FC Community

Discussion Boards => Payments => Topic started by: XleighanaX on June 06, 2011, 06:26:56 pm

Title: Why?!?!? *No Payment!!*
Post by: XleighanaX on June 06, 2011, 06:26:56 pm
I "cashed out" on 5/7/11 ... Why is my Cashout still pending? Not Approved?

I Put in a Complaint with the BBB for other reasons, then Informed FusionCash i would not be recommended the website to anybody. They "fixed" the problem to their standards not mine. Still  not happy about the whole situation, I JUST WANT MY MONEY! (Or i guess the part of it im ALLOWED to have!)
Title: Re: Why?!?!? *No Payment!!*
Post by: blackish0t on June 06, 2011, 06:44:01 pm
you have to wait until 6/20 to get your paycheck. you ALWAYS receive/get cleared by the 20th of the month after you cash out. it's there in the terms. Thats why people wait until the end of the month to cash out because no matter what day you cash out, it is approved the 20th of the next month. Checks normally show up 5-8 days after the 20th.
Title: Re: Why?!?!? *No Payment!!*
Post by: abreogshan on June 06, 2011, 06:44:22 pm
Wow thats horrible.  :- I hope that doesn't happen when my time comes.
Title: Re: Why?!?!? *No Payment!!*
Post by: alina6 on June 06, 2011, 06:54:27 pm
U need to make sure you read the rules, no matter when you cash out during the month you receive the check/payment the 20th of the next month. That's why most people will wait until the end of the month to cash out (you also have the opportunity to obtain more money towards that check). Also remember I believe you only have 6 months to cash out from the time you do an offer.
Title: Re: Why?!?!? *No Payment!!*
Post by: Annella on June 06, 2011, 08:32:14 pm
I have found Fusion Cash to be fair about fixing problems if they are incorrect. However, if you have done something wrong, then you must go back and read the rules. If you got to the minimum of $25, was $15 in offers part of the $25? If not, then you cannot cash out until those parameters have been met. Make sure you read ALL the rules and follow them. Did you know you can cancel your own cash out, and add more money to it before cashing out again? If your in "pending" then withdraw your cash out, make sure everything is kosher before cashing out again.

I've had problems in the year I've been here, but Fusion Cash has made it right monetarily. They will make it right if you give them the opportunity. Don't let someone or something turn you from this great website. Stick with it, try to iron out the wrinkles with Admin. They do have a phone number, so give them a call, or leave a message for them to call you. You maybe won't get rich here, but you can make a substantial chunk of change (see my banner). Give them the benefit of the doubt and let them help you. It will be worth it in the end.

Important Note:  When you cash out, you don't get paid until the 20th of the next month (in the rules and regs.) Most people here cash out around the end of the month. Once you get going, cashing out at the end of every month becomes easier and easier. That way, there's "extra" coming to you every month. I love it!
Title: Re: Why?!?!? *No Payment!!*
Post by: med_student11 on June 06, 2011, 08:44:50 pm
Your cash out doesn't get approved until the 20th of the next month or a couple days before. This site is great! It's all in the rules, so there is no hidden agenda or "fine print." They are up front with everything :) I agree, you should cash out on the last day of the month so you don't have to wait so long to receive your money.

And what do you mean by "the part [you] are allowed to have." Did you go over your 180 day time limit for offers?
Title: Re: Why?!?!? *No Payment!!*
Post by: falcon9 on June 06, 2011, 10:16:59 pm
I "cashed out" on 5/7/11 ... Why is my Cashout still pending? Not Approved?

As several other people have indicated, FC clearly states when it pays out (the 20th of every month or, thereabouts), no matter when you request a cash-out.  As long as at least $15 of the $25 minimum required amount to cash out is in offers (and not just bonuses), you'll be paid when everyone else is.  Demanding any portion of that cash out request sooner than FC stipulates is an unreasonable demand.

I Put in a Complaint with the BBB for other reasons, then Informed FusionCash i would not be recommended the website to anybody. They "fixed" the problem to their standards not mine. Still  not happy about the whole situation, I JUST WANT MY MONEY! (Or i guess the part of it im ALLOWED to have!)

I wouldn't recommend FC to anyone who displays the patience of a mayfly either.
Title: Re: Why?!?!? *No Payment!!*
Post by: timetravel on June 07, 2011, 03:46:52 am
I cashed out for the first time recently with just about 27.00.  It says right by the cashout about approval being on or before the 20th of June.  I'm cool with that.  In the meantime, just building up to my second cashout!  Almost all of mine was in offers - only about 4.00 was in bonuses.
Title: Re: Why?!?!? *No Payment!!*
Post by: namrahnotyal on June 09, 2011, 05:13:11 am
I still havent received my check that I was suppose to get in May.
Title: Re: Why?!?!? *No Payment!!*
Post by: vb543 on June 09, 2011, 07:47:29 am
The fault may be yours. Did you read the instructions?

If you cash at and have at least $25, $15 of those from completing offers, you will receive your earnings around the 20th of the following month after you requested your cash out.
Title: Re: Why?!?!? *No Payment!!*
Post by: bostonphil on June 09, 2011, 08:25:15 am
To the person who should have received a check in May:  I suggest that you post this information under support in the forum giving members and staff all the details.  When did you cash out?  Has it been approved?  When was the check mailed.  Your account should tell you that.  I also suggest opening a support ticket.   :dontknow: