FC Community
Discussion Boards => Suggestions => Topic started by: 2getherwewin on January 20, 2013, 09:30:56 am
that would be great, any suggestion?
Getting the daily 15 cent ptc IS a lot more than what other sites offer, have you seen what the other places offer? It's like 0.0001 mostly and you only get a few of them daily.
I think .15 is pretty generous actually
It work good for me because seems like its the only one I can get everyday since I always don't get the daily FC survey.
I really enjoy the free money earned at FC.
If they could find a way to offer more,
that would be fabulous.
I would prefer more offers than ptc. There are tons of sites strictly for ptc out there.
I guess FC has budgets for what amount we can get from click ads because if they increase they might be out of budget.
I would definitely like more of the paid to click offers. I don't qualify for a lot of the surveys so it is difficult for me to make as much money. But more 'paid to click' offers would give me a little more opportunity.
Unless you have quite a few referrals, it takes time to cash out.
I just have a few referrals,it really contributes your earning,I wish I can refers more but I don't know anybody.
The $.15 is pretty sweet. If that could be done twice a day ayyyyy
where can i find paid to click , havent seen them around .15 would be great twice a day :)
i kinda like the idea of maybe one or two more. Itr make it just a little easier to get to that 25 cashout each month
I watch the ads - isn't that what the advertisers want? I would much prefer to be paid to watch an ad than to have a TV program interrupted and be forced to watch an ad.
The $.15 is pretty sweet. If that could be done twice a day ayyyyy
Yes! Twice a day would be SWEET!!!!
I think thats a great idea, paid to clicks are a great way to make money, and so easy. :D
Paid to click...love em! Just more pennies in the piggy bank!! The more the better!!
i would do more if they had more
Hey every one :wave:
Im new here in the forum,what is Click Ads? Where do I go to find them? Thanks!
I really like fusion cash and their PTC is the best option. However, I would love more offers to try because I have completed almost all of FC that I was interested in. However, there are some others I would love to try and who knows FC might post them soon. The problem I run into so often with offers and PTC is that many say malware is attached and my firewall won't allow them to be completed so I don't try to many even on some of the download offers has been dubbed unsafe so that blows me earning for them. I don't seem to have this problem on FC but on some of the other sites it is a problem.
Definitely the more the merrier! Keep the ptc ads coming FC! :thumbsup:
where can i find paid to click , havent seen them around .15 would be great twice a day :)
The .15 is only once a day. Click on OFFERS then use the DAILY link to get the offers that can be done every day.
You will look for the one marked PAID TO CLICK. This is also the same place you will find the paid videos.
The $.15 is pretty sweet. If that could be done twice a day ayyyyy
Yes! Twice a day would be SWEET!!!!
i agree they need more ptc,and not only that but more videos to watch also would be nice.i'am having fun here,even more then 2 a day is even better.
YES! I would definitely click more ads. I love Fushion Cash and it would only add to the great program that it already is. So YES :) :thumbsup:
I like doing the paid to click. Wish we could do it more than once a day. I see they have narrowed down some of their stuff. I liked checking out the lottery numbers even though I don't play lotto. It was still cool to know.
i would love to do more paid to clicked ads,more video's as well more more more more free offers as well.
I'm always up for more possibilities to earn. Just finding the advertiser that will pay for it is the next step.
I would go for that! I don't have any problem clicking for cash,,,it builds up over time.
I like the idea... isn't this what many of the videos are though? I guess something for more static ads or an actual web site where you are directed to a specific product and can get more specs and purchase immediately would be cool though.
Would love to see more paid to click ads! More cents.
Doing Ptc would be ok :-
Or maybe a another permanent way to earn like cheap flights that was taken away.
