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Discussion Boards => Suggestions => Topic started by: destinyredd on March 18, 2009, 08:58:54 am

Title: AmpSurveys
Post by: destinyredd on March 18, 2009, 08:58:54 am
Has anyone else wondered why Fu$ionca$h switched their daily survey: MYToughtCounts to AmpSurveys? :angry7:

AmpSurvey is well known for having a very low crediting rating compared to MythoughtCounts.
Here are the latest stats for both survey ratings on another site: which shows their members their chances by approval ratings:
(which offer both daily surveys)

I'll copy & paste these ratings for y'all below.

>>>>MyThoughtCounts - Can Be Completed Daily! Credited to other users: 344 times|Approval rate:  Low|Average Approval time: 01 days 08:23:41.

>>>>AmpSurveys - Can Be Completed Daily! Credited to other users: 79 times|Approval rate:  Low|Average Approval time:
02 days 09:10:13

I know for a fact that I myself have to fight AmpSurvey and even go through many pages of questions to get their final Sorry! :angry7:
While MyThoughtCounts was not nearly as bad/annoying.   :bs:
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: squirrelgirl44 on March 18, 2009, 09:26:43 am
I personally have not noticed a difference. They look exactly the same. If anything, I prefer it now that it is called "Amp" because it fills in that first page for me.
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: Administrator on March 18, 2009, 10:20:09 am
Unfortunately, the "number of users credited" does not tell you how well it credits.  You need to also know how many people clicked on it, because then you can calculate a conversion rate and compare that between the offers.  Otherwise you're comparing apples to oranges.

That said, MyThoughtCounts and AmpSurveys are both identical when you get past the first page.  They are run by a company called Ampario, and its their surveys that you take.  They offer differently branded landing pages because it helps them get more traffic.  FusionCash switched from MTC to AMP for a couple reasons, including the fact that your information can now be prefilled on AMP.  I am continuing to monitor the crediting rate and will switch back if AMP stops performing.
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: destinyredd on March 20, 2009, 07:02:49 pm
Unfortunately, the "number of users credited" does not tell you how well it credits.  You need to also know how many people clicked on it, because then you can calculate a conversion rate and compare that between the offers.  Otherwise you're comparing apples to oranges.

That said, MyThoughtCounts and AmpSurveys are both identical when you get past the first page.  They are run by a company called Ampario, and its their surveys that you take.  They offer differently branded landing pages because it helps them get more traffic.  FusionCash switched from MTC to AMP for a couple reasons, including the fact that your information can now be prefilled on AMP.  I am continuing to monitor the crediting rate and will switch back if AMP stops performing.

It credited me this time. Figures! Doh!  lol :angel12:
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: carolinaqt782 on March 23, 2009, 12:55:06 pm
i'm not sure, but i always have such a hard time getting through any dailys! even if i sit there for 10 minutes, plus. :(
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: mrisha on March 30, 2009, 07:23:23 am
I have attempted AMP surveys and can never get qualified.  Stopped trying. :BangHead: :BangHead:
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: ijonesy3 on March 30, 2009, 07:43:19 am
i cant get qualified either
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: frenchd91 on March 30, 2009, 03:36:36 pm
yes i have had the same problem s well of ampsurveys not creditting. and considering its one of the only daily offers it kinda bugs!
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: davidhamvui on April 01, 2009, 05:03:18 pm
i have attempted this surveys so many times, but it always says SORRY YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED FOR THIS SURVEY!!!
Does anyone succeed in this survey?
Please share us your experience!
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: rrod13 on April 01, 2009, 09:40:15 pm
I hate ampsurveys.  I just wasted my time on a 30 minute survey and I didn't get credited.  Give us your 2 cents credited me right away!
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: mlbevins on April 01, 2009, 09:47:46 pm
I never have any luck with Amp Surveys.  When I click the link, I fill out the info on the first page, then the next page alway says invalid link.  I have stopped trying.  I always just do Give Us You 2 Cents and I usually have luck with that one.
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: rrod13 on April 02, 2009, 04:04:40 am
I hate ampsurveys.  I just wasted my time on a 30 minute survey and I didn't get credited.  Give us your 2 cents credited me right away!

Never mind.  I just checked this morning and I got credit for ampsurveys I guess I got a little impatient, lol!
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: janell07 on April 02, 2009, 04:18:10 am
I don't always make it, but I do many times.  For example I didn't Saturday,Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, but did on Wednesday.  I may qualify for a few days and then I won't.   
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: janell07 on April 02, 2009, 04:23:32 am
Also, did you know you can keep trying until they run out of survey's?  When you get to the page that says Yes, try again or no thanks you can click the Yes try again and keep going until you receive credit.
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: CompKillaz on April 02, 2009, 05:12:18 am
that still don't always work  :P
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: klkwid on April 06, 2009, 05:51:42 am
I agree with you guys-I don't like AMP surveys at all.  A lot of times it will say that I reached the maximum number of surveys for a day even when I haven't done one in 48 hours!!  It also links to several other sites that use AMP, so I think it counts the surveys I take there, too!  On top of that, I can never tell if I'm going to get credited because the stupid ads at the end of the survey go on and on-I know it says that you don't need to do them, but I've skipped before then I don't get credited for the survey!  I'd much rather have a different company do it if possible.  I don't even click on the link for those most of the time anymore.
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: mlainez on April 06, 2009, 09:37:39 am
I somewhat agree, I haven't really gotten anywhere with them either, I just keep trying.
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: gayecat on April 11, 2009, 06:21:49 pm
Amp surveys takes you a lot farther into each survey than any other research company before saying you are not qualified.  Could they be using this to not pay, when you have actually finished the survey.
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: liljp617 on April 11, 2009, 06:57:30 pm
Never had a single problem with them on any site.
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: francey234 on April 11, 2009, 07:59:33 pm
I agree when I'm just minutes away from completing the survey they say I didn't qualified. Ampsurveys is just a waist of time.
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: hjkh on April 11, 2009, 08:11:14 pm
i dont like amp surveys ether i never qualify and there link never works  :'(
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: klkwid on April 16, 2009, 06:15:20 am
Another question:  I'm pretty sure I've taken AMP surveys before and didn't get credited.  How do you know when you're done getting through all the ads they put at the end of the survey???  At the VERY end, there's always a site it takes you to then it just stops.  There's no confirmation that you finished anything anywhere.  I'm always scared NOT to go through the ads because I know in a lot of surveys and offers you need to click through everything for credit.  Anyone know where the end is?
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: klkwid on April 16, 2009, 06:16:43 am
Oh-that last post is regarding the time I actually DO qualify for a survey.  That's like once every 50 times!!!  I still don't like that site, but if I mess with it, I want to get my credit when I finish a survey!!  They get what they want-it's only fair....
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: squirrelgirl44 on April 16, 2009, 10:00:50 am
Another question:  I'm pretty sure I've taken AMP surveys before and didn't get credited.  How do you know when you're done getting through all the ads they put at the end of the survey???  At the VERY end, there's always a site it takes you to then it just stops.  There's no confirmation that you finished anything anywhere.  I'm always scared NOT to go through the ads because I know in a lot of surveys and offers you need to click through everything for credit.  Anyone know where the end is?

When you get to the screen that says "thank you" - you have to watch for it because it is only there for a few seconds before it starts cycling to ads. you don't need to skip through the ads for credit.
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: neicy3100 on April 21, 2009, 10:17:17 pm
What is Ampsurveys? I never heard of it.  :dontknow:
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: Administrator on April 23, 2009, 10:41:44 pm
Hey everyone,

Just an update.  It took some time for us to be certain, but we have established a statistically significant difference between the crediting rates of MyThoughtCounts and AmpSurveys.  It appears that MyThoughtCounts credits for more people, more consistently.  We asked the survey provider to explain the difference but they could not.  So, we've switched back to MyThoughtCounts, which now pre-fills your information just like AmpSurveys did.

Thanks for your patience, feedback, and cooperation in making FusionCash a better place :)
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: rrod13 on April 24, 2009, 01:09:54 pm
Hah it still seems the same to me...it looks the same but I haven't tried it yet
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: mrisha on April 25, 2009, 08:31:49 am
My thoughts count or AMP survey is all the same and hard to get qualified.
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: RKylloe on April 25, 2009, 08:40:50 am
I'm getting through the surveys.. just not getting credit now.. not sure if I like it. I spend all that time doing the surveys.. and it's hard to get credit afterwards, or get through the whole survey without it directing me to sign up with some other survey site.. which I did.. still no credit from Fusion though.. what is going on?
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: destinyredd on November 09, 2009, 09:01:43 am
I'm getting through the surveys.. just not getting credit now.. not sure if I like it. I spend all that time doing the surveys.. and it's hard to get credit afterwards, or get through the whole survey without it directing me to sign up with some other survey site.. which I did.. still no credit from Fusion though.. what is going on?
 It's even worse when MyThoughtCounts say's: thank you for completing it, yet it doesn't credit your account.  :BangHead:
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: lightningclix on November 09, 2009, 12:06:01 pm
Also, did you know you can keep trying until they run out of survey's?  When you get to the page that says Yes, try again or no thanks you can click the Yes try again and keep going until you receive credit.

I usually only try once, and have actually received credit before a few times.
So I tried this, this morning...finally got one finished it and didn't get credit.  It is kinda frustrating but oh well!!
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: superteacher on November 09, 2009, 08:15:02 pm
I agree! it was always hard to get quolified for some daily surveys. I am still trying everyday though :P
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: dexterjrh on November 09, 2009, 08:22:45 pm
This month have been having great luck lately.
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: rudegirlsexi on November 13, 2009, 03:55:53 pm
i never get credited for my thoughts count for some reason
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: destinyredd on November 17, 2009, 11:56:58 am
i never get credited for my thoughts count for some reason

It makes me not want to do them very often.  ::)
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: lynnc35 on November 24, 2009, 07:15:24 am
well they must of done it recently, not being credited.
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: destinyredd on November 24, 2009, 07:22:45 am
well they must of done it recently, not being credited.

I've noticed it credits better if you leave the "thank you" page open for a few minutes.  ;)
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: deekeepinitreal2009 on November 24, 2009, 08:20:10 am
It has credited for me
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: carolrowe on November 30, 2009, 06:20:45 am
I have been busy and not not too many surveys the past couple of weeks, but didn't MyThoughts always carry you through AMP surveys at the end?  Or was that something new?  I usually have pretty good success at qualifying but this morning I tried several and finally gave up.  Seems like you get in a groove that works for awhile, so I'll have to try again.  When I have qualified,, 95% of the time I got credit.
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: robertmoore80 on December 05, 2009, 09:52:16 pm
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: superteacher on December 26, 2009, 12:44:19 pm
I have tried to be crdited on this website but still 9 dollars after 3 months. How could you guys be crdited 290 dollars? Do you think you could kindly share your tricks? Thanks from a long-term newbie
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: Valerie1979 on December 27, 2009, 05:05:54 pm
superteacher -- the amount on the banner also includes bonuses/referrals, etc.
Title: Re: AmpSurveys
Post by: kesto4 on December 28, 2009, 03:13:06 pm
I used to do this survey and it often credited for me, however, I seldom have time anymore and usually just do the PTC most days. It credits, but you need to clear your cookies everyday.