FC Community

Discussion Boards => Payments => Topic started by: premar16 on December 02, 2011, 01:36:45 pm

Title: making more than 100 a year
Post by: premar16 on December 02, 2011, 01:36:45 pm
I see people on who have made alottt of momey how the heck are u doing that I know refferals are a big part.But from my experience those are hard to get so what is your secret I am new and am 10 away from my first cash out :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: AMBERTAYLOR31 on December 02, 2011, 02:19:02 pm
i make anywhere from $30-$60 a month on here.  i make most of my money from doing surveys.  i do some everyday.  some people on here do not like surveys because they can't get them to credit or there are never any surveys that they qualify for.  but i don't have too much trouble with them.  they work for me most of the time.  you just have to keep trying and check back everyday. make sure that you do all of the daily things that you can do, like the daily cash email, the paid to click, and watching the paid videos.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: Cubboo on December 02, 2011, 02:20:56 pm
I see people on who have made alottt of momey how the heck are u doing that I know refferals are a big part.But from my experience those are hard to get so what is your secret I am new and am 10 away from my first cash out :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Def the credit cards offer are good plus the mobile expression offer is free and pays five dollars... If you don't have a credit card just get a pre paid card... Those offers pay off good and if you don't like the offer during the trial or don't think it's worth the money they're gonna charge ya you have the option to cancel also... But google free advertising... Put ur referral banner on there and put something interesting to grab their attention to get them interested.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: premar16 on December 02, 2011, 02:40:59 pm
thanks for the advice i didnt know about google free advertising tell u mentioned it
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: Cubboo on December 02, 2011, 07:14:03 pm
Aw yah but the best would be google advertising forums that way way more people will see it
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: natashaspy on December 02, 2011, 07:17:34 pm
i've been averaging about 26 a month, but in november i cashed in for 125$ but that was for 2 months.  its not that difficult if you are persistent.  if you dont get a survey the first time, come back an hour or two later, delete your cookies and temp files, then try again.  dont forget to check out the videos too!
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: Storm61115 on December 03, 2011, 09:49:26 am
i get about 100 or so year now since there are those daily videos and my referrals start doing offers.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: jkunert on December 03, 2011, 05:00:15 pm
man i have a hard time with the 30 posts for $3.   I did October already and i didn't get credit for it yet.  I also like to know how people get to 100 dollars on here.

(http://www.fusioncash.net/sig.php/2189d5a070ee.png) (http://www.fusioncash.net/?ref=jkunert)
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: Stealth3si on December 03, 2011, 05:43:55 pm
I see people on who have made alottt of momey how the heck are u doing that I know refferals are a big part.But from my experience those are hard to get so what is your secret I am new and am 10 away from my first cash out :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
mostly daily surveys, freebie offers and plenty of free trial offers.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: premar16 on December 03, 2011, 06:29:22 pm
I finally got some refferals going so thats promising
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: footemama on December 03, 2011, 08:45:42 pm
When I'm with the program I can make about $100 a year. Mostly with the surveys, PTC, emails, videos, and Forum participation. :) I have ZERO luck with referrals that actually stick around to complete things but I do what I can for myself so that I have some extra money to do fun things for me! I just discovered a couple of websites that I can use for Paypal so I'm going to want to be cashing out more often here!
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: samrhett2 on December 03, 2011, 08:48:38 pm
man i have a hard time with the 30 posts for $3.   I did October already and i didn't get credit for it yet.  I also like to know how people get to 100 dollars on here.

(http://www.fusioncash.net/sig.php/2189d5a070ee.png) (http://www.fusioncash.net/?ref=jkunert)
You need to make this a part of your daily routine.  Like brushing your teeth.  If you do nothing else, at least do the daily email and .15 paid to click offer.  That way you are at least making money every day.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: debidoo on December 03, 2011, 09:33:42 pm
Personally I don't know how the huge earners do it either but I figure I can get about $25 every three months so I guess that would match the other member who said they earn about $100 per year.  I can't do the surveys (NEVER qualify) and don't get referrals but I do the other stuff that is pretty steady like the 15 cent daily offer, the daily e-mail, the videos when available and I try not to miss out on the Saturday/Sunday bonus or the forum bonus.  Am disappointed that I didn't get my credit for netflix even though I had the confirmation e-mail which would have been sufficient for other sites but I appreciate what I earn so I just keep plugging away.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: laine39 on December 03, 2011, 09:43:20 pm
I do the daily email, ptc, videos when they are available, Tues/Wed promotion, Sat/Sun promotion, post in the forum, some free offers, and a lot of surveys. I have no referrals. Just be persistent. It can get frustrating.  :) Good luck.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: timetravel on December 04, 2011, 06:17:49 am
I've cashed out an average of 27 dollar every three months, which brings it up to slightly over a hundred a year.  I'm not complaining.  On one survey site where I just cashed out for a fifty dollar check it took me 14 months to achieve that.  So in comparison, 110 a year from Fusion Cash is a much better deal!  And it's practically guaranteed by doing the daily tasks, forum posting, contests, and the buck for posting payment photo.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: bostonphil on December 04, 2011, 06:37:27 am
I cash out every three months just like the member who answered you ahead of me. My average is also about $27 but other members do better. I work in market research and never qualify for a survey. I also have no luck with referrals.  However, I just read something about free google advertising. I never heard of that before and am going to look into it.