I am pretty new here, but I do agree that Fusion Cash have good compensation for their offers compared to the competitors. Anyone know of any other easy offers other than the Daily Email ($0.15) or the Daily PPC($0.02)? Thanks. :notworthy:
I am pretty new here, but I do agree that Fusion Cash have good compensation for their offers compared to the competitors. Anyone know of any other easy offers other than the Daily Email ($0.15) or the Daily PPC($0.02)? Thanks. :notworthy:
Yes I agree with you but they have to find some companies that will pay. Are any of you guys having your contacts at the big retailers call FusionCash with all their offers for us to do? In the meantime bring more referrals that way they can tell the new companies the benefits of using FusionCash. Since there is/are still a lot of stuff/offers to do daily. :thumbsup: :star: ;D :wave:
Yes I agree. I would like to see some paid to click offers on this website. It would help to build some cash faster.Great idea. :thumbsup:
Definitely the more the merrier! :thumbsup:
I would definatly love more!!!! I love F and any reason to get on here is always a good thing!!!
I love them, and would totally love more of them, it's easy money!
love to do more lots lots more please. YES I WANT MORE!
i think paid to click ads are nice. but how many clicks do we need to get some good cents. maybe 1 only paid .000001 like this or something.
PTC items are my favorite. It's something I can quickly get on and do everyday no matter how much time I have available. The cents add up!
To answer your question justinharriott, living in Canada as we do, we don't get to do the clicks.
But its still possible to make a bit of money every month on this site. So enjoy and its nice to see a fellow Canadian on here. :wave:
To be honest I really like doing tasks more than clicking on ads. I dont mind the ads but the tasks are a lot funner and I make more money doing them. However if fusion cash decided to give us more ads I would be more than happy to click on ::) them as well.
Yeah more cents on paid ads since we nearly qualified in most surveys.
I think we would all love to have 2 paid to clicks a day but from the owners side that wouldn't make alot of sense he has to be paid by his advertisers. I love that we get .15 for the paid to click
thanks fusion cash
I think .15 is pretty generous actually
i like the .15 also it helps me a lot. i think this is good extra points.
I love the PTC - my day wouldn't be the same without it - first my email, then ptc, then checking the surveys, then the videos, then tasks and searching of course! adds up every day! yay! :dog:
I think we would all love to have 2 paid to clicks a day but from the owners side that wouldn't make alot of sense he has to be paid by his advertisers. I love that we get .15 for the paid to click
thanks fusion cash
I agree. Fusion Cash can only pay us when they get paid by advertisers, although they do pay a lot of bonuses out of their own pockets. I try to do offers besides the PTC's, although there haven't been many good new ones recently. those are the offers that put money in FC's pockets, and then into ours.
I believe Fusion Cash can add another pay to click ad, That would make things interesting.
:thumbsup:Yes, I agree that it would help alot of us if we had more paid to click offers. Must of us don't have survey skills or talent in getting referrals...But I think that instead of adding more cut down on the frequency of these paid to click offers & make the ones we already have pay more. This is just a suggestion cuz I personally am happy with what I already have...... :wave:
i agree with more paid more to click ads also. do something so we can get it thank you
I would love to see more paid to click ads. They are the best!! One of the things I like best about FC is that their are things we can do without spending money to earn money.
i agree, click is the best! we need more
i agree. i love playing on fusioncash but i need to make money also if i don't make alittle i have no excuse for not having housework done or going out and getting a job
I love PTC ads and to have two daily would be so wonderful.
Being able to do 2 to 3 a day would be wonderful!!! :wave:
I love the paid to click ads. Wish there was more!!
Yup even i agree there should be more paid to click ad and more daily mails. Cause you can get more money from that. I also think if the money for human intelligence is also increased it will be great
I think it would be greatly appreciated cuz I am in with the ones that don't qualify for surveys and I don't have money to accept most of the offers they promote but I enjoy watching the video's which you get a penny the other day they put out some video's that paid 4 cents made my day I love fusion cash working on second cash out :)
cool i am listening to the radio i would not have found it but for you guys encouraging me to try new offers. love it . still learning from this forum thanks for all the help this music makes me feel young again :thumbsup:
More ads? More money! I'm all in! I would love more easy ways to earn money here because you know, I'm just a LITTLE bit lazy! Hah!
The four cent video I played but did not get credit.Mmaybe I did something out of order,maybe I was not clear on the direction.
