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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: paigesuftko on March 12, 2010, 03:08:16 pm
which is your favorite?
I'd have to pick Burger King, although I wouldn't call it my favorite. Kids love both.
It's about equal for me. I love the Big Mac and I love the Whopper. McDonald's french fries are better.
I like McDonalds alot better. I don't like the broiled burgers and don't care for BKs fries. Plus can't beat that dollar menu!
It's about equal for me. I love the Big Mac and I love the Whopper. McDonald's french fries are better.
I agree, Mcd's french fries are better. I like their fruit and walnut salad as well. It's really good!
MickieD's. Burger King tastes too oniony to me, and leaves a strong aftertaste.
I have to say Burger King only because I like their french fries more.
Think outside the bun.
Burger King..
I think I will choose Burger King. For me, they have more options and that includes a Slurpee. You can also order a meal and change some of the items in it.
BK because I like the the Whopper and fries over anything McDonald's has.
I've always preferred the fire grilled taste of BK burgers over McDonalds flat grilled ones.
Big Mac over Whopper for me. I really don't like BK's Fries, even the onion rings have lost something. Those used to be good with a shake.
I go for Mcdonald's angus mushroom and swiss! Juicy tasty and nutritious. They had promotion the other day with a free apple pie. The match great!
burger kings double cheese burgers are the best cant beat the price and taste.
McDonalds... The McRid are so good ... limit time only.... :star:
Will take a Big Mac any day over the Whopper.
But BK is closer than McD's so I often opt out for the BK chicken sandwich.
I tend not to eat at either because I stay away from fast food places. But if I can recall from the last time I went, Burger King burgers were better, but McDonalds french fries are always the best.
After watching Supersize Me, I never want to eat at fast food like McDonalds or Burger King again...
Burger King's burgers but McD's fries.
i would prefer burger king but i have have to settle for mcdonalds since it is closer to my home. its good to get a different tasting burger every now and then
I would never turn down either Burger king or Mcdonalds , but if I have to pick one I would pick Mcdonalds
Burger King was my favorite. Now my 2 year old hates it, he loves McDonalds so he wins, I am a Mcdonald's man now.
What can I say, BIG MAcs rule
Now that burger king has a $1.00 double cheeseburger, they win.
burger king all the way.....
I think I like Burger King a little bit, but I tend to go to McDonalds more....very similar in my opinion though!
I used to be Micky D's all the way but in all honestly... I've become a BK kind of gal. The whopper is good and surprisingly, their fries aren't bad.
Gotta go with the clown over the king on this one. The fries seal the deal.
Mcdonalds..Booger Fling is alwayssssssss ditry
neither, i have not a fast food burger in about 10 years..i go to taco bell or arbys.
I love Burger King....The Whopper and the Whopper Jr. are the bomb...Nothing Beats a Whopper...
I have to pick McDonalds. They have great food at a great price.
Depends on what I am in the mood for. I love onion rings from BK, but apple pies at McD are goooooood!
I prefer to go to Burger King. I like their food better.
I don't really like either one that much .... but McDonalds is my favorite of the 2. My favorite fast food would have to be Arbys. :)
Just because a lot of the Burger Kings in our area have closed, I'll have to pick McDonalds-love those fries!
I like burger king's chicken more
Think outside the bun.
That's what I'm saying. A burrito or a sub is my favorite grub.
I really don't have a preference. My husband and I usually go to McDonalds because when we eat Burger King the burgers always repeat on my husband.
I like both burger places. But I do tend to go to McDonald's the most because it's right in my neighborhood. I do like Burger King because I like their double whoppers with cheese.
i prefer mcdonalds because they have more stuff
i prefer mcdonalds cause they have more variety.
I love both but if I had to pick it would be McDonalds.
Burger king is not that good anymore, I like McDonalds better.
For a burger, I would go for BK. For fries and Chicken sandwiches I would go to McDonalds.
McDonalds on some days, Burger King on some days. I don't really like either but if that's all I had to chose from, Burger King.
McDonald's fries are better, but Burger King's burgers are better.
mcdonalds is the best hands down and nobody can beat them not even the jealous burger king :) :thumbsup:
we love BKs chicken sandwichs
I like Burger King's food better, but around here they're dirty.... :-X So I choose McDonalds.
I like burger king much better quality, MCDonalds is for cheap, quick, and easy food
They both have ups and downs. I love Big Macs, but altogether I think Burger King wins for me.
Neither are my favorite, but BK is much better to me tha McD.
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I forgot to mention this in my last post but Burger King is the best by far! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
my favorite would have to be burger king, I just love the taste of their burgers *0*
but I also really like mc donalds fries lol
::) not really a choice for me, my son is a McDonald fanatic.
Burger King
Burger king has the best fries but the burgers are a bit dry... so i will say mcdonalds
Burger king has the best fries but the burgers are a bit dry... so i will say mcdonalds
Eww both are gross but i guess Burger King, better fries:)
I like both but mickey D's is my fav for sure lol yum I could eat a big mac right now. :)
i like burger kings dbl cheese burgers and i like mcdonalds chicken sandwiches so i am not sure :dontknow:
I like McDonalds alot better. I don't like the broiled burgers and don't care for BKs fries. Plus can't beat that dollar menu!
I dont really like fast food all that much... much rather go to an actual restaurant with some friends.
McDonalds all the way. Though Burger King's double cheeseburger IS bigger, it doesnt taste as good in my opinion.
Mcdonalds- but only because they're fries are so tempting and delicious!
Don't love any. I'd rather not eat any of those. They are bad for you ::) But once in a while I go to Burger King, cuz I just adore their fries. McDonalds are usually way too fried or too salty for me, so with that in mind, I prefer Burger King :thumbsup:
Without a doubt Burger King. I like the taste of a char broiled burger as opposed to a grilled burger. :D
If I had to choose....Burger King. You can not beat a 80 cent sausage biscuit in the morning, even if it is soaked in grease. ;D
Used to be Mickey D's, but Burger King has the better Double Cheeseburger. Have you tried Hardees' Grilled Cheeseburger? :star:
I prefer Burger King whoppers but i love mcdonalds fries. but i also prefer wendy's frostys!
definately burger king. mcdonalds burgers don't taste like real meat. it tastes like there's bread or something in the meat.
I like burger kind but but my parents like mcd cuz it cheaper
I'm a pretty healthy eater, so I try to stay away from fast food. But, if I was really craving some it, I'd probably go for some Burger King. Their burgers are way better than McDonald's and I've heard way too many bad things about McDonald's to ever go back there again.
I would have to say I perfer McDonald's over BK. Much better fries and burgers.
Burger King would have to be the one I would choose.
Burger King burgers + McDonalds fries = FTW
This is a tough decision. I like burger king whopper jrs. but do not like their onion rings at all. I like mcdonalds chicken and cheeseburgers. so tough call.
Burger king is my absolute favorite! We don't have one inthe town that I live in the closest is about a half hour away so I don't get it eat it very often. But thats ok, it probably wouldn't be good if it were here cause I would eat it all the time
i like them equally
I like the taste of Burger King hamburgers better but for some reason Mcdonalds feels more nostalgic like being a kid again.
i personally love the HOT N' Spicy.......i mean MC donalds is the only burger place i know that actually has a spicy chicken sandwich........and the MCDouble is just as tasty
I like burger king much better. however, I love Mcd fires without salt. Mcd sandwiches taste like salt too. Dont like salt.
I prefer mcdonald than burger king. Don't like the way burger king make there food.
I have to say my favorite would be Burger King. It seems if I go to Mcdonalds and get anything else besides coffee or a sundae, I get sick. I try to avoid it if possible.
The King wins lol :BangHead:
McD's which is what I had for lunch.
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its hard for me to pick what one i like better because i like the burgers from mcdonalds better and the fries from burger king. i wish i could combine the two!!
I love the fish sandwich at McDonalds. Also the chocolate chip cookies are great too.
I'd pick Burger King since the meat quality is better than McDonalds. You actually get what you pay for :).
Mcdonalds i guess i never really have burger king but if any fast food burgers i would say wendys
McDonalds is ok only becaues of the fries, but I prefer Burger King because of the Whopper and the onion rings, and they do a better fish sandwich. What do you think?
which is your favorite?
mcdonalds for sure..
MCDONALDS!! :notworthy: :thumbsup:
burger king for me,,i thing the burgers are better :bunny:
I love the burger king whoppers but the mcdonalds fries.Kinda hard to choose between the two.
mc donalds
MickyD's has awsome (how do you spell that?) HOT FUDGE SUNDAE'S .... YUMMMMMMMM
i dont have a preference, they are both fast food....
Daughter prefers mcdonalds so well go with mcdonalds
Burger King. :)
I love the BK Stacker. :heart:
i WILL TAKE MIKKIE DEES any day, because the burger king down here, the people are so rude and lazy... :star: :heart:LOVE'S MCDONALDS
McDonalds all the way <3 love their fries ;D
I like McDonalds
both r yumme
Mcdonalds would be my choice,.
There was only a McDonald's in my town when I grew up, so I became loyal to them. I love the taste of BK Whoppers, though, even though it always seems like they pop mine into the microwave before they serve it to me. I can't believe they're allowed to do that.
The best case sernerio is I buy any BK sandwhich and I get fries from Mcdonalds. I love McDonalds fries. That's the only reason I will go to McDonalds. Until recently their sandwhiches are plain.
both are good!
Neither is my favorite but I have to pick McD's if I have to choose. Burger King is located too far from my home. It's a road trip to eat there and if I'm going that far, I'm going to pick something better!
i would go for the fries and whopper but nothing else from burger king is good to me.
I would have to say McDonalds. I enjoy Burger King as well but overall, from my dining experiences, I usually choose McDonalds and my opinion may be a little skewed since I worked there when I was younger.
My favorite is burger king. My favorite sandwich they serve there is the tender crisp sandwich it rocks.
Burger King, better burgers.
I used to think McD's had the best fries, but lately the one I go to has been oversalting the hell out of them, making them nearly inedible.
I prefer Wendy's over both. Plus they have the Frosty.
burger king their hamburger test better.
I go for whichever one has the best dollar menu. I like Wendy's too. The spicy chicken for a buck is great, same for the small burgers and wendy's chili. I wish BK or Macd had a good chili to compete with wendys.
burger king :thumbsup:
Definitely McDonalds. Although it make me feel pretty bad physically afterwards, their fries can't be beat.
mickey ds. been forever since i had bk so im going back haha
I prefer burger king because I enjoy the whopper :D
I like Burger King better. There chicken sandwiches are awesome. I don't like there fries, McDonald's fries are better. My daughter like McDonald's better.
I love Burger King. Whoppers are great.
I would have to say that Mcdonalds is my favorite. I love their burgers.
BK fries are better, hands down. mcdonalds has the worst fries in my opinion. bk burgers are also usually better but i like mcdonalds chicken. you cant beat a mcchicken for a dollar! my husband has also introduced me to the wendys value menu chicken sandwiches and they are pretty darn good too!
DEFINATELY the King...McNasties can keep their bad service an greasy food..I only get choc chip cookies an strawberry or egg nog milkshakes... ;D
I like mcdonalds for their dollar menus and fries. There's this monopoly game too, so mcdonalds all the way. haha
I like McDonalds the best although sometimes I prefer Burger King's fries. And now that Burger King has soft serve ice cream....they have strawberry sundaes whereas McD's doesn't but BK doesn't have the little peanuts to put on it. But McD's has better food, fries & coffee drinks and lower prices so I have to go with them.
