ricdsm on December 04, 2013, 10:15:13 pm
I almost always buy used tools and by some of my clothes at consignment stores.  I buy lots of my CDs used as well.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: inertia4 on December 05, 2013, 05:24:21 am
Well at this time of year it is way difficult to save a dime. But I have a plan in place in the coming new year.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: adg35 on December 05, 2013, 05:29:56 am
Get free movie rentals from the library or from redbox using redbox codes.


I also get free samples from walmarts website.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: Timberlan127 on December 05, 2013, 06:14:27 am
We shop at discount stores, never put anything on a credit card if we can't pay the whole thing off when it comes in, don't leave rooms unless we turn everything off, make fewer trips out and do as many errands as possible when we are out and lots of other small things that add up over time.
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: braggin on December 05, 2013, 07:01:00 am
I have reduced my carbon footprint a lot by giving up my car entirely. If I need to go someplace out of town, my husband drives me in his car. Anything in town I have to do I can walk to which is good exercise AND saves the gas.   :)
Title: Re: Ways to save money
Post by: tashamjoy on December 05, 2013, 09:15:57 am
One simple thing I do is if I pay with cash for example I save all my coins!!! So if I go somewhere and buy something for 1.09 and I pay 2 dollars I take the 0.91 cents and keep in my purse and then bring home and put in a jar. Just an easy way to save spare change!!!