Have you tried signing up for the survey sites offered by Fusion Cash? There are several. They are usually easy to sign up for and they credit well.  And they offer their own rewards if you complete one of their surveys. 

I have been with FC just over two years and really  :heart: the site. I have made over $200 and have just cashed out for the ninth time.  Welcome.  :wave:
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: premar16 on December 04, 2011, 10:07:55 am
I dont have a credit card and im afraid to use my debit card becuase you never know who can use it
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: MySavings4U on December 06, 2011, 10:44:42 am
i make anywhere from $30-$60 a month on here.  i make most of my money from doing surveys.  i do some everyday.  some people on here do not like surveys because they can't get them to credit or there are never any surveys that they qualify for.  but i don't have too much trouble with them.  they work for me most of the time.  you just have to keep trying and check back everyday. make sure that you do all of the daily things that you can do, like the daily cash email, the paid to click, and watching the paid videos.

Some surveys are just to long. They need to keep them short.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: leung1245 on December 06, 2011, 10:57:21 am
See this as a daily JOB. You don't just sit around and earn money that easily from the internet, or in real life. You need to work for it and be patient with it. The easiest thing you can do is to do the daily offers that help you earn 15 to 17 cents per day, and that builds up day by day. Keep trying ti qualify with surveys and other free offers, and if you want to, do the credit card subscriptions.

The lesson here, is to work hard.  :D
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: cwillard1 on December 06, 2011, 11:01:14 am
Thanks for the information.  I was wondering how people got a cash out without using credit cards.   :wave:
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: KDougall on December 07, 2011, 10:16:27 am
What is Google free advertising? I need a way to get referrals without annoying my friends too much, but haven't found anything.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: premar16 on December 07, 2011, 10:28:26 am
just go into google and put in free advertising in the search engine several sites will come up you can post ads to any state or city and you just tell people the truth that you found an extra way to make money not a job but extra cash have them email you for more info that way you dont have to plaster ur refferal link everywhere and they can find out more
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: Bazoulouc on December 07, 2011, 12:18:15 pm
Okay i am a newbie. I registered on fusioncash on december 1rst 2011. Today is december 7th 2011 and my account is $50 and some change. I do not have any referrals but i take the daily surveys, the $5 bonus, the free trials ( i plan to cancel them though). I signed up just to get the benefits for some of the free trials. They offer great deal. For instance the netflix, the mobile sure and i also signed up for the $3 for the 30 posts in the forum. I dont find it that hard to make money but a lot of patience.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: Quirita on December 07, 2011, 11:55:37 pm
I dont have a credit card and im afraid to use my debit card becuase you never know who can use it
you should try one of those prepaid debit cards. I know I have seen some on here....
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: willisbruskie1985 on December 08, 2011, 12:02:19 am
Last check i got was like 32.46 or somethin, this check will be about 100.00+ i cant wait :D
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: gaylasue on December 08, 2011, 06:12:05 am
I just try to keep clicking away each day.  Every little bit does add up!
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: acurtsinger2 on December 08, 2011, 07:27:48 am
i like to cash out above $30...and i'm a member of other sites..when theres no new offers or offers arent crediting so good i lay off that site for awhile.   i got a $35 visa card from another site a week ago, and with using coupons and the visa card, i got $140 worth of grocerys for 50.  every bit does help, and between all the sites i make over a thousand a year....but fc is still the best. :notworthy:
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: arkovac on December 08, 2011, 07:40:04 am
I'm still new, but I've found that the little daily offers add up fast.  And I didn't shy away from the trial offers and credit card required offers bcz there are some good deals. If its something you can use or already thought about buying or trying. 

There's some great advice already listed above here, so as ever, I'm taking good notes from longtime FC users who lend their generous knowledge.  Peace, love and fcash  :peace:   :notworthy:
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: sweete0920 on December 08, 2011, 04:53:48 pm
Okay i am a newbie. I registered on fusioncash on december 1rst 2011. Today is december 7th 2011 and my account is $50 and some change. I do not have any referrals but i take the daily surveys, the $5 bonus, the free trials ( i plan to cancel them though). I signed up just to get the benefits for some of the free trials. They offer great deal. For instance the netflix, the mobile sure and i also signed up for the $3 for the 30 posts in the forum. I dont find it that hard to make money but a lot of patience.