McDonald's all the way. I only go to BK only about once every year or two, but i can say, McDonald's has alot more choices for a $1.
I think that Burger King is the best There burgers are cheaper and bigger than mcdonalds.
"I like the whopper, **** the big mac" - Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock
Both can't beat a burrito though. "Put some hot sauce on my burrito, baby!!!"
burger king
Hate them both. Won't eat sick cows pumped with antibiotics, thanks :)
McDonalds cause they have the monopoly game lol
The chocolate chip cookies at McDonalds brings back happy memories of my childhood. They taste like
the cookies my Mom used to bake.
Mine would be McDs. Just for their cokes. I dont know what they put in them, but they have the best cokes going. Got to have one almost everyday
I absolutely love #1 with a sprite lol. McD's all the way :) And their vanilla bean coffee is yummy!
Onion rings from Burger King. I prefer McDonald's for everything else.
I'm gonna have to say McDonalds but I'm sure it's because of some addictive stuff they put into the chicken nuggets!
Burger King most definetly!! McDonalds is just greasy and nasty!! Burger kings burgers have atleast been grilled lol A whopper w/ cheese onion rings and a vanilla shake = WIN :thumbsup:
What about HARDEE' S????? That's my favorite! :dontknow:
BK or Mickey D? That's a tough one... think I'll have to go with KFC. Who can make a better batter than the Colonel himself (before he expired of course)? OK, I guess that's cheating. Can I pick neither? OK, not good either. I'll go with McDonalds (because it's closer to my home).
MacDonalds...loved the cheeseburgers and fries
Burger king is what I like..although I do enjoy McD's but for whatever reason (must not be good) burgers make my stomach upset...yet does not deter me to come back!
Why are we eating this type of food. Come on people. I haven,t eaten this type of processed crap in 9 years. I took a mcbreak off this a long time ago.
McDonald's is the best, I love the McFlurries and the McChickens. Mmmmm. :)
Wendy's!!! Love that jr bacon cheeseburger! I like McD nuggets the best, but I love BK's croissant breakfast sammies... yum
McDonalds murders Burger King. I personally dont even think was a fair fight :P
They're about equal. There some things that mc does well & somethings that BK does well
BK- Whoppers great,onion rings,hash brwns, steak burgers,bf items are better.
Mc - fries,fish sandwich,mac nuggets,mc Rib, diet coke tastes better, Didn't like it when they got rid of the big & tasty which is the closest to the whopper.
:wave: :thumbsup: :peace: :star:
Depends on what it is. French Fries - definitely McD's. Crispy Chicken Salad - BK. Burgers - like em both. McD's has ice cream, coffee and gelato.
In my opinion, I really would pass on either one. I don't consider them healthy places to eat, but if I had to pick one, it would probably be McDonald's. I love their Big Macs and fries when they are really hot, and I need some guilty pleasure...haha! 8) I also like their seasonal McFlurries. Like one year they came out with these green "Shrek" McFlurries that had chocolate brownies in it! I swear, I went to McDonald's everyday to get one when those were available. I wish they would brings those back. The last time I ate at Burger King was like 5 years ago. I had some chicken nuggets and they were awful!! :angry7: I thought they tasted like pine. :P I quit going to BK since then. Now, I usually go to Subway and eat healthier. ;)
Gots to be McDonald's over Burger King--but I'd rather go to Chick Fil A or Bojangles any day.
My pick is Micky D's. I dont visit very ofter, but I really enjoy the Mc Chicken. I used to order the Big n Tasty but they dont offer it any longer
I prefer the stuff at Burger King. But I like the salads at McDonald's better.
BK all the way, actually grilled food that taste real and I love there onion rings, I also enjoy wendys since they actually grill fresh burgers. Defiantly need more Burger Kings around though I dont have one near me.