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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: mary_k on September 04, 2012, 05:50:54 am
Does anyone else think that this summer just flew by? Even with the early spring, it seems to have come and gone in a flash.
Not really. For me, it hasn't gone by fast enough. I've had enough of the hot weather. Bring on Autumn and Winter!
Summer always seems to go fast but i'm ready for a weather change will like cool autumn days. halloween cpns for candy already in the paper and you know they have them in stores already.
This summer was way to hot so I'm happy autumn is on it's way. I need some cool air.
Summer did go fast! Might cause were having some fun or just busy! :)
I can't believe it's September already! How quickly it passed! It seems like I just put on my bathing suit and it's already time to start looking at sweaters and Jackets. That really was fast! Let's hope winter goes as quickly. :)
I don't think so!! We had a cruel and hot summer this year!! I am glad it is almost over with. I just don't look forward to the price hikes that will be coming because of the drought in the mid west.
It still feels like a warm summer outside, but autumn will start in a couple of weeks.
:) my teenage daughters say to me...summer vaction real fast...im like i know but i do love autumn, how all the leaves change colors and the crisp fall air is just a little chilly...it's just right...I :heart: autumn... :peace: :peace: :peace:
Actually it didn't go by that fast it didn't feel it went by so fast coz I went to VA to visit my brother and I started Job Training on July19th on my bro bday lol!!!!
I know right? I have no idea where it went. It was really hot and then really rainy and now it is going to be Fall!
It has gone by fast, but i will be glad for some cooler weather. Might even get to sleep in once in awhile. In order to get much done outside you have to be up at the crack of dawn. Besides the garden we are in the process of cutting firewood. So by 8 a.m. it is already up to 90degress and climbing. Yeah i know cutting woo d now when it is so hot, but you never know when the weather will all of a sudden change and then it will drop down to 30 are below, Some country we live in.
I am glad its almost over now.I got to hate the heat as i got older.
Nope, I am so ready for fall.
Summer has finally ended, I am trilled the weather is getting cooler.
It isn't just the summer that has seemed to pass so quickly. This entire year has definitely come and go quickly. Before we know it, it will be New Years again.
I went to State Fair this Labor Day weekend...and had lots of fun!
8) Well here in sunny florida we are still blazing hot. Even up into the evening it still seems to want to stay hot and humid. I feel like its stifling to breath and I kind of rush from one air conditioned spot to another. Once would thing I would be used to it because I have lived here my entire life......but as I've gotten older I can't take it like I used to. Well have a blessed early spring - looks like ours isn't going to be here any time soon.
It's been pretty sunny in Seattle though that's about to go away in a few days.
It always seems after the 4th, it goes fast. The 4th always seems like the last of summer for me!
I can't wait the cool weather coming.
yes summer always goes that way
It went by so fast I think I missed it! I don't like the hot, steamy days when it kills you to go out, but give me those days over snow, ice, sleet, freezing rain anyday!
I'm going to have to agree. I get tired of being hot, sticky and sweaty, but I'd take that over not being able to feel my fingers and toes any day! It seems like May was just getting started and suddenly it's time for fall already!? I think I missed something :dontknow: