FC Community
Discussion Boards => Offers => Topic started by: prillycake on October 29, 2010, 01:32:10 pm
I had to try this offer 2 times, but it credited the second time. Just register, fill out your name, address ect. and go through about 10 pages of offers. The .45 cents showed up in my account within 10 minutes.
I had to try this offer 2 times, but it credited the second time. Just register, fill out your name, address ect. and go through about 10 pages of offers. The .45 cents showed up in my account within 10 minutes.
Maybe I will have to give that offer a second chance, because it didn't credit for me the first time! I wasn't sure what I may have done wrong! Maybe it is worth a second chance then! Thanks for the information!
Thanks for the info. I just thought it would not work, and I would be required to participate in some of the offers. BUTTTT I will definately give it a try.
Thanks for sharing this. Now I will go and see if it is still available. If not it is my own fault for waiting so late to do things.
I usually hide the offers that don't credit, which was the case for this offer for me. I guess I may have to go back and try again. Thanks!!
I got credit for this one also. There are a lot of pages to go through, but it IS a free/no cc needed one, so you don't have to buy anything.
As you can see from my previous post above, I didn't have any luck with this offer the first time I did it. So I went ahead and tried my luck again today! I am happy to report that the first time, I must have gotten off track somewhere or something, because this time it did indeed credit, and was quick to credit! So for those of you that had trouble with it the first time, I am happy to say the second time was quick to credit for me!
McDonalds $100 GC 2010-11-05 $0.45 Approved
Where is this offer located? I want to sign up
Where is this offer located? I want to sign up
Just go to the main FusionCash offer page. Then click the Free / No CC Needed Offers Section. Then it will be within those offers as long as you haven't all ready completed it! Good luck!
I just did this offer and got credit too!! :thumbsup:
McDonalds $100 GC 2010-11-05 $0.45 Approved
Im not finding this one, any ideas?
I read your posting and went to the offer. I tried to complete it. The first three pages I was able to skip the offer. But on the fourth page, I had to sign up for one offer. I accepted one offer and then I was asked for more information. I decided to opt out because it seemed like it would be too time consuming. Maybe I will go back and try again. Did you have to sign up for one of the offers? :wave:
Well, I went back and tried again. I did get credit. My credit was instant. Thank you for the heads up. I would not have even tried this offer if I had not read your posting. :thumbsup:
Im not finding this one, any ideas?
If it is still there, it is under the "Free/No Credit Card Required section.