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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: lindatucker on December 06, 2011, 08:02:03 pm

Title: Why Do Parents Tell Children That Santa Claus Gives Them Xmas Presents?
Post by: lindatucker on December 06, 2011, 08:02:03 pm
 >:( Why do parents always tell there children if they don't be good Santa Claus will not bring them any Christmas presents. Knowing that there is no such thing as Santa Claus and they feel blue all the rest of the year because of all the money they had spent on Christmas presents.
Title: Re: Why Do Parents Tell Children That Santa Claus Gives Them Xmas Presents?
Post by: mtmailey on December 06, 2011, 08:15:02 pm
To deceive them of course to make them think by being nice they  get stuff also if they say that he is not real the kids may feel sad or something.
Title: Re: Why Do Parents Tell Children That Santa Claus Gives Them Xmas Presents?
Post by: ShadeTree on January 02, 2012, 04:39:48 am
Although it has changed through the years, the idea of Santa Claus giving (good) children gifts at Christmas time started centuries ago. The Santa Claus most people often think of, actually stems from Saint Nicholas. However, there were other figures similar to this "Santa" from other cultures before the Christian Saint Nicholas. So essentially, Santa Claus was real many years ago & at the same time he wasn't. Though Santa may not be real, the concept behind the figure is very much real. Do some digging and research the history/origins, you'll find it an interesting read.
Title: Re: Why Do Parents Tell Children That Santa Claus Gives Them Xmas Presents?
Post by: vicogden on January 02, 2012, 04:46:11 am
I'm not sure... maybe it's just some sort of a scam started by the Elves.  Either that or the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny got together and planted the idea in the minds of parents to make the Bunny & Fairy feel better about themselves.  The next time I run into Mrs Claus, I'll ask her what the scoop is...
Title: Re: Why Do Parents Tell Children That Santa Claus Gives Them Xmas Presents?
Post by: mrisha on January 02, 2012, 06:30:27 am
They tell the children that keep the fantasy going because kids today see and hear so much about violence, abuse and child neglect.  Kids need something to offset the terrible things they see and hear about in the world today.
Title: Re: Why Do Parents Tell Children That Santa Claus Gives Them Xmas Presents?
Post by: bigfoot951 on January 02, 2012, 07:35:36 am
I have trouble treating this like a real question.  Why do parents tell their kids there is a tooth fairy, or easter bunny?  I guess we should just tell our kids how horrible life can be and crush their imagination at a young age.