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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: bigedshult on June 19, 2010, 09:46:19 am

Title: what do u think of Obama
Post by: bigedshult on June 19, 2010, 09:46:19 am
I don't like the boom he all show and no do .blam other for ever thing that gos wrong and take the credit when something go wright all to him self.
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: dreamyxo on June 19, 2010, 11:27:27 pm
Think you can do a better job?  You should run for office. 
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: freepcmoney on June 20, 2010, 02:45:57 am
I think ---He is a Big Eared Communist----Sitting up there in the White House---Playing like he is the President !!! ( and he is a terrible actor.) 
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: kellie90 on June 20, 2010, 03:32:39 am
Lets face it, Bush left this country in one heck of a mess and it will take along time to get righted around....years and years.  It appears that Obama is at least trying although he was not my choice for president.  Time will tell.
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: franlee46 on June 20, 2010, 05:29:59 am
Lets face it, Bush left this country in one heck of a mess and it will take along time to get righted around....years and years.  It appears that Obama is at least trying although he was not my choice for president.  Time will tell.

I'm with you President Obama was left with a snakepit to wrangle with, wait and see is my attitude, although I wish that everyone in Government would show more sense of urgency about the oil spill more like oil flood, the earth is dying mother nature is very angry 
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: girlswin2 on June 20, 2010, 07:36:26 am
I don't like the way he's doing things either he is not doing anything to really help he just sits there taking credit for what goes right and blaming others for the what goes wrong.  He is not for america and most know it but don't want to say it.  I think there are plenty of other african americans or Black men out there that could and would do a better job.  He is out for himself and himself only.  Communist, socialism etc is all he is about.  Self gradification.  Everyone keeps blaming Bush for everything that is wrong but look how bad it was for Bush when he got into office after Clinton.  Obama has spent more money than any of them and he thinks that throwing money at it will fix it but what happened to most of that money it went to the same corporations bonus's again so if you like him then good for you but I don't care for him.    Thats my opinion!!   :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :wave:
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: eSineM on June 30, 2010, 08:33:41 pm
I cant get over how many people are still oblivious...I'm sick and tired of replying topics like this so im gonna just paste what i said in the last thread about it

"Okay, what is it exactly that is better...? more troops in the war... worsenring economy... what's better exactly? The wrongs that Bush did was ENFORCED by Obama not discouraged.. he embraced the bad policy, the patriot act, the military commissions act... what has he done to 'change'? Those who think Bush did all the bad things have short term memory, even Clinton was bombing places in IRAQ and had wars going on, assassinations etc. Then there was Bush Sr, Reagan.. Carter.. Nixon etc. Tons of bad presidents all with the same agenda"

"You don't become the president of the united states because you are a caring, loving, honest man... You get there because you are the most 'pliable'. People put far too much credit for the position of president, he is often just doing as told. Just pretending to take control. They hired him for one reason only, he is a good speaker and can read teleprompters fluently unlike Bush who botched up every speaking engagement. Obama has been well trained in 'saying what you want to hear' like all those books 'how to get ahead' etc. He is a debate and public speaking expert, that's all he needs to be.. The policy is set behind closed doors at the G8 G20, bilderberg, CFR meetings etc.

The only time Obama can do his own thing is when he is flying out to have beer with a cop etc. Or saying "I am disappointed" etc. He just  jumps at the photo ops when there is opportunity to show his "human" side, when in fact he is doing nothing behind the scenes to make it any better for the people, only for big business"

Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: Graeth on June 30, 2010, 08:40:56 pm
He's as good as any other politician in modern times: harmless; well, useless.
Makes a lot of noise, doesn't get anywhere; like a two cylinder moped trying to get on the freeway.
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: Rastov on June 30, 2010, 10:32:39 pm
I cant get over how many people are still oblivious...I'm sick and tired of replying topics like this so im gonna just paste what i said in the last thread about it

"Okay, what is it exactly that is better...? more troops in the war... worsenring economy... what's better exactly? The wrongs that Bush did was ENFORCED by Obama not discouraged.. he embraced the bad policy, the patriot act, the military commissions act... what has he done to 'change'? Those who think Bush did all the bad things have short term memory, even Clinton was bombing places in IRAQ and had wars going on, assassinations etc. Then there was Bush Sr, Reagan.. Carter.. Nixon etc. Tons of bad presidents all with the same agenda"
I disagree that Nixon was a bad president. Are you basing this on Vietnam, Cambodia, and South America? Or Watergate?
Nixon was a president with many accomplishments and has generally been beat up over a single thing. Yes, he couldn't continue to hold office after it, but it hardly negates everything else he did.
Jefferson pretty much pushed us into a second war with England, but he's widely regarded a great president.
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: eSineM on July 01, 2010, 03:52:19 am
I cant get over how many people are still oblivious...I'm sick and tired of replying topics like this so im gonna just paste what i said in the last thread about it

"Okay, what is it exactly that is better...? more troops in the war... worsenring economy... what's better exactly? The wrongs that Bush did was ENFORCED by Obama not discouraged.. he embraced the bad policy, the patriot act, the military commissions act... what has he done to 'change'? Those who think Bush did all the bad things have short term memory, even Clinton was bombing places in IRAQ and had wars going on, assassinations etc. Then there was Bush Sr, Reagan.. Carter.. Nixon etc. Tons of bad presidents all with the same agenda"
I disagree that Nixon was a bad president. Are you basing this on Vietnam, Cambodia, and South America? Or Watergate?
Nixon was a president with many accomplishments and has generally been beat up over a single thing. Yes, he couldn't continue to hold office after it, but it hardly negates everything else he did.
Jefferson pretty much pushed us into a second war with England, but he's widely regarded a great president.

Nixon is responsible for many of the health problems today, from his support and introduction of HFCS and power given to sugar, to his "war on cancer" agenda which resulted in more cancer than ever (like the war on drugs caused more drug abuse than before)

I would be lying to say I knew first hand Nixon's crimes and agenda, I was not alive at that time. Hard to assume he was the only honest president hehe. Anyone who makes it into office has some serious corruption I believe. All presidents in my lifetime have proven this, but cannot speak before my time.
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: kqa on July 01, 2010, 05:36:01 am
Don't like him and don't trust him.
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: emerald6786 on July 01, 2010, 07:36:32 am
Please! Some of the people hear has alot to say about Obama, What would they say if it was someelse. Could they handle the pressure, no they would resign. He's doing good job, and should be given praise. He can't make all the decisions by himself, they are other parties making most of the decisions. The Democrates and the Republican, and other individuals have to come together a make crucial decisions for this country. As you know if they both don't agree, then the President has to set up continuous meetings until everyone is on the same page. Everyone has to stop laying the blame on one person's because it's not his fault. He can only do but so much they let him do. You must admit he's doing the best he can to make things right, just like the other President's before him. Please stop being bias towards him and give everyone a chance to make changes. It won't happen over night. Things takes time.
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: eSineM on July 01, 2010, 04:13:11 pm
Please! Some of the people hear has alot to say about Obama, What would they say if it was someelse. Could they handle the pressure, no they would resign. He's doing good job, and should be given praise. He can't make all the decisions by himself, they are other parties making most of the decisions. The Democrates and the Republican, and other individuals have to come together a make crucial decisions for this country. As you know if they both don't agree, then the President has to set up continuous meetings until everyone is on the same page. Everyone has to stop laying the blame on one person's because it's not his fault. He can only do but so much they let him do. You must admit he's doing the best he can to make things right, just like the other President's before him. Please stop being bias towards him and give everyone a chance to make changes. It won't happen over night. Things takes time.

emerald6786 person, did you read anything I typed?

He would resign? When was the last president that resigned? you're funny xD ... Vietnam, World Wars, Great depressions... Presidents don't resign, even if they are cowards like Bush...

Things take time... that's what the excuse always is.. Well its already 2010, getting to be 2011 soon... Not sure what we are waiting for, he sent even MORE troops to war, and the economy is worse... so what exactly are we waiting for? And how long do we wait? you do realize he only has a max of 8 years right?

Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: shanelikelly on July 01, 2010, 04:56:54 pm
i agree with you
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: cakestripe on July 01, 2010, 08:27:10 pm
Oh, I think he's doing a much better job than most! He came into a really, really tough situation, and he's handling it waaay better than I ever could expect myself to!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: eSineM on July 01, 2010, 11:19:37 pm
Generic comment...
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: tantricia44 on July 02, 2010, 12:29:02 am
 :BangHead: Those dumping on Obama, need a wake - up call, hellooooo..... Remember Obama stepped into this crap from the previous administrations' when he became president. So, he's not blaming everyone for everything that has happened. He's just stating the facts. I'm glad somebody's brave enough to be president because you couldn't give me enough money in this world, to be in President Obama's shoes right now. As for him blaming others for past & future happenings....listen to the news, many political persons are being reinvested due to past criminal acts that are affecting what's happening to Americans right now. The man can't fix something that has been broken for several decades & be able to solve it in year. So, unless you want to be president & have the guts to deal with the crises' of today, SHUT UP  & give the man a chance.
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: melissymoo on July 02, 2010, 05:10:18 am
dont like him  or any other president for that matter  oh well.
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: dkanofsky on July 05, 2010, 06:06:39 am
I voted for him but currently not very impressed with the way he is handling education. Illinois has cut the budget for education considerably and the students are the ones feeling the impact.  Obama had some wonderful ideas about education and what he was going to do as President to improve it.  Now, nothing.  He budgets millions of dollars for solar energy and nothing for education.
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: dmalsbury on July 05, 2010, 08:36:54 am
president of the US is a horrible job that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Anyone remember how Bill Clinton aged while in the white house? If he would just get rid of funding the drug cartels in Mexico by removing their profit centers. If you end the war on hemp that will remove most of their illegal profits.
Title: Re: what do u think of Obama
Post by: Storm61115 on July 05, 2010, 11:04:00 am
I don't like the boom he all show and no do .blam other for ever thing that gos wrong and take the credit when something go wright all to him self.

i dont like him. i didnt vote for him. i voted for mccain. i was mad when obama got elected.