I like that there are good paid to click ads. :heart:
I think more paid to click ads would be nice, it would also give you another opportunity to make more money on FC.
i support it
I would definitely support it, since I have not qualified for many of the surveys offered. And most of the offers are designed such that unless you were
planning on buying it any ways, it is not worth the effort. Besides, some of the offers I have done in the past, which I tried to cancel were not successful.
So, I am not planning on doing any offers in the near future.
That would certainly be great, and I don't think any of us would complain...but I do agree that it doesn't really seem like something that FusionCash could afford to do for us :dontknow:
If you took the year of the end survey, it actually alludes to the fact that they will probably have to decrease the pay for the paid-to-click, or make it harder to obtain the .15 -_-
I guesss there really is no such thing as easy money!:p
I would most definitely support something like that. A move like that would help those of us who are having a hard time getting qualified for surveys. Please FC consider it.
I think that would be great. I need to be sure that I log at least a few cents each time I come to FC or can't justify the time it takes. The paid to click ads are a great easy way to do this and I would welcome more of them.
Just brainstorming but FC would recieve money for the clicks, maybe they could offer clicks to us for a smaller ammount like the 1/2 a cent that you can get on some of the tasks? Any more oppourtunity to make money for us and FC would be great ;D
The more paid to click the more revenue for everyone
I think that would be so awesome, it would be so nice to get more Paid To Click Ads..... ;D
It would be Fantastic!!!! :angel11:
I think it would be great to have more ads to click for money. I just wished you can get paid more.
I think it would be great to have more ads to click for money. I just wished you can get paid more.
YES,I JUST LOVE THEM !!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I would love more of them also. Fusion gives us what they can, they have to make money to pay us and they are pretty good with the offers that they give us.
Yeah paid to click is back with the good old stuff. one thing I tend to do is read so long I loose my time to earn the money and have to start over. Im getting better at realizing I better put in for it when time is ready. I can read the stuff after. :heart:
I think it would be great to have more ads to click for money. I just wished you can get paid more.
Work on getting active referrals and the "more" would come. Otherwise getting paid more to do what we do as easy as it is it just won't happen. You won't find it anywhere else.
I think this is a great idea. Not only would it be easy but also informative.
:wave: Well it looks like they put more options up on the Paid-To-CLick section! Some of them I actually enjoy clicking on now :p
Its a Fantastic way to make extra money!!!! :D
That's a excellent idea.
I too think that would be a great way to make money in less time!!!! Hopefully it will happen and we can all reap the rewards!!!!
I would like to make more money...more videos...more paid to click...more daily emails. I love FC and enjoy earning extra dough. Have a great day all!
i think more paid to click ads would be great. please do something
yea the 15 cents offer would be great to do twice a day
Great Idea :thumbsup:
Need all the help, I can get - so yes, yes, great idea! :thumbsup:
I'm all for anything that enables me to earn more money. I am so financially short each month since I lost my husband's income that any time I get a paypal deposit or a check from online earning it usually saves the day well actually it always saves the day and FC is my top earning site. FC thanks so much !
That would be a great way to earn money and possibly build the site and really get Fusion Cash out there and well known , which would bring in more advertisers.
I don't have any referrals so I would love for more ways other than referrals to make some more money with FC.
That would be awesome if FC gave more paid to click ads.
I think people would love more paid to click offers! ;D ;D
I have always loved paid to click. Having more than just one would be awesome. And bring back the Flash game! =)
I do paid to click almost everyday, they education. I love all the differ subject to choose from.
Ok I'm confused what is paid to click?
Ok I'm confused what is paid to click?
Probably the easiest and most reliable way to make money on the site. You can go to the main page and find the little offers button on the top right corner (type in "Paid to click".
Once you find it, bookmark it...you'll want to visit daily (for a max of $0.15 /day.) It doesn't sound like much, but it adds up. Once you open the page you'll want to visit 4 things. I usually check out the sports scores, weather, comic and then do the Sudoku puzzle. You have to be on there for 3 minutes or so and there's even a little timer on the left column to help. Then you have to click one of the links on the left column.
