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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: ladycasshmere on July 01, 2011, 03:42:14 pm
I have to but I am considering having three but not until I start making more money. Dont wanna to add a baby and not be financially stable.
I have to but I am considering having three but not until I start making more money. Dont wanna to add a baby and not be financially stable.
I plan to have two a boy and a girl.
I just happened to have 4 kids and 6 grandkids--no planning involved.
I have 3 counting my boyfriends, I would like one more
I have to but I am considering having three but not until I start making more money. Dont wanna to add a baby and not be financially stable.
I have 4 boys and I love them a lot. I don't think I'm going to try for a boy. We all thought the last one was a girl. :D
i plan on 3
I do not have any, unable to due to health issues. Would love to adopt, but the whole process makes it nearly impossible! :crybaby2:
I have a 12 year old step daughter who has called me dad since she was 6. My wife has had 3 miscarriages which was pretty difficult for us. The fertility doctor has pinpointed the issue and it can be resolved when we have more money. Health insurance doesn't cover fertility for us. In any case I'lll always love my wife and my step daughter as my own.
I have zero, and do not want any.
I have 6. My husband has a good job, so I get to stay home with the kids. It is very nice
I have only one now, I do not have a plan, it depends on my husband. he wants many,but it depends on his income, and I do not have a job now.taking care of my first baby at home now.
I always wanted to have four kids,but I had three. I am thankful my kids. I am very respectful of people who have a large family. When I say large I mean about six or more kids.
i would love to adopt 2 kids. a boy and a girl. but not now.
I have 4 boys and 1 girl and another boy coming in a month. People often tease us for having a big family. But hey, I'm never bored, I get tons of exercise, and there's plenty of love to go around.
I have 1 and don't plan on more.
i love baby but 1 is enough :) ... my little girl will be 2yrs old soon and im happy just to have 1 baby girl so i can give all the love she needs ",)
I have 3 beautiful little girls who are the best gifts that God could ever send my way!!! Being a mom has definitely helped me be a better person and slowed me down alot!! Not planning to have anymore though,tubes are tied!!! 3 is enough for me!
I am not even close to that point of my life, but i like the number two. yeah that sounds like a good round number.
personallly I gave birth to four children and have three. They are the best. Tracy is 14, Chevy is 11, and Annie is 8. I could not have asked for better and I do not want more! :thumbsup: :heart: :star: