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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Gerianne on May 22, 2012, 07:28:49 am
I talked to a man whose son was living in Fort Myers, Florida and moved to Minnesota. [ from warm weather to cold].
Is your family "spread out across the states?
Mine is. With cousins included, states where they live: Texas, Arizona, California, Wisconsin, Illinois, Arkansas, Tennessee, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, Indiana.
Well I live in Texas my choice due to the cold weather where I came from flaring up injuries I got from a car wreck in maine, and an ex husband, my children and 3 brothers my mom and dad aunts and uncles live in Maine. I have 2 sisters and nieces and nephews that live in Oklahoma. Hate not being close to family especially my kids and parents.
I have the out-laws ahem I mean the in-laws about 4 hours away by car. My dad is about 6 hours away by car. My mom 3 1/2 by plane. I do miss them terribly. Even the out-laws although they don't like me. It's nice once in a while to have dys"fun"ctional family gatherings.
I have a sister in Ohio, Niece and Nephew in Florida, Niece in Georgia, cousins in Mass. I guess you can say that we are spread apart. This is the way of the country now, you have to go where the employment is.
California, Arizona, Kansas and thats it,,,,,,,i think lol ::)
Most of my family lives in West Virginia, but my lil sister is in Mississippi, my moms sister are in Ohio and I just moved to Kentucky been here a month.
Mine is scattered across the country from alaska to ca., ohio, mn., org. and a lot of in betweens. But me i preer where i live.
My immediate family is within 15 minutes of me. I have some other family in NC and some in South Africa.
Most of my family lives in texas, Dallas, San Antonio. I also have family in Iowa, Tennessee, Florida, Albuquerque, Missouri, Chicago, California, ect.
New York, New Jersy, PA, NC & Philippines
I have a very small family. I have 2 sisters in Ohio, 1 in Indiana. My nieces and nephews also live in OH, IN. I have 2 uncles, one in FL and one in MI. Thats it. Like I said small family.
I have 5 sisters and one brother. I am in Wilmington, a few sisters and family are in Charlotte.
My son is in Charlotte and my daughter is in Raleigh. One sister is in Texas and another in Missouri.
My husband has family in Charlotte and Virginia and Hawaii. We're all spread out.
Most of my family is in Wis. somewhere....but one sister had lived in Alabama, then Key West, now Conneticut! (Her husband is in the Coast Guard)
All of my close family live in Washington.
On my mother's side they're kind of all over the place, and far away (Florida and California; I'm in NJ). My father's side of the family is all close (most in NJ, a few in NY).