After that a little link on the bottom left (near where your timer was) will appear, click that and enter the text.
It sounds like a lot, but it's very easy.
Hope that helps. :peace: :heart:
i'm gfor it
Ok I'm confused what is paid to click?
Probably the easiest and most reliable way to make money on the site. You can go to the main page and find the little offers button on the top right corner (type in "Paid to click".
Once you find it, bookmark it...you'll want to visit daily (for a max of $0.15 /day.) It doesn't sound like much, but it adds up. Once you open the page you'll want to visit 4 things. I usually check out the sports scores, weather, comic and then do the Sudoku puzzle. You have to be on there for 3 minutes or so and there's even a little timer on the left column to help. Then you have to click one of the links on the left column.
After that a little link on the bottom left (near where your timer was) will appear, click that and enter the text.
It sounds like a lot, but it's very easy.
Hope that helps. :peace: :heart:
Yes, thats very easy. I like it a lot but I hope there are more offers like that. Also, like you said it does add up and I make sure I do some of the daily tasks to balance it to a dollar. Good luck guys, we do need the extra cash.
I think 15 cents is plenty for clicking ads already. Some website even give you only 2 cents for their ads.
I would love it if there were more but I agree 15 cents is a great amount already
I would love more paid to click ads and games would be good too.
yup can u add paid to click ads too.. that would be nice earnings..
I would love it if FC had games to play for money. I like games
I earn 15 cents for clicking on 4 offers and viewing an advertised ad. It is 15 cents I don't have. It makes no sense to want more ads. If they put in more ads, they should offer more than 15 cents? Frankly, it makes no difference one way or another. I appreciate that I can get 15 cents, and it does add up over time.
that would be nice to have and i love to see the ad survey be more money instead of cents
cool..so much better. gets my interest even pumping up, not just once per day but as much as available at the moment. lets say why dont FC let us do it?.. i mean they can change the ads once-twice per week..just saying :binkybaby:
I am OK for everything that will give us more cents ;D
Hi, I am new to this forum. Many of you are talking about the 15 cent daily ad. May I know which one you are referring to? Is it the one where we visit 4 different pages and click on an ad?
Hi, I am new to this forum. Many of you are talking about the 15 cent daily ad. May I know which one you are referring to? Is it the one where we visit 4 different pages and click on an ad?
Yes, do you have any questions about it or need any help?
Games would be great, but you would need more than four minutes. I frankly don't any more time unless it pays more than fifteen cents. :wave:
There is nothing wrong with paid to click ads but I don't expect there to be any more than it is now.
Would always enjoy more.
Could be good, although I like the ones we have. Babe of the Day is a nice one.....
I think we have enough paid to click ads to choose from for the amount of time we are on paid to click. I love the recipes.
Where are the paid to click ads on this site? Do they pay a good amount?
Where are the paid to click ads on this site? Do they pay a good amount?
Yes they pay extremely well! You earn .15 cents daily for using the paid to click offer. Click on the offers tab and then click Free/No CC needed and it's usually the last page or second to the last depending on how man offers are available and click the paid to click offer. You can only do this once a day but .15 cents is very generous.
Where are the paid to click ads on this site? Do they pay a good amount?
Yes they pay extremely well! You earn .15 cents daily for using the paid to click offer. Click on the offers tab and then click Free/No CC needed and it's usually the last page or second to the last depending on how man offers are available and click the paid to click offer. You can only do this once a day but .15 cents is very generous.
Thank you for letting me know :)
Anyway to earn more money sounds good to me. That is why we all joined this site isn't it? They are very generous here compared to other sites but to say no to more money is just craziness.
Sounds good to me, but I don't think it will happen.
P.T.C. is awesome. Guaranteed 0.15 everyday
When you talk about making more money I am pretty sure if not all of us most of us are wanting and ready to make any type of extra money. :peace:
Let make that money= more ads= happy Fusion Workers
Definitely the more the merrier for everyone. Keep the ptc ads coming FC! :thumbsup: