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Discussion Boards => Offers => Topic started by: sudeepa on November 05, 2010, 08:33:20 am

Title: Daily Taks
Post by: sudeepa on November 05, 2010, 08:33:20 am
How many of you are good at Daily Tasks? I see that there are daily tasks totaling to $3 in my account. I have tried doing them many times. But it seems to take such a long time that I lose interest. Is it me or a general feeling?
I think we have to answer a few questions as part of training. And then there are 10 pages for each task. If the accuracy drops, we get disqualified.

How many of you do daily tasks? Is it really worth the time? Please share your tips, so I can also get my $3 from these tasks.
Am sure many ppl out there would also like to learn.
Title: Re: Daily Taks
Post by: sflynt on November 05, 2010, 08:36:11 am
I honestly don't think I've ever actually finished one of those. I always try to but it takes forever or it says my info isn't right, when I know I did it right. Its worth it I think if you keep at it. I'm just too impatient I guess
Title: Re: Daily Taks
Post by: babysunshine on November 05, 2010, 08:41:26 am
i normally get frustrated while doing those.....i have no luck with those at all,sometimes when i think the task is being done and i check the status it tell me offer in progress smh.... :(
Title: Re: Daily Taks
Post by: kingreyam24 on November 05, 2010, 10:01:53 am
I normally lose interest also. I have completed a few of them, but they take so long that I usually don't even bother. Sometimes if I feel up to it, I will try to do on, but if I get that page that says some of my answers were not expected, I just quit because more than likely they are going to quit anyway. Then I will just have done all that work for nothing.
Title: Re: Daily Taks
Post by: deborah6 on November 05, 2010, 04:44:22 pm
   That's funny tell me more

How many of you are good at Daily Tasks? I see that there are daily tasks totaling to $3 in my account. I have tried doing them many times. But it seems to take such a long time that I lose interest. Is it me or a general feeling?
I think we have to answer a few questions as part of training. And then there are 10 pages for each task. If the accuracy drops, we get disqualified.

How many of you do daily tasks? Is it really worth the time? Please share your tips, so I can also get my $3 from these tasks.
Am sure many ppl out there would also like to learn.
Title: Re: Daily Taks
Post by: dmecham56 on November 05, 2010, 06:00:40 pm
I have done a few of the daily tasks. Some of them I try and I don't get enough questions right so I can't go on. I usually don't even bother with them unless they are paying .75 or more. There is one that pops up every so often where you have to type words into a search engine and then answer questions. I have done this one a few times and it pays $1.00 to $1.40. It takes awhile but it always credits instantly when you are done.

The one thing I like about the Daily Tasks is that they credit as soon as you finish them!
Title: Re: Daily Taks
Post by: kjones505 on November 05, 2010, 07:00:07 pm
I do them. It helped me make a little over $100 last month.
Title: Re: Daily Taks
Post by: MessiahMews on November 05, 2010, 08:41:36 pm
I managed to get TWO of them done and credited.

When they tell me I have a wrong answer I tell them that the question is unfair, and go back and PROVE that my answer was correct.  lol.

I prefer watching the videos (not Bing), and paid to click over anything.  But again, if I'm in the mood I will try the daily tasks.  Only certain ones, that is.
Title: Re: Daily Taks
Post by: tweety0412 on November 06, 2010, 03:42:16 am
It takes time, but it adds up in the end. Here are just a few I completed...

Special: Collect Professional Profile Information - 3b7074e    2010-11-05    $0.24    Approved
Special: Find Restaurant Web Addresses - 3ebd1289    2010-10-25    $0.32    Pending Cashout
Special: Choose the Best Category for Events - 78477b54    2010-08-29    $0.40    Pending Cashout
Title: Re: Daily Taks
Post by: Bigtalon on November 06, 2010, 06:48:14 am
My dailies normally approve right away, But let me tell you guys, you want to make money on this site, Daily tasks are a GREAT way to get money, I just went there and did the math if you did all the daily tasks available atm, everyday for a month, it would net you $186.60. So I think doing daily tasks is worth it don't you ?

Then you get .15 for the daily click thing
.02 for the daily e-mail.
Plus if you do daily surveys, thats .40 - 1.00 each a day!! So it would be REALLY easy for people to get $200+ a month, if they spent there days doing all these :)

@MessiahMews look at my money compared to yours, and my offers completed, you have done over double the offers and have less than money, so I advice listening to my advice guys :P
Title: Re: Daily Taks
Post by: med_student11 on November 06, 2010, 07:09:28 am
I do them sometimes, when I have a lot of time to kill. They do take a really long time, especially if there are 10 pages, but it's worth it if you finish them and get credited.
Title: Re: Daily Taks
Post by: jwallbank on November 06, 2010, 09:03:03 am
Those daily tasks do seem to be lengthy, especially the one's that give you a larger bonus. I have also attempted to do those and only got through 1 in the last 30 days. The one I got through only paid out  .24C and took me almost 40 min to complete. I sought of gave up on them.