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Discussion Boards => Payments => Topic started by: MrsMorehead on May 15, 2011, 06:09:47 am

Title: Why doe sit take so long....
Post by: MrsMorehead on May 15, 2011, 06:09:47 am
Why does it take so long to get your check? Why is it that you cash out and they don't look it over and approve it then instead of waiting for the 20th of every month?
If you made the 25 dollars quota they have set to cash out, say you did that every week and cashed out, hypothetically of course, wouldn't you be able to recieve a check/paypal within the 1-5 (going with the longest) after you cashed out and would you get seperate checks for each time you cashed out during that month? I guess if they are having someoe work on the appoval part, why not have them working on it everyday so that we don't have to wait? Its just odd that you would have to wait till the 20th to even have it approved.
Title: Re: Why doe sit take so long....
Post by: ppv2 on May 15, 2011, 02:25:18 pm
I have no idea.  I don't mind waiting for my cashout.
Title: Re: Why doe sit take so long....
Post by: Stealth3si on May 15, 2011, 02:28:33 pm
Why does it take so long to get your check? Why is it that you cash out and they don't look it over and approve it then instead of waiting for the 20th of every month?
If you made the 25 dollars quota they have set to cash out, say you did that every week and cashed out, hypothetically of course, wouldn't you be able to recieve a check/paypal within the 1-5 (going with the longest) after you cashed out and would you get seperate checks for each time you cashed out during that month? I guess if they are having someoe work on the appoval part, why not have them working on it everyday so that we don't have to wait? Its just odd that you would have to wait till the 20th to even have it approved.
They don't have the resources to do that, perhaps?
Title: Re: Why doe sit take so long....
Post by: Annella on May 15, 2011, 03:13:04 pm
It gives them time to see if all your credits are going to stick for one thing. I've had a couple credits reversed by the company, so they had to deduct it from my earnings. Also, probably to keep their books straight themselves. Even when I worked a secular job, they took time to pay me as everything had to be calculated beforehand. I really don't mind waiting month to month. I like getting that lump sum in the middle last of the month as it gives me that "extra" to do something with.
Title: Re: Why doe sit take so long....
Post by: swkstudent on May 15, 2011, 04:15:28 pm
That's just how it works  :dontknow:
Title: Re: Why doe sit take so long....
Post by: MrsMorehead on May 16, 2011, 12:56:31 pm
Credits don't stick, if you do all they ask how would they  not stick? I have come across filling everything out, getting to the end and finishing it and not being credited for it. Taught me to use up harddrive space to store a bunch of screen shots and stuff like that.
Title: Re: Why doe sit take so long....
Post by: kimishim on May 17, 2011, 07:47:50 am
I agree with the others... I think they're checking all the offers to make sure they were all legit and properly credited. Maybe it also takes them a while to sum up that money and make sure all the companies have paid them before they pay you. I'm not sure. Though I wonder what happens if you cashout at $25, and then some of your credits look faulty and get reversed. Do they not allow you to cashout because you're now under $25, or do they let you cashout anyway?
Title: Re: Why doe sit take so long....
Post by: catherinedwhite on May 17, 2011, 09:31:57 am
Fusion Cash details the payout schedule in terms of service.
They pay ON Time - Every Time....so I'm Happy!
Title: Re: Why doe sit take so long....
Post by: janell07 on May 18, 2011, 06:24:01 am
It is a system they have set up that works.  I don't mind at all.  It helps everyone know when they will be paid.  It is like any other job, you have to wait so much time to get paid. 
Title: Re: Why doe sit take so long....
Post by: girlswin2 on May 21, 2011, 10:06:01 am
Most likely due to how many people that is on FC that they have to check to make sure are using just one ip address and still only has one account.  Its alot behind the scenes that you have to think of like if someone did an offer but didn't live up to what had to be done and they got money for it then money is taken back due to not following directions of the offer.  They have to check out links and all that.  Trust me there are alot of people on  FC.  Have great day! ;)
Title: Re: Why doe sit take so long....
Post by: namrahnotyal on May 21, 2011, 10:24:53 am