Wow Congratulations to you. I just signed up 3 days ago and I'm just at $7.00 and some change.....Good Job...:)
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: hiyikfko on December 10, 2011, 05:39:23 am
Well if you take an hour or so you could easily make 100 in a month as I made $16 and change in only one night. Just one thing I dont know about firefox is how do you clear your cookies as it dose not say cookies anywhere? lol
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: kat02100 on December 10, 2011, 05:53:10 am
What I do is get up and when I check my email every morning do the cash email and the paid to click. Then when i watch tv at night I try surveys. This makes it a little less monotonous and I don't spend time I would spend doing other things on FC.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: hiyikfko on December 10, 2011, 06:40:41 am
I alternate between surveys and forums and games as well with a movie going on to distract me for a few minutes just for fun so as to have a little bit going on so I dont get the monotone feeling as well.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: oldbuddy on December 10, 2011, 07:15:31 am
Well if you take an hour or so you could easily make 100 in a month as I made $16 and change in only one night. Just one thing I dont know about firefox is how do you clear your cookies as it dose not say cookies anywhere? lol
Click on Tools, then Clear Recent History. If you click the little plus to show the details cookies are listed there.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: hiyikfko on December 10, 2011, 07:19:56 am
Nice thank you, used Firefox for a long time and never understood where the cookies were on here where IE says it straight out. lol
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: bethaynpearl on December 10, 2011, 06:38:42 pm
the way i see it, this site pays for my gum habit each month lol :BangHead:
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: oldbuddy on December 10, 2011, 08:10:31 pm
the way i see it, this site pays for my gum habit each month lol :BangHead:
That's all up to you, I could NEVER chew that much gum even if I was a "Chain Chewer".
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: athomas226 on December 14, 2011, 12:03:56 pm
I've only been on for a couple of weeks and I'm up to about $20...I hope to be able to get $50 a month. But then again I only do the free offers.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: avannoy on December 14, 2011, 12:24:58 pm
I have to agree, I'm new on here and so far it seems pretty difficult to make much money on here but reading some of these posts are encouraging.  Thanks for the tips. :)
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: kat02100 on December 15, 2011, 06:43:08 am
Making money on here takes time and patience. Its never going too make you rich, but it is a good supplemental income.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: alatham63 on December 16, 2011, 03:12:39 am
I know the Credit Card offers pay more but doesn't that affect your credit score to open and close so many accounts?
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: Assmite on December 16, 2011, 04:32:31 am
Definitely worth the extra income if your patient enough to earn it
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: RobertMendez on December 16, 2011, 09:19:01 am
yea i ask myself the same question...but interesting what people have responded.

thanks for the info :thumbsup:
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: gafee2001 on December 16, 2011, 10:12:02 am
As far as offers, the new Daily Tasks are pretty rewarding!
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: pvs_19857 on December 16, 2011, 11:56:31 am
Making money on here takes time and patience
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: monnee on December 16, 2011, 12:55:16 pm
It could be done, if you work on it every day.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: sigmapi1501 on December 16, 2011, 02:13:21 pm
When I'm active I will make 500 in a month.  This site has been nice. If things slow down in my real job I am able to make a little here.   
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: premar16 on December 16, 2011, 02:54:34 pm
When I'm active I will make 500 in a month.  This site has been nice. If things slow down in my real job I am able to make a little here.   
how the heck are u pulling that off
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: oldbuddy on December 16, 2011, 03:06:43 pm
how the heck are u pulling that off

You sound surprised that anyone could make $500 a month from the Internet. It's not that hard when you find a high demand product or service and put it in front of the right people. I have had many DAYS when I made a couple hundred.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: premar16 on December 16, 2011, 03:27:56 pm
My refferals are slowing down i have 9 and then they stopped abruptly and i dont know what to do about
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: oldbuddy on December 16, 2011, 04:42:48 pm
My refferals are slowing down i have 9 and then they stopped abruptly and i dont know what to do about

That's simple, just get more.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: premar16 on December 16, 2011, 06:16:09 pm
Well yea i know that i just not sure how im running out of tricks and i dont have alot of cash to pay for ads and webpages
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: mardukblood2009 on December 16, 2011, 09:19:11 pm
I made 50 in 6 months so hopefully I will make a 100 in a year. Just keep at it. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: jkhanson on December 17, 2011, 07:36:46 am
I think you should read this msg I found on another thread.

Re: fusioncash.com, scam?
I'd stay away from this operation. They have a history of denying payments to their users for no apparent reason, often citing that it's the user's fault they are not being paid. Yet they can't provide proof of the alleged violation(s). Finally, when pressed further they will tell you you're not paid because the advertisers haven't paid them. They violate their own policies and make up rules as they go along to withhold payments.

They are uncooperative, lying sob's, and unethical. They have their employees post bogus comments on the forums to make it appear as if the satisfaction rates among users are high, when in reality, it is a nightmare, especially when you are trying to cash out. Very few succeed.

Many of been scammed, so be forewarned.

roberthope---FusionCash is certainly NOT a scam.  It has been paying on time for over 5 years.  I don't know where you got the information you posted above.

I have been paid 10 times and I know MANY MANY other people have been paid EVERY TIME as well.

Please don't try to smear the good name of FusionCash.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: jaymz462 on December 17, 2011, 08:07:38 am
I've been using FC for over 4 years now, and have never had a problem with payments or anything like that.  Check my banner- I can assure you I wouldn't be here if there were problems!
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: GlendaMoore44 on December 17, 2011, 10:05:24 am
I have been with FC for over a year now & haven't failed to get paid...so there for FC isn't a scam....I love FC....  :)
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: Kfickes on December 17, 2011, 01:37:52 pm
I see people on who have made alottt of momey how the heck are u doing that I know refferals are a big part.But from my experience those are hard to get so what is your secret I am new and am 10 away from my first cash out :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I have made more then a 1000 $ in 10 months. It can be done if you put in the time.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: Garydh on December 17, 2011, 02:38:31 pm
I think you should read this msg I found on another thread.

Re: fusioncash.com, scam?
I'd stay away from this operation. They have a history of denying payments to their users for no apparent reason, often citing that it's the user's fault they are not being paid. Yet they can't provide proof of the alleged violation(s). Finally, when pressed further they will tell you you're not paid because the advertisers haven't paid them. They violate their own policies and make up rules as they go along to withhold payments.

They are uncooperative, lying sob's, and unethical. They have their employees post bogus comments on the forums to make it appear as if the satisfaction rates among users are high, when in reality, it is a nightmare, especially when you are trying to cash out. Very few succeed.

Many of been scammed, so be forewarned.

roberthope---FusionCash is certainly NOT a scam.  It has been paying on time for over 5 years.  I don't know where you got the information you posted above.

I have been paid 10 times and I know MANY MANY other people have been paid EVERY TIME as well.

Please don't try to smear the good name of FusionCash.

Usually those that try to smear FusionCash or beginners, they haven't taken the time to really study the tutorial videos, or get into the forum and are just upset, and make comments showing their ignorance. Thats is too bad. It seems they are the instant society, and if it does not work instantly there on to something else before they have really checked FusionCash Out.

I started with the Tutorial Video, I am a little slow, so had to view it a couple more times. I do not have any money so could not spend any money. (That was a good thing), so without spending money I thought how really does this work. Well the tutorials, the forums and great people like Old Buddy, taught me. I have cashed out once, and will be cashing out again.

I just wished those "Newbies", would take there time, relax review, read, check out the forum and they too would be giving acalaides (sp), to this great program.  Oh Well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.  Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: tuyetmai on December 17, 2011, 07:22:55 pm
i make anywhere from $30-$60 a month on here.  i make most of my money from doing surveys.  i do some everyday.  some people on here do not like surveys because they can't get them to credit or there are never any surveys that they qualify for.  but i don't have too much trouble with them.  they work for me most of the time.  you just have to keep trying and check back everyday. make sure that you do all of the daily things that you can do, like the daily cash email, the paid to click, and watching the paid videos.
Yeah most of the surveys I cannot get though so I don't even bother try them.  But I try to work on daily activities and it help me built up.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: xyleaht on December 17, 2011, 07:50:44 pm
I would have to agree with AMBERTAYLOR31. I try doing a couple surveys a day, plus the daily offers and it has been working ok for me so far. But I usually am able to do at least one survey a day.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: tjshorty on December 17, 2011, 08:22:22 pm
This is one of the few sites that I have actually bought something to make the cash out.  I have never made money from referring people, on any site that I use.  Basically for that is people don't believe me that they can make money doing this sort of thing or they just don't have the time to do any thing on line other than facebook.  Stick with it, do the daily stuff and it will happen.
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: dwiley11 on December 18, 2011, 08:54:00 am
I only spend a little time  on  here and make 25 every 2 months
Title: Re: making more than 100 a year
Post by: shepherdchik on December 19, 2011, 12:37:16 pm
In make the $25 at least every 2 months or so, sometimes more or more often depending on what i do, how many surveys I qualify for if I have time. Referrals will work well if they stick with it too and if they see how easy it is to make the money then they should. Keep checking for new offers too. It adds up quickly so keep up the good work!